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road kill skunk

road kill skunk

i know all you guys have grown/smoked it. so please pm me the lineage and or strain and or pm me for access to cuts, much appreciated, d


How about how to spot them early on?


Generally, the males grow faster and taller than the females as seedlings.
And, possibly because of the faster growth, they tend to be a lighter shade of green, have longer internode distance, and consequently fewer leaves.

I have noted that the males tend to cluster at the windward edge of wild patches. I figure its a survival trait as the pollen falls downwind.

So, for a better F:M ratio, protect your seedlings from strong drafts and too much light for the first two weeks.
Might help, can't swear to it.


thanks weezard, eventually i'll get the sack up for it :p


New member
Hi, all I have a question hoping to get some help with. I am a noob. I had ordered some auto feminized seeds. (growing hydro). ok after 8 weeks no auto flowering, so I put my plants on a 12 on 12 off schedule. To my suprise I have some MALES!! I am very disappointed with this. I want to get rid of them BUT the roots are very entangled I dont want to mess up the females I do have. I thought about putting a bag over the males and seal them up with duct tape. any suggestions would be greatful.


Any Old Farts out there willing to help... i grew out a seed of a cross i did on accident but this very sativa pheno went hermie and pollinated itself and couple different plants. I know the seeds grown from the hermie will be feminized. Right? Well my real question is: Will the other seeds be hermies/feminized aswell or regular 50/50 female/male ratio? I'm hoping to work with this hermie/sativa pheno since it produces lots of THC but not enough weight. I know I grow micro but I'm sure it can be done. BUT is it worth my time, effort, and limited space? Thanks in advance all you wise Old Farts..


Hi, all I have a question hoping to get some help with. I am a noob. I had ordered some auto feminized seeds. (growing hydro). ok after 8 weeks no auto flowering, so I put my plants on a 12 on 12 off schedule. To my suprise I have some MALES!! I am very disappointed with this. I want to get rid of them BUT the roots are very entangled I dont want to mess up the females I do have. I thought about putting a bag over the males and seal them up with duct tape. any suggestions would be greatful.

why dont you just chop them down


New member
Hey, I've got a question. Sorry if it's already been asked, but...

Due to certain restrictions (mainly noise), I've had the light cycle on during the day. Now that these restrictions are gone, I'd like to switch to nights on the day (for both temperature and electricity cost reasons).

However, I am also on a perpetual harvest type cycle. Do you think I could get away with just swapping the light cycles? I understand there may be some stunting/retardation, but will it have dire consequences? Any recommendations?

Thanks, and happy holidays all! :elf::xmastree:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hi, all I have a question hoping to get some help with. I am a noob. I had ordered some auto feminized seeds. (growing hydro). ok after 8 weeks no auto flowering, so I put my plants on a 12 on 12 off schedule. To my suprise I have some MALES!! I am very disappointed with this. I want to get rid of them BUT the roots are very entangled I dont want to mess up the females I do have. I thought about putting a bag over the males and seal them up with duct tape. any suggestions would be greatful.

Well for future reference you should never plant multiple plants in the same container to avoid just this problem. What you can do though, rather then the thing with the bag and duct tape, is to just cut the plant down just above ground level. If there are no leaves the roots will eventually die off.

Now on the auto flowering or lack there of issue, that could be that you didn't let them go long enough. I'm not personally experienced with auto flowering plants but it is my understanding that they will auto flower once they reach a certain point of growth. I would think 8 weeks would be enough to reach that point but maybe not in this case. Then again they were supposed to be feminized and weren't so perhaps they weren't auto flowering either?

If you bought those from a "reputable" breeder or seed distributor you should contact them. If they care at all about their customers and reputations they should at the very least send you a pack of seeds equal in value to what you bought. Some of the better ones will do that and send you something extra to make up for any problems the other seeds caused for you.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Any Old Farts out there willing to help... i grew out a seed of a cross i did on accident but this very sativa pheno went hermie and pollinated itself and couple different plants. I know the seeds grown from the hermie will be feminized. Right? Well my real question is: Will the other seeds be hermies/feminized aswell or regular 50/50 female/male ratio? I'm hoping to work with this hermie/sativa pheno since it produces lots of THC but not enough weight. I know I grow micro but I'm sure it can be done. BUT is it worth my time, effort, and limited space? Thanks in advance all you wise Old Farts..

If the pollen that produced the seeds was a hermie then any seeds that resulted will be feminized and they will also carry the hermie trait. Now having the trait is only half the equation. To bring the hermie out the plant still needs to be stressed. Typically the stress level needs to be the same or greater as the stress that created the hermie the pollen came from. So if you know what stressed the hermie that pollinated the plants and eliminated that stress and your grow is otherwise stress free then the hermie trait should not express itself.

As far as it being worth your time and effort that's up to you. If you like the smoke the plant produces and don't mind the challenges of a sativa in a micro grow and aren't worried about the chance of it going hermie, then it probably is worth it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hey, I've got a question. Sorry if it's already been asked, but...

Due to certain restrictions (mainly noise), I've had the light cycle on during the day. Now that these restrictions are gone, I'd like to switch to nights on the day (for both temperature and electricity cost reasons).

However, I am also on a perpetual harvest type cycle. Do you think I could get away with just swapping the light cycles? I understand there may be some stunting/retardation, but will it have dire consequences? Any recommendations?

