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Want a cannabis friendly vacation in the US Virgin Islands?



Hey IslandGurl!

Hey IslandGurl!

Hey Linda.. Nice to meet ya.

Would you write me at [email protected] I can't send you an email here till you have 50 posts.

I too am active in changing the laws but here in California.

I'm just a medical person in complete compliance with my State laws of California.



nothing yet dear..

I'm telling you this next week is going to be a busy one here. So far I can get folks interested but not motivated to work the signature sheets.

It's getting close friends..



Just re-sent it.

Sometimes people think that "others" will do it (sign the sheets). What they don't realize is that THEY are the "others" to someone else.

[email protected]

Well one more week to hit the streets and see if I can find more people willing to step forward. I only have 4 at this time..

Serious tho, it's hard because the fear has been cultivated and is a part of the cannabis culture.

I mean here is California, we have the ballot initiative process and it's a way to get our lawmakers "unstuck" from their political control.

Legalizing as CaliforniaCannabisInitiative.org's does is the way to go really.. Clear the books and start over. We can build our laws for Community and State on the reality that Cannabis is legal .

I just don't see how or why any of us will do well under decriminalization in our Fear and Hate culture.
People sooner stop to see a fight or a traffic accident then adapt to social change LOL.

There are three Initiatives here.. One has a limit of 5x5 feet of garden space per property if the property owner allows.. That reminds me of the early days of voting in the USA.. Only white property owners had the right to vote.. That 5x5 is the same concept IMO..

So that's that.. I'll spend a bit of time reading about your people and trying to understand more about your very exotic location.

Feel free to send any links or info..

Power in democracy and down with fear!

islandgurl,Thanks for posting those links,although I don't have the time to review them today I promise you that I will in the next week. If I like what I see I'll send you a donation,it won't be a large one,probably about $20, I know it is not much but it's the best I can do. Good Luck

JackTheGrower,If I could I'd come out and solicit signatures for you. I know how tough it is to get people to motivate themselves to do something like that even for their own good. It is always easier to pass the buck then to actually get out and put some effort themselves.
If your are successful,and I hope you are,the people of California will owe you a debt of gratitude.

Respect bass


Good people like yourself are telling me to hang in there.

Another week and maybe once the green light to gather signatures is on things will improve.

This is an issue that is truly one of my life.. Born in 1961 I know of the "Hippie" culture and in my youth it was "Monkies" or "Beatles" kind of place.

It's an American issue of my very generation.. Vietnam , Peace love and weed..
We still have our Vietnam(s) and everyone want their own brand "Peace and Love" But the Weed is still a struggle we all share.

I would like to see it happen. It would be something special in my life to see that kind of change.

So back to VI!

I need to go look at that.. I thought to go and as soon as we know how it turns out in Jan.


New member
One of our plans is a cannabis friendly hotel that allows use on the property - must join NORML (at the desk) to stay there... Rooms, lounges, dining rooms, pool/beach will be cannabis friendly. Will have a family area that in strictly non-cannabis to allow families to come. We are working on getting the laws passed looking to the future of what could be. If you have suggestions - we are glad to hear them - and are you a good bud botanist? May be interested in talking....


One of our plans is a cannabis friendly hotel that allows use on the property - must join NORML (at the desk) to stay there... Rooms, lounges, dining rooms, pool/beach will be cannabis friendly. Will have a family area that in strictly non-cannabis to allow families to come. We are working on getting the laws passed looking to the future of what could be. If you have suggestions - we are glad to hear them - and are you a good bud botanist? May be interested in talking....

Oh yeah.. I'm a member..

But you need a karaoke place..

Singing after smoking is the best!

I do John Lennon and some of the Beatles really good!
I will be sending you a check this afternoon. It will be my pleasure to support your efforts towards legalization. I wish you good luck in your efforts and hope you can see this through to it's satisfactory conclusion.

Respect bass


One of our plans is a cannabis friendly hotel that allows use on the property - must join NORML (at the desk) to stay there... Rooms, lounges, dining rooms, pool/beach will be cannabis friendly. Will have a family area that in strictly non-cannabis to allow families to come. We are working on getting the laws passed looking to the future of what could be. If you have suggestions - we are glad to hear them - and are you a good bud botanist? May be interested in talking....
Hi Linda, how much support do you have in the US VI senate so far? You mentioned support from one senator, with implied interest from other senators as well. I believe that there are 15 senators total in the US VI. Is there a strategy yet, for getting decrim and/or mmj bills introduced and passed?

Obviously this is very early in the process. The DEA has lumped both Puerto Rico and the US VI together as high-traffic areas, which would explain the horrible laws in both regions. It will be a great start if the VI locals change penalties to a $150 civil fine for simple possession, allow mmj, and get rid of the paraphernalia laws. De facto legalization would bring more tourists, for sure. It is so beautiful there ...



Hey IslandGurl!

Post some photos and make us want to go bad..

Bikini shots are alright I understand!



New member
We will be scheduling meetings with a few of the Senators for next week. Now that budget hearings are over, they have more time for discussions. We will discuss what we would like to see, what they feel they would be willing to sponsor for discussion on the floor of the Legislature, and see where we end up. We are still working on educating the public, the medical community, the LEO, and the Legislators as if we will pursue a citizen's initiative. If working the Senate goes well, great - if not -we will follow thru with our original plans of putting it to the people.

We are very early in the process, but we've had great reception from both the citizens - only 1 negative caller/responder from our 3 talk radio shows - and the legislators we've approached. And we understand this is an issue no one wants to speak out on until they've seen how another Senator is responded to - it's the CYA thing.

We've only been a NORML chapter since the end of July - so yes, this is very fast to have gotten to the place we are. I will find some of the best shots that represent the islands here - for your enjoyment!

This weekend we attended a benefit Reggae event for another organization. The good Senator was MC'ing the show and mentioned us many many times, pointing us out in the crowd. We had 2 of the artists come up to us - one is an international reggae artist who comes from here, the other is a local artist. The one international artist wants to link up with us to further the cause - he sponsors many events in the Territory throughout the year and wants to include us in them. Way cool!!!

Will keep you posted - still need financial supporters. If you know anyone who wants to see this effort happen in a big way here - put them in touch with me at 340-244-9179. Anyone can verify my info with Russ Belville at [email protected].

One love,


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