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you can use molasses in all phases of the plants life, and in teas as well.
Need pics to be able to tell what those spots are..
So here's the pics....

I'm not sure what is causing the spots and could really use some help....I looked for mites and found no signs so my next best guess is a Mn deficiency....
Random pic-


not an instant fix...usually a mg issue which is related to ph. How's ur ph reading? Maybe post a pic in infirmary section and some experienced eyes can help ya. ( I do mostly hydro now). GL...


yeah thats a tough one..almost seems as if you are using a sulphuric acid based ph down instead of a phos. based. Try using a few drops of lemon juice to lower you ph instead of a chemical as a start. Any damage of that nature is permanent to those leaves that it's on and will take a while to reverse. As to what it is, could be mg, I'm not sure.
Thanks all.... Since the flush they appear to be doing much better. I covered the interior of my cab with a reflective coating finally and they seem to love that little bit extra... As to the PH Wizberry, I have never checked, not a lack of caring, I happen to be color blind so litmus paper is a no go and I haven't had the urge to buy a digi. Thanks again and I'm off tomorrow so I'll update the pics.
So a little bit of a heat wave is hitting and its become a bitch to keep my cab cool... It has been giving me quite a bit of trouble.... On the plus side, the plant with the sickly leaves seems to be happy and healthy now, after a flush and a new nute set up....
Now for what I am almost positive is the bad side....
The other girl looks sickly now :( That pic was just taken and that is a huge improvement from the last 2 days.... Like I said I am having a lot of trouble keeping the cab cool. I just recently moved the light to the top and it is now located right by my exhaust duct...The temp. climbs with the door closed and if I turn the fan up, the temp goes up.... Does not make sense to me, Any suggestions guys?
Sorry to only have been posting questions. Thanks for stopping by C3RTIFI3D and sweetaction. The advice I have gotten from this forums has definitely saved my plants, multiple times. Thanks again CD and WizBerry. I feel like I am not doing such a good job, even though it is my first grow, I seem to keep running into walls.... But the advice I have gained, along with the trial and error( mostly error) should make my next grow much better. At this time the heat issue is the only environmental problem, and I can fix that with an open door, i guess I'll just count my blessings...Thanks Again. Much Love ICers
So I finally got my heat problem fixed! I can now leave the door shut for around 12 hours with no spike in temperature....The plants are loving the cooler temp and are doing great since I changed my nutes. Updated pics tomorrow afternoon.
First things first, GorillaGreenz, glad to see someone else who feels like everyday is MC Chris-mas, hopefully you got the Wiid by your side too....
Now on to updated pics from the outside as stealth as she gets-
now open with the fan exposed-
- I just cut the bottom and a chunk of the side off a paintball box to hide the fan, it fits in nicely considering my closet is full of all my paintball shit, and since the light had been stuck halfway up the cab, they have been tied down and needed a boost to get closer to the light, hence the plastic cube. Got the light situated next to the exhaust-
and finally the goods-First is the one on the left in the previous pics
now the one on the right-
sorry for the shitty pic quality :yeahthats
and the main cola-

Photos will be updated as needed, Thanks to all who are staying tuned and as always advice and input will never be turned away....


Active member
Welcome BongCalled Yoda!!!!


Do you think this thread should be moved to the Grower's Forum?? The only drawback would be that people are used to seeing it in the Introduction Forum so they might be confused at first.....

Love your setup!!!

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:
Thanks for stopping in Guineapig,glad you like the setup and that pic had me in tears.. If the thread should be moved to Growers Forum it makes no difference to me, this thread started as an introduction but has evolved into a little more than that...
Just pic updates week 8 of my dwarf mix-(1)
And the pride shot-

Should not have too awfully much time left on them(they say sixty days but I am aiming more towards 70) gonna start germin' my next seeds and decided to say fuck the AF's, for now at least....P.S- Sorry for some of the pic quality, I have been trying all my flash options since I am not trying to open windows for natural light, I think I will stick to the flash used on the last pic.... Input always welcome


Lookin crystalllllyyyy!!!!

way to roll with that cab.

How did you make that door for it because I was gonna use something similar but got annoyed with the door part. So I bought a cabinet instead.
Mk3 Thanks man and as for the door I just smoked a bowl and broke all the drawers so that only the thick front was left on each of the drawers. Lined them all up on a table to measure the distance(without the gaps anymore in between drawers) and cut a piece of plywood to those dimensions. gorilla glue and clamps got the rest done, one at a time to make sure they all lined up, and at one hour setting time a piece it took awhile. I did mount the hinges before gluing the drawers on so they can't be seen from the outside. It was a pain in the ass to tell the truth but it does seem to look like a normal dresser even up close.
Smoky Griff and Belfast thanks for the props, more pics to come. I am thinking I will have to harvest them both seperately but hopefully not.

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