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wanting to start, have 2.5 mill capital ...

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if it smells like fish
i would help you but it would cost ya 3 mil..as i went to school for horticulture and have run commercial greenhouses/grows .tomatoes weren't as fun....weed is just another crop..no big deal.. yeehaw good luck


Active member
stay the fuck out of Colorado for sure, right now Arizona has the best to offer by way of the laws.


Registered Non-Conformist
Serious question, did you force him to use RO water?
I believe FULL RO is not what plants like, in my present medium, But I worked it out with Him - for Aero, yeah, it needs to be pure, of course.. Yes, I put my foot down on all important issues. If He chose to overrule Me, I made sure someone HE trusted heard it said. COVER YO ASS..!!!

When One goes from Consultant to Master Grower, there can be friction. Part of the job is negotiating all the issues. Professional and Personnel *which includes the money person who may have previously held ideas regarding myriad decisions to be made.

Some Bigshots hire an expert and then go tooth-and-nail against the person they pay. Or perhaps They HEARD something from someone who heard something from someone.

Since there is no real legal recourse, in most situations, all bets are off.

I've helped out, worked with or for not even 20% of the people who've desired my services.

I started out all helpful and hippie-like. That was a non-starter. Got walked on. Now, I know.
I believe FULL RO is not what plants like, in my present medium, But I worked it out with Him - for Aero, yeah, it needs to be pure, of course.. Yes, I put my foot down on all important issues. If He chose to overrule Me, I made sure someone HE trusted heard it said. COVER YO ASS..!!!

When One goes from Consultant to Master Grower, there can be friction. Part of the job is negotiating all the issues. Professional and Personnel *which includes the money person who may have previously held ideas regarding myriad decisions to be made.

Some Bigshots hire an expert and then go tooth-and-nail against the person they pay. Or perhaps They HEARD something from someone who heard something from someone.

Since there is no real legal recourse, in most situations, all bets are off.

I've helped out, worked with or for not even 20% of the people who've desired my services.

I started out all helpful and hippie-like. That was a non-starter. Got walked on. Now, I know.

Any consultant or master grower who knows his shit knows that RO water is not a requirement for fertigation or hydroponics.


LOL...The grower makes or breaks the op

What respectable grower allows the profits to go to some loser business person?

A grower with no business skills?

...and a botany degree doesn't grow a single plant. It does however allow you to categorize them.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Same as a closet grow, just bigger. I would reserve a mil for unforseen newb mistakes. Biggest issue will be finding trustworthy people to work. Pay them very well. And security will be huge.

A botany degree would be a bare minimum for whoever is running the op.

Best of luck to you!

What a joke...an average horticulturalist will produce average bud more consistently than an average person. They won't be pushin fire unless they luck out, and really, there are two games in town- super large scale, cheap regs, and chronic. They will definitely get burned without years of experience growin commercially due to significantly different pest/pesticide standards. I wouldn't trust a tomato grower with no cannabis experience to push my fire, but then again, I wouldn't let them know what makes the fire int the first place.

i would help you but it would cost ya 3 mil..as i went to school for horticulture and have run commercial greenhouses/grows .tomatoes weren't as fun....weed is just another crop..no big deal.. yeehaw good luck

Your correct, most pot growers are hardly as good as a tomato grower. When they have to submit to actual testable standards, they will fail.

Sap analysis for pot would be a racket. Its quite unnecessary unless looking for specific nutrient problems you can't figure out because you don't know what your nute schedule is.

No, education won't help. Lots of conventional wisdom in horticulture is actually limiting your outcome in many circumstances.

People who "need" consultants are really just personal growers and definitely not people that deserve to profit from the product.

Many certified professionals are inept and not qualified to give adjective despite their designations as such.

I am a certified horticulturalist. I will grow better pot than 30year certified horticulturalist with no cannabis experience and a 110 IQ..They are only qualified to be my employees. Cut for cut that is.

From the sounds of things, you would make a decent lead grower. But the lead grower is not the guy that runs the business. At least, not that I've seen. I know a lot of good growers that want to start a business, but I know many don't know how to get started.

