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Wanna Ask The Old Farts A Question?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
alk_loid said:
its a shame that hempkat alone have to answer all questions, and theres allways questions.
but your doing very very good work, anyone can say that.

i put my girls to 12/12 mode today.
question if i want to check girls when they sleep, with little ambient light far away. is it bad? or how dangerous this is to get hermies?

Well if it's not very often and you try to minimize the light as much as possible and it's for just a brief moment then that's usually not going to cause you trouble. What's more likely to get you into trouble is frequency, that's why I said "if it's not very often" plants like consistancy. In their native lands the weather is pretty consistant....well maybe not now that we got this global warming thing. Anyway it's the odd occurances that disrupts that consistancy that stresses the plant. Really you should just train yourself not to check on them during lights out unless it's an emergency of some sort. If for some reason you absolutely positively have to check on plants during lights out then you should use a light that gives off green light. Green light to plants is like nothing, it doesn't effect them. The only checking you should need to do is make sure things are running properly like fans for example and what the tempurature and humidity is which you can check from outside a room or a box with the kind that is meant for indoor and outdoor. They have a probe usually with a good bit of wire attached.

As for the work here, well someday there will perhaps be others who join in regularly by checking everyday, that have skills in areas I don't. However, the vast majority that come here are either beginners most of whom are either not ready, willing or able to go hydro if they even know about it. Or they are people who have a good bit of knowledge but still new enough that they want to bounce their plans off someone more experienced. The occasional hydro or advanced growing technique question that comes along isn't enough to keep the attention of someone familiar with those techniques.

Whatever the case, I'm here for now and as always I'll do what I can. :smile:


excellent :)

i sprayed plants against mites yesterday. found somewhere recipe
little home soap. then 3/4 tap water and 1/4 of vinegar.
i sprayed this to my plants. 2hours later sprayed this off with pure water.
and today i checked them. 4 of the bigger ones have droopy kinda look.
i sprayed with more water ,all the leaves . and poured pure water to them.to wash the roots cleaner.
4hours later the look pretty much the same. i afraid to water more maybe they get this look from overwatering? assuming i havent feed them water via leaves.

any idea how soon i could see them getting back to normal or whens the time when its not probrably not okay with them.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
alk_loid said:
excellent :)

i sprayed plants against mites yesterday. found somewhere recipe
little home soap. then 3/4 tap water and 1/4 of vinegar.
i sprayed this to my plants. 2hours later sprayed this off with pure water.
and today i checked them. 4 of the bigger ones have droopy kinda look.
i sprayed with more water ,all the leaves . and poured pure water to them.to wash the roots cleaner.
4hours later the look pretty much the same. i afraid to water more maybe they get this look from overwatering? assuming i havent feed them water via leaves.

any idea how soon i could see them getting back to normal or whens the time when its not probrably not okay with them.

Okay well first of all I doubt that spray would have worked on the mites, I've seen a number of recipes involving hot, hot, pepers, tobbasco sauce, tobacco
juice, etc. that didn't work. Now there is one recipe I can try to get from a guy that believe it or not uses buttermilk. He claims he tried it and it worked. Basically you spray the stuff on and it drys so thick it smothers the mites. Then a couple days later you wash it off by spraying it down with just water.

As for the plant, it's hard to say since we aren't sure what happened. If it is just overwatering they should get better fairly quickly, like in a day or less. If however the mixture actually damaged the leaves then they may never look any better since when damaged, leaves usually don't get better they stay damaged and/or die off. If that were the case but the cause of the damage has been removed then you'll have to look at new growth to tell if they're better or not. Then again it could be this mixture dried on the plants in a way that weights the leaves down in which case it could need a few more mistings to wash that residue off and allow the leaves to be able to raise up more.

You really should have waited to go to flower. I understand you might have a schedule you wanted to stick to but how blown is your schedule if heaven forbid your plants don't make it? When you have pest like mites that can do significant damage to the plants you are much better off if you can take care of it in veg. Since mites are very tough to kill off completely what you have to do to get them is usually very tough on the plant. If it's still in veg you can always veg it longer to get it back to a nice healthy state before flowering.


i havent seen them no more. i know its hard to look them.
sprayed them 3-4 times with 3-4 days between.

can mites kill your plants entirely? this guy i got clones from told it isnd vary bad. i have smoked his buds, seem and taste fine :/


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
alk_loid said:
i havent seen them no more. i know its hard to look them.
sprayed them 3-4 times with 3-4 days between.

can mites kill your plants entirely? this guy i got clones from told it isnd vary bad. i have smoked his buds, seem and taste fine :/

To be honest I can't say for sure what they can do as I've never had them and by the time I see them they've usually already had something done to them. I have seen a pic before where the cola bud of an infested plant was completely covered in webbing and in it you could see there was a litteral colony of mites. Now of course they don't get like that unless you do nothing but when it's that bad, when you cut and dry the bud there's going to be all sorts of mites caught up in that even if you scrape or wash most of them and the webbing off.

