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Wanna Ask The Old Farts A Question?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Okay, I have a noob question that I haven't been able to find specific info about:

Mother plants. How long could you realistically expect to keep one alive before it just gives out and croaks? When you replace it with a clone, is there some upper limit of how many clones of a clone of a clone you can make before something degenerative occurs genetically?

Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions! :)

Well the longest time I've heard of a mother being kept was 15 years and it was only let go reluctantly by choice. It didn't die from age. Keeping the same plant around years and years requires alot of maintenance. I personally recommend that you take one or two more clones then needed and then flower the mother once those one or two extra develop roots and can replace her.

As for the clone of a clone of a clone thing. These clones we take aren't like the clones you see in Sci-fi shows. It's really more that we are taking the exact same plant and creating a way to have it rooted in multiple, seperate locations. So there's really no degeneration involved, everything that existed genetically in the mother exists in every clone because each clone is really just a piece of the mother. This remains true no matter how many clones you take.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
ok so i got about a pound of buds that just started showing signs of molding totally my bad was moving at the sametime and i forgot to open jars n what not but since it now smells like beasters whats going to be the best thing to do to this to make it smokeable if anything i was told bho or the acohol method for oil or to make bubble outta it smoking it like it is is really not an option i could sell it at a reduced price and i know the kids that would eat it up but still i dont like putting my name on something thats not dank know what i mean the strain was 3D apollo 13 x jack the ripper tga genetics hermed on me too but its seeming like this is just a tga thing because only there strains herm on me i dunno but ya if i can get some helpful answers from the old farts thatd be nice :) im kinda an old fart myself feel like it anyways 2 toasted shoulders a knee about to give anytime now all at 34 damn construction work will kill a guy quick

Well making BHO or ISO would be the way I'd go. Bubble would likely be okay too. You definately don't want to sell it or smoke it as is because smoking that mold can cause serious permanent lung damage if one smokes to much of it. There's another method I've heard used for this but I have never tried which is what is called "water curing". Since I've never done it I don't know how to explain the process though. I've heard stuff that's water cured isn't very enjoyable so I've never had a desire to try it.
thanx a million guys im with ya hempkat on the water curing ive never heard of it never tried it but ive made BHO lots of times :) and im thinking bho is what im going to do with most of it id like to try this water curing with a lil bit as well just with a small amount meh why not give it a shot thanx for the heads up on smoking it moldy ive only taken one small and i mean very small bong hit just to see what it would taste like and man it was just totally foul and the thing about water cured being enjoyable or not i got no clue never smoked any but ive smoked alot of bho and ya it was damn good :) like i said before it wasnt like the mold had totally taken over and left me a soupy green mess i caught it real quick in first stages im sure there were no hairs growing or anything but the spores were there or whatever the white spotty powder kinda stuff is ive been kinda polling around havent done anything yet just want to make sure im doing the best thing i can for the weed i got im probablly not selling any of it unless i pull off a harvest before i run out but i dont see the harvest before that hell i got almost a pound of bud to make bho outta should get a ass load of it :) id run it in the bubble machine but beings how dry it is i think id end up with more undesireable shit than wanted green particles and whatever thanx once again ya old farts lol who the fuck am i calling an old fart haha thanx guys
I've revived some moldy bud by soaking it in 3% h2o2 for a few minutes, until it almost stopped bubbling(oxidizing mold). If it's real bad do it twice.Then placed it on nylon screen and dried it with direct air from fan. It was dry the next morning. The result was a dryer product, but acceptable, and smokable.The flavor might change slightly, but if you didn't try the original you wouldn't know. Remember THC and the other alkaloids are not soluble in h2o. You do wash out some of the salts and minerals that actually make the smoke harsh. (Read the thread on water curing.) Try doing this with a small batch to see how it comes out for you before doing it all.

h202 is hydrogen pyroxide if i rember right man chemistry was like 20 years ago lol oh and i had a couple jars cure up just fine they were ones that had a much less amount of buds in them than the other ones so i already know how good she tastes yummy but if i can make something that will be strong that'd be nice not only that but i might be able to pass it on after this its worth a try i suppose with a small amount if it doesnt work well then bho it is


thanx a million guys im with ya hempkat on the water curing ive never heard of it never tried it but ive made BHO lots of times :) and im thinking bho is what im going to do with most of it id like to try this water curing with a lil bit as well just with a small amount meh why not give it a shot thanx for the heads up on smoking it moldy ive only taken one small and i mean very small bong hit just to see what it would taste like and man it was just totally foul and the thing about water cured being enjoyable or not i got no clue never smoked any but ive smoked alot of bho and ya it was damn good :) like i said before it wasnt like the mold had totally taken over and left me a soupy green mess i caught it real quick in first stages im sure there were no hairs growing or anything but the spores were there or whatever the white spotty powder kinda stuff is ive been kinda polling around havent done anything yet just want to make sure im doing the best thing i can for the weed i got im probablly not selling any of it unless i pull off a harvest before i run out but i dont see the harvest before that hell i got almost a pound of bud to make bho outta should get a ass load of it :) id run it in the bubble machine but beings how dry it is i think id end up with more undesireable shit than wanted green particles and whatever thanx once again ya old farts lol who the fuck am i calling an old fart haha thanx guys

