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....WAKE & BAKE....


vape vape vape.....took a vacation for a few days it was very needed and enjoyed. Saw Transiberian Orchestra, center section like 10th row back so that was pretty cool.

Left this jar of stuff sitting back and I just opened it, smells like rotten baby shit with thrown up crunch wrap from taco bell. Its disgusting, it makes you gag, yet brings a smile to your face. Something so vile and disgusting but in a good way.

Anyways good to be back, hope everyone is having a good weekend, ahahahahahaha the packers are losing to the chiefs ahahahaha. Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Good morning Wake & Bakers!
I'm drinking some green tea, waiting for Da Buddha to heat up (should be ready now actually), and listening to a Terence McKenna interview on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx_POd4I18E&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL62D2E2594D33A679

With the holidays coming up this weekend I'm taking it easy this week finishing up some stuff that hasn't been finished yet and starting to brainstorm my 2012 goals / plan.

On the shroom world, one of the 1 jars is about 30% colonized, 1 jar is starting, and two aren't really showing any signs of mycelium yet. I've taken them away from the heat source I had 'em near, seeing if lower temps (more steady temps) in the mid/high 60's/low 70's does any better than mid 70's to mid 80's

Hope everyones having a great Monday morning and getting plenty buzzed!


Lover of Life
g'morning wake n bakers

just finished off a bowl of the afghan kush i grew out this past summer..it's really starting to taste and smoke good.

getting ready to pop some beans for my winter grow under the floros and hps.

still cleaning just about every day, but it's a good job for sure.

stay toked up and have an excellent everyone :)


Looks like I got A's on this morning bowl, puff puff pass.....

Squeeze the juice from half a lime. To this add 2 teaspoons sugar, stir. Fill glass 1/4 way with crushed ice, enough to cover lime/sugar mix. Take 10-14 mint leaves, rub along rim of glass, tear in half, add to glass. Add 2 shots light rum, fill glass with crushed ice, top it all off with a splash of soda water. Enjoy.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Good morning Wake & Bakers!
Even though its COLD I decided (during my usual DBV session when I wake up) that today would be the perfect morning to go for a nice long walk in the woods. So I packed a bowl and headed out! Cold as fuck but the fresh air is great and spending some 1:1 time with nature ...the trees, the leaves, the squirrels and birds... well, at least that's my idea of the perfect morning! Who's hit is it?


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Good morning Wake & Bakers!
Even though its COLD I decided (during my usual DBV session when I wake up) that today would be the perfect morning to go for a nice long walk in the woods. So I packed a bowl and headed out! Cold as fuck but the fresh air is great and spending some 1:1 time with nature ...the trees, the leaves, the squirrels and birds... well, at least that's my idea of the perfect morning! Who's hit is it?

Morn... But cold as fuck?? There is no ice on the water pal.
My kid sister would be running around in her bathing suit out there!


*Stoned User*
Good morning peeps. :wave:

Got a bowl of purple maui burning this morning and its a great day-starter. :D Cold and damp here so no outdoorsy actions today. Just chillin and stayin warm.

JDI... keep those jars warm. temp fluctuations seem to encourage contams fwiw.
BB/SirTOKES... hey fellas nice to see ya this morn.



Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Hope your all doing well. Been spending time with the family since we are all together for the holidays.


Morning bakers and bakettes, vape vape vape.

I love being on break its amazing. Been studying aquaponics the past few weeks and will be setting up a 25-30 gallon system this weekend. Soooo...thats all I really care about right now.

Soul-always good hearing from you, hope the semester ended up alright, enjoy time with the fam!

The vape and coffee seem to be ready, so yep. Ah ive got the most ghetto bag on my cano, i have no idea last time i changed it and its got so many holes covered in tape lol. Might need to run to the store today. Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


morning guys and gals,

well another day another...wake and bake lol

hope you all have a wonderful day


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
budbasket - it didnt go as well as I had hoped but ended up with an A, 2 B's, a C, and a D. I honestly think my teacher hooked me up with the C as that class was by far one of the hardest I have ever taken (BASH scripting in Linux).

Havent been around much everyone as the family is all together (my sister is spending 2 weeks with us from California) and I majorly messed my back up a week and a half ago. Just as finals were getting started I strained it and then it got progressively worse. Finally starting to move around properly the last two days.

Hope you are all ready for the holidays with friends, loved ones, and lots of green green herbs. Keep it classy gents
Morning bakers and bakettes, vape vape vape.

I love being on break its amazing. Been studying aquaponics the past few weeks and will be setting up a 25-30 gallon system this weekend. Soooo...thats all I really care about right now.

Soul-always good hearing from you, hope the semester ended up alright, enjoy time with the fam!

The vape and coffee seem to be ready, so yep. Ah ive got the most ghetto bag on my cano, i have no idea last time i changed it and its got so many holes covered in tape lol. Might need to run to the store today. Stay safe/stay medicated-basket

What kind of fish are you using?? and Good mrn.


Soul- at least your getting through it, that programming stuff is nuts lol. Hope the back is getting better.

Tokes- Im gonna have 2 seperate 10-15 gallon fish tanks. So either Im gonna run gold fish in one and maybe crawdads or something in the other one or goldfish in both. I wanna start just getting the basics down, Im pretty sure this is where Im gonna start heading towards as a career. I think for 100k I could pay for a 3000 gallon system, plus greenhouse, and costs for the first 6 months. Lands free so that helps. Probably catfish/trout then tilapia maybe seasonally during the summers instead of trout.

