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*warning* laced weed in the GTA


New member
GTA residents beware - some people (i have reason to believe they are from pickering/ajax) are selling bud under the name "supremium kush" or "high premium kush" and it is laced with Flunitrazepam (otherwise known as the date rape drug rohypnol).

As far as I know the dudes that were selling it were hyping the fact that they brought seeds back from a trip to Afghanistan. This is most likely in an attempt to explain why the smoke produced such a drowsy narcotic stone.

keep on the lookout, and stay safe.



New member
My roommate brought this grass back from Pickering from some fucking disgrace of a dealer. My roommate went to the guy with his cousin who knew the dealer- who was apparently reputable for having good kush strains.

I had one toke from a bong- it was bitter, a little harsh, and stale tasting.
My gf and I both felt weird (absent minded, having trouble remembering things you read recently) for a while after toking, this is what prompted her to get the blood test which indicated the laced grass.

Stay safe in this shithole of a city.


Active member
cannagrower, like yourself i am a cannagrower, i dont sell drugs. ive also never smoked laced up grass and not sure it even exists...however if i wanted to put a drug in my body isnt that my own business ?? the OP said it has a narcotic stone and that appeals to me ...

dont get all pervey fella


New member
look whodair, this isnt a laughing matter.
Post something thoughtful, or quit fucking around.

joe fresh

Active member
i dont understand why ppl would lace weed.....they could get more money for the unlaced weed, then sell the lacing product on its own(rohypnol in this case) and make money there to...the buisness aspect of it is badly thaught out....

and this is besides the health issues and the angry custys.....


Active member
i dont understand why ppl would lace weed.....they could get more money for the unlaced weed, then sell the lacing product on its own(rohypnol in this case) and make money there to...the buisness aspect of it is badly thaught out....

and this is besides the health issues and the angry custys.....

plus some people like to get very intoxicated, such as acid pheno hazes ...


Active member
look whodair, this isnt a laughing matter.
Post something thoughtful, or quit fucking around.

ok heres a thought, ive grown organic marijuana for 18 years and never added extra drugs to my grass...

so i wanted a smoke report on this grass ... i wanted to know how it might make me feel...

i did not advocate drugging unsuspecting people
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Active member
My roommate brought this grass back from Pickering from some fucking disgrace of a dealer. My roommate went to the guy with his cousin who knew the dealer- who was apparently reputable for having good kush strains.

I had one toke from a bong- it was bitter, a little harsh, and stale tasting.
My gf and I both felt weird (absent minded, having trouble remembering things you read recently) for a while after toking, this is what prompted her to get the blood test which indicated the laced grass.

Stay safe in this shithole of a city.

are you calling toronto, ontario a shithole ?? then you tell me to post something useful ?? thanks for the advice i'll keep it in mind
AFP look is date rape a seriously fucked up thing, yes. but this man whodair is not talking about date rape, he is interested in drugging himself which is ok aslong as there is no victim. hit a jay and chill the tits out


New member
Yo im not here to argue, I am simply posting to warn others.

I would give you a proper smoke report, but I don't have a very clear recollection of the experience (go figure). I certainly wont be doing any more voluntarily.

I can tell you that I had a very hard time studying for a few days. I found myself rereading passages unable to recall the information detailed in previous paragraphs.

are you calling toronto, ontario a shithole ??

This is more a statement about metropolis in general. Toronto is a filthy concrete jungle, as with most urban centers. The unfortunate thing is that often the first and sometimes only bit of Ontario that people see is Toronto. The only exception is the cool architecture downtown and around U of T. Toronto might not capture the essence of Ontario, but at the moment I guess it is like most cities- a necessary evil. Paving over the beautiful landscape, and polluting the waters in order to create a diverse city.


Active member
some newyawkers find toronto impeccably clean...me being one of them !!! but ive never seen vancouver either...


Active member
My roommate brought this grass back from Pickering from some fucking disgrace of a dealer. My roommate went to the guy with his cousin who knew the dealer- who was apparently reputable for having good kush strains.

I had one toke from a bong- it was bitter, a little harsh, and stale tasting.
My gf and I both felt weird (absent minded, having trouble remembering things you read recently) for a while after toking, this is what prompted her to get the blood test which indicated the laced grass.

Stay safe in this shithole of a city.
So your girl went in for a full panel blood test?(all drugs)
Those results take a while too, how long ago was this?

No offense, but this sounds a little fishy, a lot of drugs do not work if you smoke them, try smoking an aspirin and see if you get headache relief, in fact most can't be smoked without some type of conversion first.

Also, the amount of Flunitrazepam needed in one single bong hit to have that kind of effect, and show up in this "blood test", would have to be huge, so much so that it would look like it had been completely rolled in flour, and totally obvious.

Not saying something isn't going on, but I'm more then a little skeptical it's what you're claiming


New member
There is nothing to be skeptical of.

It is relatively common to see rohypnol laced marijuana because rohypnol is one of the only benzodiazepines that can be smoked.
It was most likely mixed with water that dry buds were soaked in.

Also, the amount of Flunitrazepam needed in one single bong hit to have that kind of effect, and show up in this "blood test", would have to be huge, so much so that it would look like it had been completely rolled in flour, and totally obvious.

This is a ridiculous statement to make, why contest what I'm saying if you don't know what you are talking about? All I can tell you is that the blood test indicated a quantity of rohypnol consumed with the marijuana. The grass looked like normal early-cut buds you would get in the city. I didn't notice anything fishy when I did a once over inspection before smoking.

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