I can't say what your friend had or for that matter how knowledgable he is, maybe he had something else and just thought they were mites? Most growers consider them to be one of the worst pest problems. They may not seem like much at first but once a few rounds of eggs get laid you got problems.

So how are the plants looking now, better? worse? the same?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
tkayone said:
quick question,
im going to build myself a nice rubbermaid tub grow box
i want to use a few fans, 1 to exhaust the light chamber that will have 6cfls
and another attached to ducting to exhaust the grow chamber.
maybe even build a carbon scrubber with it.
would this fan be good?
and how can i attach it to ducting?

Yeah that would probably work as far as how much air it can move I think those 120mm fans pull about 70-90 cfm's. As for hookinf it into the ducting that you're more or less going to have to figure a way to jury rig it. I've the ducting is 6" you might be able to get the fan inside the ducting. I used a 120mm fan and some 4" ducting once to be able to bring in cold outside air if I ever needed help cooling a grow in winter. I was fortunate enough to find a ducting fixture that was an adapter designed to attach a 4" round duct to a 6" square duct and the 6" square side was perfect for the fan. Don't forget you'll need to find a way to provide power for that either by using an old computer power supply or splicing it to an appropriately rated ac adapter.


they seem to get better slowly.
leaves are off color, like they were burned. with vinegar its not suprise.
some colas on plant look droopy still, others seem to grow on. i think they slowly heal themselves.

when u switch to 12/12 plants still grow new leaves yes? cuz im litle worried about plants not getting enough light with those leaves. so if it grow new ones i think plant will get better and better by time?

i flushed plants with plain water, several times maybe they shoe nute def. ? but i dont think 4 -5 days will show that.

good thing is my temps are better now. 23-27C 73-80F

ill hope they get fine, man i have done all kinds of things with plants, and i realise they must be one of the strongest plants in world, they can take abuse. but not stupidity like i did ;p

today or tomorrow ill upload some pictures that u could see them for yourself :)

cant thankyou enough . i belive in karma and im sure that hempkat is in real life excellent person


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
alk_loid said:
they seem to get better slowly.
leaves are off color, like they were burned. with vinegar its not suprise.
some colas on plant look droopy still, others seem to grow on. i think they slowly heal themselves.

when u switch to 12/12 plants still grow new leaves yes? cuz im litle worried about plants not getting enough light with those leaves. so if it grow new ones i think plant will get better and better by time?

i flushed plants with plain water, several times maybe they shoe nute def. ? but i dont think 4 -5 days will show that.

good thing is my temps are better now. 23-27C 73-80F

ill hope they get fine, man i have done all kinds of things with plants, and i realise they must be one of the strongest plants in world, they can take abuse. but not stupidity like i did ;p

today or tomorrow ill upload some pictures that u could see them for yourself :)

cant thankyou enough . i belive in karma and im sure that hempkat is in real life excellent person

Well thank you, I try to be an excellent person. :smile:

I'm not so sure it was the vinegar alone or the fact that it was at a 1 to 3 ratio with the water that was probably the real issue, that's a 35% concentration. It could also explain why you're seeing deficiencies since vinegar is very acidic. Even sprayed on it could cause a ph imbalance that would cause nute lock out which in turn would appear like deficiencies. The treatment for that if to flush which you've done so they should get better after the next feeding.

As for the leaves, to a point they'll regrow. If you're still in the first two to three weeks of flower, what's known as the stretch phase, then there is enough veg type growth going on that they'll probably grow back like normal. If you get beyond that phase and lose leaves they may not grow back where you lost them but the buds themselves will probably put out a few extra bud leaves (the leaves growing directly from the bud) to compensate. If you did lose alot of leaves your yield will likely be less then what it could have been because alot of time, energy and resources will go into replacing those leaves leaving less time. energy and resources for making the buds bigger.

There's not much you can do about that except learn from your mistakes.

Don Cotyle

Where can I order Black and Gold from,? I can't seem to find it anywhere!

Thanks, Don
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Don Cotyle said:
Where can I order Black and Gold from,? I can't seem to find it anywhere!

Thanks, Don

I'm not sure, what is it? I've never heard of it before. I did a goggle search and found references to a potting soil and a strain but both were refered to as Black Gold, not Black and Gold.

If it's a strain then check the main seed distributor sites, If none of them have it then it may not be available for purchase in which case you can only hope to find someone who has some seeds or cuts and work something out privately. If you do find some lesser known site selling it and none of the big sites are selling it, then be careful it may be old or not the real thing.