In this grow, lettuce, various herbs, and maybe a cherry tomato are gonna make there way into the grow beds. Any advice on what else to toss in there? Im thinking about putting some gerberas in there for color. I have a gardenia in a pot that I might try cloning or layering it and putting it in there.

Im gonna set it up against a large south facing window that gets light from sunrise to dusk basically, so I think Ill be able to fruit out tomatos and strawberries, larger plants, towards the back, where direct sunlight hits it all year. Im prob gonna use a 150w hps I have laying around for supplemental, then upgrade to decent t5 4-8 bulb eventually.

This should be a relatively cheap and easy set-up I've got almost all the parts, and the stuff I don't have isn't very expensive. I think that Im gonna use separate air pumps for the fish tanks, it'll be more parts but Id rather have half the system go down then the entire thing. Ill order 3 pumps and have 1 as a backup. Gonna use a bell siphon to drain, outta old 2-liters and pop bottles. Would like to use expanded shale as my medium and then hopefully colonize worm families in it.

Pretty excited I have a whole month off to work on it. Hopefully by the time I go back to school I'll have fish in it and maybe plants. I was thinking of running nft tubes also. I heard on large scale these are inefficient compared to DWC and ebb/flow systems because of temperature changes the water goes through one side of the tubes to the other. I was thinking though that if you had a sufficient stream the water would stay a constant temp. Maybe using a nutrient river tech rather than a film tech? Idk finally im gonna have a garden to experiment with.

Gotta keep it to legal plants, being in an apartment sucks, I could rig up a micro system but I got too much to lose if I fuck up. I got an endless supply from my old garden anyways so its not needed. I have seen nitrogen deficiency's are common when growing cannabis in these systems, maybe just an increase of fish/ammonia is needed?
Soul- at least your getting through it, that programming stuff is nuts lol. Hope the back is getting better.

Tokes- Im gonna have 2 seperate 10-15 gallon fish tanks. So either Im gonna run gold fish in one and maybe crawdads or something in the other one or goldfish in both. I wanna start just getting the basics down, Im pretty sure this is where Im gonna start heading towards as a career. I think for 100k I could pay for a 3000 gallon system, plus greenhouse, and costs for the first 6 months. Lands free so that helps. Probably catfish/trout then tilapia maybe seasonally during the summers instead of trout.

In this grow, lettuce, various herbs, and maybe a cherry tomato are gonna make there way into the grow beds. Any advice on what else to toss in there? Im thinking about putting some gerberas in there for color. I have a gardenia in a pot that I might try cloning or layering it and putting it in there.

Im gonna set it up against a large south facing window that gets light from sunrise to dusk basically, so I think Ill be able to fruit out tomatos and strawberries, larger plants, towards the back, where direct sunlight hits it all year. Im prob gonna use a 150w hps I have laying around for supplemental, then upgrade to decent t5 4-8 bulb eventually.

This should be a relatively cheap and easy set-up I've got almost all the parts, and the stuff I don't have isn't very expensive. I think that Im gonna use separate air pumps for the fish tanks, it'll be more parts but Id rather have half the system go down then the entire thing. Ill order 3 pumps and have 1 as a backup. Gonna use a bell siphon to drain, outta old 2-liters and pop bottles. Would like to use expanded shale as my medium and then hopefully colonize worm families in it.

Pretty excited I have a whole month off to work on it. Hopefully by the time I go back to school I'll have fish in it and maybe plants. I was thinking of running nft tubes also. I heard on large scale these are inefficient compared to DWC and ebb/flow systems because of temperature changes the water goes through one side of the tubes to the other. I was thinking though that if you had a sufficient stream the water would stay a constant temp. Maybe using a nutrient river tech rather than a film tech? Idk finally im gonna have a garden to experiment with.

Gotta keep it to legal plants, being in an apartment sucks, I could rig up a micro system but I got too much to lose if I fuck up. I got an endless supply from my old garden anyways so its not needed. I have seen nitrogen deficiency's are common when growing cannabis in these systems, maybe just an increase of fish/ammonia is needed?

There are a few Growers around here growing veg, that are running fairly new aquaponics systems, Both have a different tank for rez and for the the fish, then filtered and temped up.

Very cool stuff tho, Im in school for horticulture right now, and have a few years left, but aquaponics is future. I am thinking this is what I will be doing after school as well.

One guy here is growing Koi fish in his tanks, then selling the fish off as they mature and breading as well. There are a few options like that to help bring in extra money. anyyywayy cool shit man.


Mornin' to the W & B kids and kidettes...

Whew - smoked 2 little 1/3 roaches - might go lay down for nap...

Peace and pot, dry matches and full bowls, cool pillows and warm bed-mates, much respect and love to all my friends here in Wake & Bake...


morning fellow bakers:wave: ahhhh the first smoke of the morning always the finest aint it?

this morning im doin dabs of some very nice erl
(strains used:purple goo,sour diesel and sour diesel x HP)and bout to make me egg cheese bagel baammmmmmmmmmm!


Supposed to snow all day, never a bad thing. Morning bakers! Midwest, enjoy those dabs, I had a dream last night I made a batch, even woke up thinking I had some waiting for me. Maybe in the next week or 2.

Day off with the girl and the girls, have absoltuley nothing planned excepting sitting around, giving the girls a bath, and blazing. Maybe hit the store up.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Mornin', W & B crew...

Fry-day a.m. - started sparkin' - all is lost - goin' for nap...

Guest 226076

good morning everyone. 3inches off fresh snow this morning.i think this calls for some bubble hash made from some cheese.happy trails...

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