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....WAKE & BAKE....


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Morning wake and bake. I am officially 1 month out from graduation. Let's hope I will be back to waking and baking soon after that!

Have a good Thursday everyoen


puff puff pass

Glad to see everyone's doing well....

Bong hits and studying for me today and tomorrow....stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Lover of Life
yo yo wake n bakers...just getting around...donut...lmao...flying high on my own strain (ohmygersh)...Tookah #1..good stuff yah


What were we talking about?
Good morning fellow w&bers.

Friday! Woot!

Nice and baked and listening to some Moody Blues. Good shit man.
Friday fun day. Blazing my snowcap out of bowl this beautiful a. M. Happy because my bills won last night and it's gonna be a beautiful weekend. P. S. Check out the white house petitions website and sign the petition even of you already are in a med state. I have a feeling this country is gonna make a change for the better. Colorado and California are our examples. Smoke on Bros

Sent from my C771 using Tapatalk 2


ahhhh being on break......

Football tonight, coffee this morning, and a brownie

My girlfriend found a picture of a t-shirt yesterday and I want it really bad but we can't find it anywhere....anyways it says "Drink whiskey, Eat pussy, Hail satan" I found one that says "Smoke meth, beat whores, hail satan" but I don't believe it's as eloquent as the first. If anyone knows where or who makes this shirt please let me know. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


What were we talking about?
Been baked all morning now. The missus went to get supplies.

Guess I'll get right to work on my favorite project . . .



Happy Saturday fellow w&bers!


well as they say all good things must come to an end, and so it has....worst game of football I have ever seen....agh ugh, don't even have words for it, just guttural noises.

Anyways, I'm taking large hits of shit outta my bong this morning. And watching this badass documentary about the glass blower movement exploding in pipes and bongs. Pretty cool stuff.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Morning wake and bake. Hope everyone has a good Sunday. Have to do some shopping and pick up supplies for Thanksgiving. See you all later!


What were we talking about?
Good morning fellow w&bers. Short week with the holiday.

Getting ready just like always though, starting with a strict regimen of getting baked first thing!


baskets going back home today! Pretty excited, just gotta get around and wait for my girl to get off. Hope you all have a wonderful monday....stay safe/stay medicated-basket


What were we talking about?
Good morning fellow w&bers.

One more day and then a long weekend. Then I can quit screwing around and get down to some serious tokage . . .

Until then I have to be content with goofy tokage. :woohoo:


Lover of Life
The Devils house? wha wha what? lmaorof

yeah, still baked so I had to order it online...got the xbox version..I'll admit it..I'm a total game addict...I think I have a lot...wait..too many games, lets put it that way..games from like 1987 on NES...super mario world from 1992...Goldeneye..Sega Genesis...err..yeah, a lot. love that pic from Grandmas Boy though..hahahahaaa..totally me totally me.

waked and fully baked, reporting for duty...rolled a couple more black rose for the morning while I do stuff.

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Greetings my WnB friends!
cookie is taking a vacation day today from my job cooking to stay home and bake pies! hehehe
Well, gotta be baked before baking sooo..... puff puff pass to the left....
enjoying some pre-holiday Cheese this morning.
Yall have a great Thanksgiving. As much is Fd up in this world (I don't have a speedboat OR helicopter) ya always gotta be thankful for those little gems.
Got a pulse this morning....breathing...this is all good....world's best wife.....roof over head, food on table...and a job(albeit a shitty one, but hey...) secret shiny room........oh yeah, and cookie's cat (sitting between me and monitor).
Much love, my friends. As always....stay safe, and keep em green.
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