It also sounds like you're here to learn to start the business. So...

My question is, do you want to grow? Or do you want to run a business?

Christ, starting and operating the business is far easier than pumping pesticide free fire all day all long.

Agreed 100% When you talk to plant biologist that work in commericial ag production it becomes very clear that 99% of the people involved in the cannabis industry are really uneducated. If your not doing sap analysis, if you don't understand nutrients (how to make and adjust your own), how they are used by the plant, and if you don't know organic chemistry then gtfo. I can hire a college kid for a few hundred a week and get lightyears better information than anything from within the industry.

You're the type of consultant I would gladly pay for. If I needed to build a custom hydro set-up, or automate some type of system then you'd be who I call. I know engineers and they are very smart about a lot of things, but the professional engineering code states that if it's not your field of expertise you cannot give advice and the recipient should not accept it. You can easily get sued for that. I just wanted to use that as an example that the bar is set very high for consultants and that even engineers with a great scientific education cannot just decide to consult on something that they think they are qualified for, even though for all intensive purposes they probably would be.

Pay to play is for losers who have $ but no skill/knowledge.

I wouldn't hire a "consultant" to do the work

and I worked for a "consultant" before. I found the clients to be mostly dummies not worthy of their property rights..if they weren't dummies, they wouldn't need consultation. Of course, the ones that weren't dummies were just having us keep tabs on the pest populations and didn't need actual advice.

You wanna get a window into the future. Grow out several dozen plants infected with several pathogens and see if you get something which is marketable...by "marketable," I mean above average quality. So it must be done with out consultants and without much of anything marketed to your specific circumstance.. I wanna see the grower demonstrate the obsolescence of even the "best" products on the market.

At the end of the day, you will invest in top of the line consultation and products and yet you will not match me in quality. This is something any dumbass with $ can do.

thank you johnkimble... you have the most positive comment, and are the least concerned about getting caught up in drama... keep the good vibes flowing

consultants... they exist in every corner of the world for many reasons.. not everyone has the time a consultant knows to learn.. for whatever reason a consultant is nothing bad.. I'm not sure why people think someone that knows packaging, staffing, training, laws, security, layout, planning, site development....... is a bad thing??? it's like saying you have to know how to skydive before you go skydiving, NO YOU DON'T, you hire a company with someone who knows what they are doing and you get to skydive.. it's that simple guys.. ever go to college if someone of you have... you pay someone to teach you.. suba diving? surfing?

I get a lot of people do things on there own, that's cool, but there is a lot more people who have vasts amount of money to reach out for help and making sure they have the best plan and course for success...

I will get in touch with someone, but i have listened to everyone, I might start out small as I have managed multiple rooms by myself, I just never sold as I was invested in seeds, and to be honest it's a lot more daunting task and process as it's about a 8-10 step process from chop..

one option might be to run 15 lamps, and work my way up seeing what goes on and to scale bigger... the problem is really I want to run an automates setup and huge dosers don't scale smaller, that requires a completely different controller and thus the tech doesn't really switch over, second is there is a huge difference to ghetto rigging something, and laying out a bomb ass setup, when you think forward it's really hard to scale say 15 lamps to a hundred.. you would end up building a completely different room

another thing as some have mentioned is outdoor, last I heard a year or two ago was outdoor for whatever reason seemed that people wanted indoor.. I don't know what the scare was or is, but that's what I hear.. it's a good question to put on my radar, as I was thinking that indoor brought more harvests, but didn't think greenhouse space is superior if you have big land and setup.....

there's a million things going in my head.. I was just wanting to start a bigger project then I've ever done as I get bored quickly.. it's why I have used and perfected every nutrient out there and made my own recipes for organic dry nutes..

You are...comercially, greenhouse is a regional thing..

There is a reason Oregon greenhouse tomato's come from Washington

Ya know, I've made suggestions to people who have only ever grown indoors to do it in a greenhouse and to do a single crop per year. They think I'm nuts for even considering it.

