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WA might ban MMJ doctors.

Ventura's a bit too coocoo for coco puffs for me to take seriously.

However, a Ron Paul and Gary Johnson ticket would be awesome.


Jessie Ventura is the only major elected official that actually spent less on his campaign to get elected than he got paid as Governor. He actually got paid for doing his job as Governor. Why would you pay more to get elected, than the job pays? Think about it. And I don't remember him pardoning anyone's kid just before he left office!

Yeah he's out there, but I fear him less than most of these other bozo's.



Active member
yeah right, Ventura's a coocoo - he was only a Navy Seal for 5 years. As in, more than anything you'll ever accomplish in your life.

I just read that the current version of this bill says only the patient's primary care physician can write the recommendation - if this becomes law it will wipe out 95% of patients.

I would start calling the governor and asking for a veto now
^Not true. Check the link below. An amendment was adopted on Monday to fix this issue.


"EFFECT: Specifies that the documented relationship between a
qualifying patient and health care professional may either be newly
initiated or existing anprovider or a specialist."


^Not true. Check the link below. An amendment was adopted on Monday to fix this issue.


"EFFECT: Specifies that the documented relationship between a
qualifying patient and health care professional may either be newly
initiated or existing anprovider or a specialist."
There have been several amendments both ways, like a freaking arms race. Currently, the bill looks good in several key areas, though I'm not certain how 'specialist' will be interpreted in courts should it come to that :)

There are several groups in Washington trying to fight this bill by saying it's going to ban doctors, ban dispensaries, etc. They usually whip out old amendments or old versions of the bill to "prove" their point, and even then it's usually based on a very biased reading of the content.

Thank you for the link. An old teacher used to say that you don't know what you're talking about unless you've been to the source :)
Yeah, those are the same sketchy people who don't want to be taxed and regulated and really don't give a flying fuck about the patients or having a legit mmj industry here. Oh well. Time to go the way of the dinosaur, boys.


the engrossed and ammended bill is here:

the new language
(iv) ...Have a business or practice which consists solely of authorizing the medical use of cannabis;...

leaves a pretty nice grey area for docs like THCF they need to show SOME KIND of other practice (like a quit smoking clinic)

before the language read.."consists primarily of authorizing..."

and if anyone up in Whatcom/Skagit needs a legit primary care provider that WILL write you a scrip if you need one, I know of 3 up here.(2 naturopaths and an MD)
That and, just because a referral agency like THCF or CBR or Best Medical lines up a clinic day with a doc, it doesn't mean that's all he does. Most MJ doc's have a regular practice too, and only do the MMJ clinics on weekends or certain days. Mine does.
There have been several amendments both ways, like a freaking arms race. Currently, the bill looks good in several key areas, though I'm not certain how 'specialist' will be interpreted in courts should it come to that :)

There are several groups in Washington trying to fight this bill by saying it's going to ban doctors, ban dispensaries, etc. They usually whip out old amendments or old versions of the bill to "prove" their point, and even then it's usually based on a very biased reading of the content.

Thank you for the link. An old teacher used to say that you don't know what you're talking about unless you've been to the source :)

I did that by mistake, I thought the amendments were accepted into the bill already.

Anyway, as is, it DOES ban MMJ recommendation clinics. Thats what I meant by this. Meaning, it's going to be a lot harder for people to find a doctor that is willing to recommend marijuana.

As is, it limits collective gardens to 45 plants, which basicly means no more than 3 patients.

It also forces patients to sign up for the registry if they want any real protection. Then even if you do sign up for the registry, you can still get your door broken in, and your house torn apart, in regards to the marijuana. In other words, if the local cops are dicks, they can make your life hell any time they want, claiming that they believe you are over the limit.
The way I read the bill, it only keeps doctors themselves from opening their own practices where all they do is give MMJ recommendations. I see nothing in there that says groups like THCF or any other referral agency would be put out of business. Just because a mmj doc does one clinic a week with places like this does not mean that it is his/her "sole practice."

If you can find where it says differently, please quote it from the bill for us. Maybe with a page number and line number?
The limitations on collective gardens do suck, though. It was originally 25 patients max and up to 99 plants. Now it's 10 patients max and up to 45 plants. Shitty deal.
And the swine have to check the DOH database before obtaining a search warrant. Do you really think a judge is going to waste his time and LEO's resources to sign off on a search of a registered patient's address? I would hope not.
And the swine have to check the DOH database before obtaining a search warrant. Do you really think a judge is going to waste his time and LEO's resources to sign off on a search of a registered patient's address? I would hope not.