From what I understand this is dried and cured bud that molded in the jar, am I correct? Water curing is for fresh picked bud before drying. I only referenced that to demonstrate h2o doesn't degrade the potency of the bud. Try some hydrogen peroxide on a few grams, dry it and see how you like it. It won't be like a complete water cure that takes a week of daily water changes with submerged bud. A few minutes in h2o2 won't wash out much taste.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
thanx a million guys im with ya hempkat on the water curing ive never heard of it never tried it but ive made BHO lots of times :) and im thinking bho is what im going to do with most of it id like to try this water curing with a lil bit as well just with a small amount meh why not give it a shot thanx for the heads up on smoking it moldy ive only taken one small and i mean very small bong hit just to see what it would taste like and man it was just totally foul and the thing about water cured being enjoyable or not i got no clue never smoked any but ive smoked alot of bho and ya it was damn good :) like i said before it wasnt like the mold had totally taken over and left me a soupy green mess i caught it real quick in first stages im sure there were no hairs growing or anything but the spores were there or whatever the white spotty powder kinda stuff is ive been kinda polling around havent done anything yet just want to make sure im doing the best thing i can for the weed i got im probablly not selling any of it unless i pull off a harvest before i run out but i dont see the harvest before that hell i got almost a pound of bud to make bho outta should get a ass load of it :) id run it in the bubble machine but beings how dry it is i think id end up with more undesireable shit than wanted green particles and whatever thanx once again ya old farts lol who the fuck am i calling an old fart haha thanx guys

Having smoked a small amount shouldn't harm you beyond the experience of how foul it was. I've never had moldy bud that I kept. The couple of times I had any moldy bud it was just on one plant and so to throw it away didn't greatly effect my stash/harvest. I mention that to say that I've never actually made BHO from moldy bud. So I can't say for certain if the BHO will turn out as good as if you made it from bud that wasn't moldy in terms of flavor.


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
hempy kat , I just wanted to say thankyou for the info on the lights, and wear and tear , I always forget to check for replies .. lol
you are right the bulb itself wears out and you are sort of counting down its life span but a ballast (usually magnetic switches) ~ unless digital, will wear out because of the connection being made and broken more times in a 18/6 "day" than a 24/0 "day".
but thats just how I see it, I havent been through as many ballasts as you old farts : )
Billy Burroughs;2964982hempkat on the water curing ive never heard of it never tried it...[/QUOTE said:
Billy , Water Curing it very worthwhile and can sometimes be done in a day quicker than air drying/curing
I would have to reccomend it as I do it alot and prefer a strain once water cured.

or whatever the white spotty powder kinda stuff is[/QUOTE said:
Powdery mildew ?



I've had friends tell me that they've seen people make cannabutter with fresh plant material - ie, chop and drop into the mix with no curing time. Would this affect potency? If not, this would be awesome for me as I dislike smoking anyway.

Thanks, old farts! :xmasnut:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
hempy kat , I just wanted to say thankyou for the info on the lights, and wear and tear , I always forget to check for replies .. lol
you are right the bulb itself wears out and you are sort of counting down its life span but a ballast (usually magnetic switches) ~ unless digital, will wear out because of the connection being made and broken more times in a 18/6 "day" than a 24/0 "day".
but thats just how I see it, I havent been through as many ballasts as you old farts : )

Billy , Water Curing it very worthwhile and can sometimes be done in a day quicker than air drying/curing
I would have to reccomend it as I do it alot and prefer a strain once water cured.

Powdery mildew ?


Well yeah, you do get more wear and tear with the switch if you actually turn things off. Then again these things were designed to be turned on and off so a certain amount of wear and tear is built into it's design. I've got a set of lights I've been turning on and off everyday for 5+ years now and it's still running strong. Also if you put the light on a timer then it's the timer that experiences the mechanical wear and tear. There's also wear and tear on any electric device from when it powers up or powers down but again that's all factored into it's design. Another good thing about going 18/6 vs 24/0 is that you'll save about $15 - $20 a month off your electric bill if you run a 1000W. Not only that but your plant will grow almost as much as it does in 24/0 but it'll be more healthy and also more likely to sex itself with pre-flowers while still in veg. At least in my experience that's the way it was.