I doubt consultants are giving out competitive advantages for a "fee"

they would be operating their own businesses unless they were lazy....and a lazy person won't discover knowledge that 0.001% of people know

I can tell you that there is for sure knowledge to be had that the vast majority of people including the most advanced consultants will not know or share if they did.

Weight per plant is meaningless..lests talk weight per Kwh and labor unit....and don't forget that 1lb of 29%THC is exactly the same as 1.45lbs of 20%THC

I don't pay for lawyers "consultation"

I pay for their legal ability to say things that I have no legal ability to say...I can say exactly the same thing as a lawyer in court and the outcome will not be the same.

Call Me negative, but I have answered about 9000000 of these questions for people. After a while I said 'no more,' until I see the cash. Too many of them felt entitled to free information from experts. Why..? Not sure. I can;t ask other professionals to explain the details of how they made things work. Not for free, at least.

It is called consulting. And, in this biz where 20% maybe end up actually using the info to DO something - the info is not - nor should it be - free of charge.

Then, many potential suitors of the plant have unrealistic expectations of the money tree.

OR, as soon as a first harvest is realized, all of a sudden the key doesn't fit the door. Who ya gonna call....? Ghostbusters..?

Pay up front, or only cursory info will you get.

Bottom line, all the info of yield (the most important thing, and first thing out of a suitor;s mouth) - is all available with a little research..

Would YOU invest whatever K without FIRST HAND INFO>..? Youch. I doubt I would.

Listen to the Poseur who yells the loudest about getting 1+ p per plant indoors in 50 days 12/12...?

And FINALLY, I cannot say just how many times people have had grand dreams that they want help with - with Other Peoples' Money. 90% never hear from em again.

Cheers, Carry on.
We certainly paid to learn it, through mistakes or whatever.

Not being a DB, but last I looked, Lawyers charged for their counsel. You want good info, with real personal commitment - be prepared to pay (handsomely) for it. And that is How it should be. It was not the Yellow Brick Road, learning this craft. Arcane at the least.

It is not just following a feed chart. There are nuances upon nuances. Strain Knowledge under certain conditions. Different methods and Nutrient regimens, organic vs conventional. Low Numbers High Yield, High Numbers SOG style. Hundreds of hats to wear. Experience is the only teacher. This is Common Knowledge amongst those who grow and are committed to the passion.
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cant re Member
Well, they don't have a bunch of solar panels and wind power. I can assure you of that.

I never said either of those things.. however..
big agricultural green houses uses plenty of methods like that. ive seen a melon grow operation in the desert where they use solar-thermal desalination to filter sea water into fresh.
big business pay people to solve those types of problems. if its cheap for them in the long run to get solar, they will get solar. that how a business works. educate yourself instead of posting your own opinion.


Registered Non-Conformist
You don;t pay for lawyer;s consultation..? I suppose You also know law as well as you claim to grow flowers..?

Bragging on ICMAG doesn;t really go far, as there are many mad geniuses here. Those who tell don;t know and those who know don;t tell.

I made a few grand cash side-money last year helping people with basic info. Or even more deep, for more money. If they followed up on it, I don't always know. Pretty sure the FLorida Guys didn;t. haha,

I also said NO to about 20 potential consulting clients, cause I could see their game was to get as much out of me at no charge as possible.

I will take on ANY Horticulturist in growing MMJ. I have, in fact. While they were learning how to grow a specific High-Value plant for their leaders, I can slowly learn how to grow the best Tomatoes, at my leisure, without f'ing up someone's bottom line. Like some of the Horticulturists did with the GH they advocated using.
I have a blog that clearly shows my writing ability and pics of my work over the years. It could be said that I got the photos from anywhere, but as it happens, they are ALL from my gardens in and outside.

When people are intelligent enuf to read character, if one is truly honest, it goes well.

Nothing important is ever given out without SOME sort of exchange.

And always be able to walk away from a transaction. 'Cause there are TONZO BOZO's in this hobby of ours.
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I only read page one of this thread but man when i read these sort of plans i can't help thinking shiiieeet it would take a very sophisticated kind of person with a huge skill set to really do this and do it to a "high" standard.

