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....WAKE & BAKE....



Mornin' fellow WakenBakeriamites...

Almost 4:20 a.m. here - first joint of the day - pretty baked, less and less waked...

Peace and pot to you and yours -


Couple bags of vape and just took a hit outta the inline....morning is starting well. Movie this afternoon, thinking new Sherlock Holmes, any other ideas? Been awesome outside this week, deff not December and January weather. Maybe a bike ride too.

Have a good day everyone, stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Lover of Life
good morning wake n' bakers!

I had a couple bowls out of the bong when I woke up..Durban and Purple Shaman, mmmmm :)

have a good morning and a great day everyone :)


Good morning Classy, Basket, HOPS, and all the other icmag wake-n-bakers who haven't posted!

Classy, what the heck are ya doing so early in the morning? damn! lol

Basket, this weather ROCKS! aside from it being cold, I couldn't be happier with how this winter is going weather-wise. I wonder how long it will stay like this....
Are you hoping for snow or would you be alright if it didn't really snow this winter? haha

HOPS, sounds like a good breakfast to me!

I've cut back on my vaping (or smoking) over the last few days, I was considering taking a tolerance break for a month but I've cut back the amount I vape and how many times throughout the day and I think I'm gonna keep going just taking it easy... with da buddha vapeorizer I have a habit of keeping it on all day long and pack it a few times a day, so I'm pretty much literally taking a few hits every hour or two. I think it also has to do with the bud I've been getting, it's good quality but not really my style.... def more indica, and smoking too much kills any and all focus and motivation, good for relaxin' but not for getting stuff done! haha. Anyway, I'm rambling.... I may not be wake-n-bake'in as much from now on, but for now, I'm glad to be baked and awake and sorry for rambling haha.

Have an awesome day guys!


Hey w & b'ers :joint:

Its pissing rain here in westcoast Canada. That's ok though, Im off work till the third, got a coffee brewing, a shot of caramel baileys and a fat SourD bowl packed.

Ah, the little things in life...
enjoying some donated GDP from a fellow ICmager. Thanks bro!



Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Good afternoon everyone! Hope your all having a great day. Ive been away since my sister has been home the last few weeks. She left yesterday heading back to the land of plenty (California) and I am now back online.

Gonna be installing a new wireless router today for me and the parents, get to set it up then rebuild our entire network. I remember a few short years ago when It was like 3 computers. Now im up to 4 laptops, 3 desktops, a network printer, 4 cell phones, and a tablet e-reader. Sweet jesus we love our internet in my house! haha

See you all tomorrow - gonna end out 2012 on a HIGH note =)
Hey everyone, nice to still see some familiar faces here, haven't been around in a while.
Calijim, trichosaurus, soulfly, nice to still see you around!

Have a good day !


C99, kiff, oil, more kiff, and more bud. This is the breakfast sandwich I enjoyed on this lovely morning. Another 60 degree day when its "normally" in the teens, eh whats normal round these parts anyways. Id write more but just realized I've been staring at the screen for the past 5 minutes just listening to the wind lmafo, this sandwich has had an effect on me.

Hope everyone have a safe and medicated new years eve-basket


Mornin' my fellow W&Bellians - first one of 2012...

Have a great day kids -I'm gonna go lay down...


Morning crew, still haven't slept but up when I usually am, so yep. Gotta say, Im a lil drunk, gonna wake the girl up soon for work, god Im glad I dont have shit to do except take the girls out.

Oh shit, we figured out names for em, the smaller one is jane and the bigger one is mary. HAHA! lol. Its so awesome calling em and them coming right to you. Ill end up posting pics soon, pretty sure I just gotta press one button and the gps in my phone cam turns off. Finishing off my wellers and water, would prefer a makers mark but i love me my bourbon regardless.

Don't know what else to say but the usual, stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Happy 2012 everyone!
I just woke up, waiting for Da Buddha to warm up then gonna spend the morning cleaning and reading!
2012 is gonna be a kick-ass year, 2011 was awesome but this year is gonna be even better!
Hope ya'll have an enjoyable day now!


Mornin', one and all, my fellow W&Borwegians...

My eldest sons 18th b'day today

Have a great day, kids...

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