Oh and I don't recall if it was mentioned but bulbs lose about 70% of their efficiency in output after about 1.3rd of it's lifespan has been reached. So trying to get all 24000 hours out of a 24000 hour bulb will so up in your grows as a lose of yield. Better to replace the bulbs after about 1/3rd to 1/2 the lifespan is used.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I've had friends tell me that they've seen people make cannabutter with fresh plant material - ie, chop and drop into the mix with no curing time. Would this affect potency? If not, this would be awesome for me as I dislike smoking anyway.

Thanks, old farts! :xmasnut:

It shouldn't effect potency much, curing is more for improving taste and smokability. It improves the quality of the high some but the difference that would make is undone by the heat of the process of making the canna butter. If you don't really like smoking and therefore don't get into the flavor and smell so much then feel free to start making your canna butter right away. I'd still let it dry properly though as it'll make it easier to properly break up the bud.

One thing to keep in mind is that alot of times people making canna butter use the trim and buds that are too small to bother with trimming. Most see this as waste and therefore would not be trying to cure it first anyway.

Green Smoke

Dear Old Farts, as you can see, this micro grown gem has curled up yellowed leaves with red veins. This was caused by a ph boo boo in the 4th week.

My question is, do these leaves collect any light anymore, or are they just making the plant work harder to keep them alive? This is week 11, so they must be alive.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Dear Old Farts, as you can see, this micro grown gem has curled up yellowed leaves with red veins. This was caused by a ph boo boo in the 4th week.

My question is, do these leaves collect any light anymore, or are they just making the plant work harder to keep them alive? This is week 11, so they must be alive.

Well it's kind of hard to tell things from such a small picture. The buds look pretty well developed and from what I see in the picture the leaves look pretty much like they should look for a plant near harvest. I would have liked to have seen what things looked like at say week 5.

It's always been my opinion that when a leaf takes more energy to support then it brings in, the plant feeds off of it and then it dies off. Which is why I always advocate not cutting leaves off to allow more light to the buds or lower leaves. Since the plant seems to have a natural way of telling what leaves aren't pulling their weight I figure why interfere? The plant knows better then me on this matter.


ICMag Donor
Dear Old Farts,

I'm an O.F. too, but I've been curious about something for awhile now-

Back in the late 70's and early 80's, the scene was mostly Columbian, Jamacian and Mexican seeded varieties. Then seedless started showing up. The first sensi I saw was bright green, covered with trichs and smelled great. I was told it was grown in California.

My question is, does anybody know where the first seedless varieties came from, and what strains do you think they were?

Thanks a bunch O.F.'s!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Sorry, how's this?

Well that's somewhat better and yeah that just looks to me like a plant that's ready for harvest or close to it. Those leaves probably aren't doing much for the plant now but then again, marijuana doesn't grow indefinately once it enters flowering. So it's normal for the leaves to look pretty bad as you approach harvest. Those top leaves might have fallen off already if they were lower on the stalk. Where they are now the buds are probably helping to hold them in place.

You said it was in week 11, I presume then that's a sativa? Most hybrids and indicas finish at around 8 weeks maybe 9. You could run them longer but then you'ld end up with alot of amber trichomes which would make the high more of a couchlock high then a hybrid or indica should be.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Dear Old Farts,

I'm an O.F. too, but I've been curious about something for awhile now-

Back in the late 70's and early 80's, the scene was mostly Columbian, Jamacian and Mexican seeded varieties. Then seedless started showing up. The first sensi I saw was bright green, covered with trichs and smelled great. I was told it was grown in California.

My question is, does anybody know where the first seedless varieties came from, and what strains do you think they were?

Thanks a bunch O.F.'s!

Sorry I'm not sure what the answer to your question would be. You'ld really need to know the worldwide history of marijuana cultivation and even then what you got back in the 70's or 80's could have been different since any strain could be seedless and if it's grown indoors it could come from anywhere even places far north not usually known for weed. Seedless isn't a property of the strain it's a matter of whether the grower makes sure there are no males to pollinate the crop. Then the plant is said to be sensimilla which means "without seed" in Spanish. Now I remember hearing that term back in the 70's before seedless bud started turning up which suggests the first seedless bud was grown some point prior to that. So perhaps you would need to know the origin of the term sensimilla to determine when the very first seedless bud was grown. That theoretically could go back hundreds of years well beyond most peoples concept of the existence of marijuana.