Thanks, and happy holidays all! :elf::xmastree:

The thing to be most careful of is the dark cycle as that's what the plants go by and it's when that gets interupted that you get stress and possibly hermies. The plant can sense the length of dark period but doesn't really have any sense of how long the light period is. So you could just leave the lights on an extra amount of time to get you to the new lights out time and just make sure the dark period is 12 hours starting from that new time. If you end up leaving the lights on longer the plant will just think that day seemed a little long (well it would that is if plants could think :) ) If you end up running it less then 12 hours on to get to the new lights off time the plant will just see that as a day that went by fast.

Ideally though, and if time permits the prefered way is to adjust your times like an hour a day until you get to where you want. Really though, as long as you make sure the lights out period stays a solid 12 hours it doesn't matter whether you make the change all at once or incrementally.


.so i planted my papaya seeds last friday 12/11/09 in jeffy starter mix as-per tom hill 6 of 9 poped temp is about 75...do i put em near the lights ? how offten do i water em


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
.so i planted my papaya seeds last friday 12/11/09 in jeffy starter mix as-per tom hill 6 of 9 poped temp is about 75...do i put em near the lights ? how offten do i water em

What kind of lights? How deep of a pot? Also I'd need to know what's in this starter mix, I've heard of Tom Hill but I'm not familiar with his soil recipes.

Generally speaking most pots, if thoroughly watered with just one newly sprouted seedling in it, are going to take at least 3-4 days to dry out enough to need watering, if temps stay at 75. If it's a small pot then maybe 2-3 days. That will change over time though as the plant gets bigger and fills the pots with roots. So you can't really tell someone a specific rate on watering. What you need to do rather is learn how to judge for yourself and it's really pretty easy. Take a pot of the same size and fill it with soil to the same point and then lift it and feel the weight of it as it is when dry. Now lift your pots that have the plants in them. If those pots feel heavier then they don't need to be watered. If they feel the same as the other pot or even lighter, then they need to be watered.

A common mistake is to go by how the soil looks and feels on the surface, the soil can look dry of feel dry on the surface and yet still be very wet deeper in the pot. If you don't let the deeper areas dry out you can have two problems. One your roots don't develope as well because they never have to go searching for water. More importantly though, if the soil stays wet then the roots get smoother and this leads to root rot. People new to growing often don't realize that roots need oxygen and the way they get it is by wetting the soil which fills any gaps between particles of soil. Then as the water dries out those gaps are now open and air from above is pulled in from above to fill the void where the water once was.

Of course you don't want to leave it that way too long either, if you see you leaves looking wilted then you've waited too long. They'll spring back to life when you water them is it wasn't too terribly long. Best to avoid that though. In my experience, working with one gallon, three gallon and five gallon pots. Generally it takes 3-4 days to dry out, in the beginning. Between the very first and second watering in a pot it might even take 5-6 days. Anyway 3-4 days at first and then after about 3 weeks maybe you find it needs watering every 2-3 days. And then around 4 weeks maybe it's needing it every solidly every 2 days. This is an indication the pot is becoming root bound and you need to transplant to a bigger pot. When you do that you'll likely find yourself back to watering every 3-4 days and again in time that pot becomes root bound.

So you see, it's a dynamic thing that's always changing and I can't just say, "you need to water every 3 days or 4 days or whatever. Also variables like heat, humidity, and air circulation can change things. So again you really need to learn as you go.
Okay, I have a noob question that I haven't been able to find specific info about:

Mother plants. How long could you realistically expect to keep one alive before it just gives out and croaks? When you replace it with a clone, is there some upper limit of how many clones of a clone of a clone you can make before something degenerative occurs genetically?

Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions! :)
this is the one i shoulda posted my thread on :)

this is the one i shoulda posted my thread on :)

ok so i got about a pound of buds that just started showing signs of molding totally my bad was moving at the sametime and i forgot to open jars n what not but since it now smells like beasters whats going to be the best thing to do to this to make it smokeable if anything i was told bho or the acohol method for oil or to make bubble outta it smoking it like it is is really not an option i could sell it at a reduced price and i know the kids that would eat it up but still i dont like putting my name on something thats not dank know what i mean the strain was 3D apollo 13 x jack the ripper tga genetics hermed on me too but its seeming like this is just a tga thing because only there strains herm on me i dunno but ya if i can get some helpful answers from the old farts thatd be nice :) im kinda an old fart myself feel like it anyways 2 toasted shoulders a knee about to give anytime now all at 34 damn construction work will kill a guy quick


ok so i got about a pound of buds that just started showing signs of molding totally my bad was moving at the sametime and i forgot to open jars n what not but since it now smells like beasters whats going to be the best thing to do to this to make it smokeable if anything i was told bho or the acohol method for oil or to make bubble outta it smoking it like it is is really not an option i could sell it at a reduced price and i know the kids that would eat it up but still i dont like putting my name on something thats not dank know what i mean the strain was 3D apollo 13 x jack the ripper tga genetics hermed on me too but its seeming like this is just a tga thing because only there strains herm on me i dunno but ya if i can get some helpful answers from the old farts thatd be nice :) im kinda an old fart myself feel like it anyways 2 toasted shoulders a knee about to give anytime now all at 34 damn construction work will kill a guy quick

I've revived some moldy bud by soaking it in 3% h2o2 for a few minutes, until it almost stopped bubbling(oxidizing mold). If it's real bad do it twice.Then placed it on nylon screen and dried it with direct air from fan. It was dry the next morning. The result was a dryer product, but acceptable, and smokable.The flavor might change slightly, but if you didn't try the original you wouldn't know. Remember THC and the other alkaloids are not soluble in h2o. You do wash out some of the salts and minerals that actually make the smoke harsh. (Read the thread on water curing.) Try doing this with a small batch to see how it comes out for you before doing it all.
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