If it was me i would always opt for something slightly smaller that i can run ON MY OWN or maybe 1-2 employees at the very most. Build it up slowly and thoroughly focusing on genetics, quality, best practices etc.. If someone needs a consultant to set something like this up then already it doesn't sound like they are even close to being ready for this kind of action. Putting blind faith AND TRUST in a "consultant" who someone didn't even know 5 minutes ago is extremely naive imo. Not to mention investing 7 figures.

Trying my best not to doubt you Habeeb as i personally hate being doubted by peeps, and i do wish you the absolute best of luck in doing this, but man i can't help thinking OP is trying to join the pro leagues too soon when in reality he'd be better off staying in the bush leagues and rise up slowly through the ranks or at least until can run a slightly smaller but still larger setup (eg: 15-20 lamps) to an extremely high standard. Then just scale up from there if that is desired. The guys that go from zero to hero in a short period of time nearly always come unstuck for reasons they couldn't even begin to anticipate.. That's just my opinion however so fwiw :)

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thank you johnkimble... you have the most positive comment, and are the least concerned about getting caught up in drama... keep the good vibes flowing

consultants... they exist in every corner of the world for many reasons.. not everyone has the time a consultant knows to learn.. for whatever reason a consultant is nothing bad.. I'm not sure why people think someone that knows packaging, staffing, training, laws, security, layout, planning, site development....... is a bad thing??? it's like saying you have to know how to skydive before you go skydiving, NO YOU DON'T, you hire a company with someone who knows what they are doing and you get to skydive.. it's that simple guys.. ever go to college if someone of you have... you pay someone to teach you.. suba diving? surfing?

I get a lot of people do things on there own, that's cool, but there is a lot more people who have vasts amount of money to reach out for help and making sure they have the best plan and course for success...

I will get in touch with someone, but i have listened to everyone, I might start out small as I have managed multiple rooms by myself, I just never sold as I was invested in seeds, and to be honest it's a lot more daunting task and process as it's about a 8-10 step process from chop..

one option might be to run 15 lamps, and work my way up seeing what goes on and to scale bigger... the problem is really I want to run an automates setup and huge dosers don't scale smaller, that requires a completely different controller and thus the tech doesn't really switch over, second is there is a huge difference to ghetto rigging something, and laying out a bomb ass setup, when you think forward it's really hard to scale say 15 lamps to a hundred.. you would end up building a completely different room

another thing as some have mentioned is outdoor, last I heard a year or two ago was outdoor for whatever reason seemed that people wanted indoor.. I don't know what the scare was or is, but that's what I hear.. it's a good question to put on my radar, as I was thinking that indoor brought more harvests, but didn't think greenhouse space is superior if you have big land and setup.....

there's a million things going in my head.. I was just wanting to start a bigger project then I've ever done as I get bored quickly.. it's why I have used and perfected every nutrient out there and made my own recipes for organic dry nutes..

Yes yes yes!

This is exactly what i would do first. Get 15 lamps or whatever dialled in.. it would only cost a fraction of 7 figures then scale up from there. Going from closet grow to hundreds of lamps is completely absurd on so many levels.



Active member
ICMag Donor
you can borrow me 20k if you like that way if it all comes down in flames you at least got that back~ :D


Smokes, lets go
going from closet to 200kw is going to kill you. As someone who started at closet and now runs 20kw. You probably know this by now, but there are going to be new barriers at every turn. I started out at 400w, then 1k, then 2k, 4, 8, 12, now 20. Next up is an 80kw. After that I'll just keep repeating the 80kw grows. anything larger is going to be a full time job for at least 2 people, and trimmers... well you're gonna need a lot of em, unless ur gonna throw them in to some kind of industrial weed trimming machine that eats all your trichs. Better to pay for a hand trim and use electric handheld trimming devices for max efficiency. Either way running multiple 80kw grows is going to be your best best. Keep each location under 100, put someone in charge of each one, give them a good cut. Good luck, you have your work cut out for you. Permits are a bitch! :biggrin:


Registered Non-Conformist
No consultant usually = complete crop failures. And sometimes more than one. That is when the Consultant USUALLY gets called in. When it is almost time to throw in the towel. How many times did I have to hear this DB talk about the 150K He;d lost before I came along....? As if I had anything to do with it. And the figure got higher every day, it was lies. Get ready for that, too guys.