Now if it's this soil and you're talking about ordering it online then I would say stop worrying about it and just buy yourself some decent brand of soil locally. If you happen to live somewhere, where there is no source for a decent brand of soil locally, then of course you have to order it in. However you'll be better off picking a better known more popular brand such as Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Reason being you'll have better odds of finding it close enough to keep shipping costs down and the more people selling a brand, the better the competition is and so you get the best price. Hard to find items usually come at a premium if you do find them.

Another option if this Black and Gold is soil or some special fert or grow related product, is that some are fortunate enough to live near a hydro shop and in most you'll usually find an assortment of the products you hear people talking about with their grows. One thing about hydro stores though, in some areas where marijuana is still illegal the local law enforcement (aka LEO) have been known to watch stores and develope leads from who they see coming and going. Also because of that sort of thing most hydro stores will not openly discuss marijuana or marijuana gardening.

Don Cotyle

Thanks Hempcat, It's suposed to be a compost product made in America. I was give a soil mix that calles for it, and they can't provise a source for it!

I'll take your advice and just pick up some organic potting soil and make my mix with it!

Oh and I'd never openly discuss MJ with any Hydro shop employee, I'm 58 and a little more stealth than that ;)

Thanks again, Hempcat...you da man! Rep comeing your way!!!!!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Don Cotyle said:
Thanks Hempcat, It's suposed to be a compost product made in America. I was give a soil mix that calles for it, and they can't provise a source for it!

I'll take your advice and just pick up some organic potting soil and make my mix with it!

Oh and I'd never openly discuss MJ with any Hydro shop employee, I'm 58 and a little more stealth than that ;)

Thanks again, Hempcat...you da man! Rep comeing your way!!!!!

Yeah look for some other brand organic soil you can get locally that is organic and that should do as well. For what it's worth now that I know what it is I found a link for it :smile:


I didn't mean to offend you on the hydro store thing. I just mention it because if you've ever walked into one you can tell much of their stuff caters towards marijuana usually. So one might assume it's okay to talk about it.

Don Cotyle

HempKat said:
Yeah look for some other brand organic soil you can get locally that is organic and that should do as well. For what it's worth now that I know what it is I found a link for it :smile:


I didn't mean to offend you on the hydro store thing. I just mention it because if you've ever walked into one you can tell much of their stuff caters towards marijuana usually. So one might assume it's okay to talk about it.

No offence taken, It's better to throw that kind of advice out there, then have the hydro guy call the Cops and give them the lowdown along with yur license plate number!!!

Thanks agan!!! Don


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Don Cotyle said:
No offence taken, It's better to throw that kind of advice out there, then have the hydro guy call the Cops and give them the lowdown along with yur license plate number!!!

Thanks agan!!! Don

Oh I didn't mean to imply the hydro guys would call the cops. I mean maybe if you came in there and announced you were starting a commercial grow to sell to the local middle school kids. Mostly though they're like some of the head shops we have here in the US. Paraphenalia for marijuana is illegal but since it can be potentially used for other things this creates a loophole by where they can sell it as long as it's definately not for marijuana use. As soon as someone indicates they want it for marijuana it becomes illegal. So the stores often have signs displaying a rule they usually enforce, which essentially says if you talk about marijuana use you'll be asked to leave.

Many of the hydro stores are the same way, except some of them will talk to you in sort of a code where you could be talking about anyone of a variety of plants but you both are talking about marijuana. Like for example, you might say something like, "I'm interested in growing some flower bearing plants to cultivate the resins they produce. The plants like as much sun as possible normally when outside, what would you recommend for light inside? Also I'm not happy with my current brand of fertalizer could you recommend a brand of fertalizer for resin producing plants?" Another way around this is to just talk tomatoes. Tomato plants and pot plants have certain similarities and pretty much the same requirements. The important thing in going that route is you need to be confident you and the hydro clerk are on the same page you know, *wink wink* *nudge nudge* :D

Oh, and if it is a place the cops use to get leads, the innocent looking cable van, or utility truck or delivery truck or unmarked car with a couple of people sitting in it across the street, they'll get the license number. :D
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
alk_loid said:
they been flowering 6days for now.
maybe i should switch them to veg again and let them heal week or two?

No at this point you're probably better off keeping them in flower. If you switch back to veg now it's going to be stressful for the plant and it could take up to 2 or 3 weeks to get it back to veg. (Although since it's only been in flower 6 days it might revert back a little quicker). Not even counting that you would probably need to give it one to two weeks veg to heal maybe more if it lost a whole bunch of leaves. I believe you're the one hoping to have a harvest by the 4th of July right? If so then if you revert back now you can probably forget about making that deadline. They're probably okay enough and they might put out enough leaves in stretch that you should be okay to just keep flowering.