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Wanna meet Yoda?

Before I get to myself, I have to thank everyone who makes these forums possible. They have saved me so much(time, money,stress, etc.) during this, my first grow. I'm a long time smoker and just recently had someone very close to me diagnosed with MS. Turns out that person would prefer to smoke cannabis rather than take Rx pills, and I can't blame them. We are not lucky enough to live where this is medicinal though so a stealth grow is right up my alley.... Thankfully I had been creeping these forums and thought I was ready so I dove right in. Turns out I did not know how to swim in these waters but ICMag was there to save my ass. Thanks again to all....Heres some pics of my set up-
Day 26-
Day28 LST'd-
Day 28 no prune-


Very nice congrats on your first grow, Hope it helps your friend out a bit..Take care.
Thanks K-Pax and Reverev.I don't know how well versed either of you are in LST but. how long should I wait to do my next tie down, as soon as its big enough, or is there a more definite answer. This strain is auto flowering so I'm sure I cant get in too many more tie down but want all the practice at it I can get since I'm planning a non-AF next grow. Thanks for stopping in and I should have new pics very soon.....Today is day 30 for my little dwarf mix girls and I'm realizing how bad I need a carbon scrubber.... Looks like its back to the DIY link 'o' rama....


From the looks of that last picture, you could def. start tying that bitch down some more..
welcome to the boards!
Thanks Cellardweller, I have just been tying down the main cola, is it better to tie as much down as possible? I got around to the whole process late and only have about 30 days till harvest......


well, the more you tie down, the more you open the rest of the plant to light. Make your decision based on your research and do what ya feel is right.
Do you have a more recent pic??
Just snapped these pics Cellardweller.... first up, around the horn with the LST....

That second to last angle makes it look a little rough but she's fine
On to macro pistols from the bush....
As always, input is greatly appreciated....


Yoda, I think you might have alot more than 30 days left on those girls..:2cents: When did you start your 12/12 count? What strain is that again?
what you could also try is supercropping just a little bit just under the main cola, as well as tightening those tie downs just a bit..hope this helps..
Its JD's Dwarf Mix, says 8 weeks from seed(and tues. is 5 weeks), even though I was planning on giving them a little longer.... I'm running 20-4 light cycle, since its AF the 12-12 doesn't matter, right? I put the second tie down on today( pics later tonight) and don't know if I should pull the first one any tighter, it seems to have a heavy bend is that okay? I will look into supercropping, have not really read into it at all but I'll see what I can find. Is it bad to grow them longer than the description states they need? Pro's/Con's? Thanks for the help CD.


that bend is fine, Yoda..that is basically what a supercrop is. I haven't run any auto's myself as of yet, but I have seen a couple that I'm interested in.
Growing longer than what the breeder feels is neccasary can be detrimental, as it may cause THC to degrade. But on the other hand, some strains will give you more of a couchlock effect.
I wish I had more experience in auto's to be able to help you more..
So I went to do a little more to the LST and kind of got carried away. I tied down about 5 or 6 side shoots before realizing that I might shock the little lady.... That was a couple hours ago and they appear to be just as beastly as before, luckily this girls a trooper...I'm going to give it over night to take full advantage, then tighten all that need to be tightened and be back to post the pics....
SO heres the updated pics.....I'm sure I can do a better job with LST next time, I guess thats trial and error...Once again, around the horn with Miss LST-

and pistols from the bush-
....Anyone well versed in LST, your advice would be awesome
Yeah.... I know.... I went over board, This strain is suppose to handle stress well, and appears to be attesting to that as we speak....So now that I have admitted my overkill CD, did I fuck this lady up at all? I mean it seems to be handling its business just fine.. once agian thanks for the input dude....
I have met Yoda NUMEROUS times!

I'm glad he's turned into Marijuana in this incarnation.

Can't wait to see the flowering phase of your grow.
Thanks Kronicundrum, glad you like the stealth....Thanks for stopping by ParanoidGrower. They have started flowering, but I will continue to update as needed.... with the growth they made over night I can't see it being too long before I'll have new pics of the dwarfs for you guys.... And while I'm on the subject, any personally preferences between Dwarf and regular AF strains out there? I don't think I'll use dwarfs next grow and don't know if I should go AF or plant the bagseeds( for lack of a better word since I know the exact cross) I got stashed....Keep an eye out for the updated macros from my micro grow...
So all the tied down branches have been turned up and growth appears normal.... I was thinking about flushing them today and starting to use molasses soon...This might be a stupid question, but would i be able to mix the molasses and guano in a compost tea...I wanted to use the molasses but might need the extra(P)....
So Ill have pics up tomorrow but anyone know why I would be getting yellow speckles on leaves? I'm sure its a deficiency but I'm not positive...only a few leaves ahve the spots, they are small but I would like to stay ahead of the spread....Thanks in advance

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