Definitely tests a Consultant's skilllset to walk into 7 aeroponic facilities of 72 plants each with EVERY plant in a state of complete Root Rot. No experience with Aero.

And Yet, Due to My studies, I adapted. This consultant saved the whole crop, set up a beautiful mother room, and went on to work successfully with This individual, in a tough market (MMJ) and eventually do real well for 2 years, until said Consultant decided to go back to CA, for various reasons. Some based on emotion. (oops).

The point I am making is that most hotshots don;t call up a consultant until at least 2 crop failures have occurred. Because it's easy. Right..?



New member
You don't need a consultant; what you need is a business plan, and a consultant will be less than useless in helping you to formulate a good one. All a consultant will do is teach you how to do things the old way, the same way everyone else is doing. These folks who are dropping millions into grows today using old ways of doing things, will be the first ones on the chopping block within 5 years when someone (...you? or someone you're allied with?) completely reinvents the industry. To succeed in this business with staying power, and blow up that $2.5 mil into something much larger, you need to do things the new way. I can't PM yet, so if you'd like to chat further hit me up at username 'gladius', @, crazyworldbbs.com.


New member
How many of y'all who think you've got it all figured out, have a plan to consistently manufacture A grade cannabis for less than $100/lb (not including cost of regulatory compliance), all year round? Anyone? Didn't think so. Hope you haven't invested millions in your current way of doing things cause you're in for a rude awakening here in a few years...


Active member
Property - $150K
Cultivation Structure -$ 950K
Processing Structure - $100K
First Year Inputs and Equipment - $550K
Processing equipment - $250K
Distribution - $200k
labor - $300K
750Lbs of concetrate per year.

Second year cost $500-600K.

+/- 10% depending on location.

30-40 days pre production, 90 days cultivation, 30 days post processing. 200 days off.

5 years production @ $5/gram = $8500000 - $2500000 start up - $3000000 5 year operating cost = $3000000 net after 5 years.

Take 55% of your net and reinvest in into expanding and you'll hit a tonne of concentrate per year on the fourth or fifth year which would be worth $3500000 net per year @ $5/gram. If your okay with only making $1 million profit per year you could sell your gear for $1.10/per gram.

Those numbers are for a fully pollinated crop, if you live in a area where there is no free flying pollen you could pull out 7500lbs of sensi in the first year, but would have to increase labor costs.


Registered Non-Conformist
You don't need a consultant; what you need is a business plan, and a consultant will be less than useless in helping you to formulate a good one. All a consultant will do is teach you how to do things the old way, the same way everyone else is doing. These folks who are dropping millions into grows today using old ways of doing things, will be the first ones on the chopping block within 5 years when someone (...you? or someone you're allied with?) completely reinvents the industry. To succeed in this business with staying power, and blow up that $2.5 mil into something much larger, you need to do things the new way. I can't PM yet, so if you'd like to chat further hit me up at username 'gladius', @, crazyworldbbs.com.
Wrong. Going it alone is foolish. Especially with that sort of money spent. The price of a good consultant will save one if not two failed crops.. I've seen this play out several times, in different states. Obviously a pattern.

Where are the plants coming from..? What genetics, what method of growing, Nutrients to use... THAT Is why a consultant is necessary. When a Dude has over 100 indoor grows and several greenhouse summers in CA - PLUS warehouse experience, and keen knowledge of products due to running a Hydro shop for 3 years+.. THIS is what a person needs.

And they must also trust the person.

A tall order. But, going it alone is well, invest in a Dispensary or something, and let the others do the risky stuff (the growing.)
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