True, I would hope not either. I'm just saying, it makes that situation possible. Some judges sign warrants for BS reasons. They had no reason to remove the search protection, it only protected them from searches if, for example: A neighbor sees you taking plants out to your greenhouse, and reports you the cops. Now the cops can go, find you on the registry, and then they wouldn't be allowed to search you. But now, even if they find you on the list, they can still go get a warrant and search you based on that report.


There is a consolidated bill with all amendments incorporated into the text available on the state legislature website, which is what was passed by the House. What I read in that bill does not match what many people are saying. It's easy to get caught up in and passionate about the individual amendments, especially when there are 20+ added within a 24-hour period, but it's also relatively easy to find out specifically which amendments are accepted or rejected, and they also broadcast the sessions via live streaming video.


plant pimp
WA currently does NOT have arrest/seizure protection. Which is why our state currently sucks when it comes to patients' rights. The swine lock you up and cut your crop and let the judge decide whether or not you "affirmative defense" is valid.

The legislature is trying to fix this as we speak with SB 5073. Has to make it through the senate one more time and then it hits Christine's desk.

They don`t arrest anymore unless you are running and illegal operation. My best friend was raided(and not even home) he had 29 plants and is only supposed to have 15. They took 14 and left the 15 oldest looking plants. They also left him a note to let him know who took his stuff and why. He even called them to make sure there would be no further issues and he was told he was ok. No arrest and no further police probing that he knows of. This happened
in Tacoma not even a month ago


The way I read the bill, it only keeps doctors themselves from opening their own practices where all they do is give MMJ recommendations. I see nothing in there that says groups like THCF or any other referral agency would be put out of business. Just because a mmj doc does one clinic a week with places like this does not mean that it is his/her "sole practice."

If you can find where it says differently, please quote it from the bill for us. Maybe with a page number and line number?
It's been back and forth a few times, with the latest being that a doctor cannot have a practice solely focused on medical marijuana (page 10 line 34), but they have removed the restriction on having a practice primarily focused on mmj.


They don`t arrest anymore unless you are running and illegal operation.
That is absolutely not true. It may be true in some instances, and truer in some areas than others, but as a blanket statement it is undeniably false.

I personally know several people who were legitimate who have been arrested, and have followed the stories of quite a few more through local advocacy groups. Most of them win in court (eventually), but that doesn't mean they don't go through hell first.

Oh, how I wish it were true, though!!! Some day, I hope it will be :)


weed fiend
You are too kind to describe them as "conservatives" -- they're fascists. Real conservatives would support States' Rights, as well as a maximum of rights, liberties, and freedom of each person, with absolute minimal intrusion by the government. The same holds true for business regulations, including the tilting of the "free market" in favor of crony corporations through special interest tax incentives and other corporate welfare.

OTOH, fascism can be defined as preferential government treatment of favored corporate interests, to the benefit of those corporate interests instead of all the citizens under that government's dominion. "Private profit and socialized risk" is one of their maxims. The USA stopped being a constitutional republic infused with small "d" democratic principles about the same time as the rise to power of the Military Industrial Complex and the National Intelligence infrastructure, at the close of World War 2. Over the course of the past 40+ years that trend has been greatly accelerating -- highlighted by the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, the Vietnam Conflict, and Nixon's War on Drugs.


I thought conservatism is the old fashioned way, aka anti-progressive. Lots of conservatives condone mmj and lots don't. IMO, those conservatives who would thwart or even roll back mj reform are typical conservatives. IMO, conservatives that condone social issues they don't expressly partake are a rare breed.

I thought fascism is where government runs business, not the other way around. Wouldn't we be much closer to capitalism? After all, ~68% of US-based corporations pay no income tax. These corporations lobby their interests and contribute to elections campaigns. TBH, sounds like the opposite of fascism.

I thought we are and have always been a democratic republic.

democratic - majority rules... as in elections excepting the 2000 prez election. that's an anomaly we've neither seen before nor since. Some of our governing process requires more than a simple majority but majority still rules.

republic - no royal decree aka no king

constitutional republic - sounds like somebody's idea we're not governing constitutionally. But since the founding fathers never addressed the aspect of a static or living document, it's open to interpretation. Changes have been instituted by elected lawmakers and appointed judges, like the constitution requires.
They don`t arrest anymore unless you are running and illegal operation. My best friend was raided(and not even home) he had 29 plants and is only supposed to have 15. They took 14 and left the 15 oldest looking plants. They also left him a note to let him know who took his stuff and why. He even called them to make sure there would be no further issues and he was told he was ok. No arrest and no further police probing that he knows of. This happened
in Tacoma not even a month ago

Well, your friend is lucky to be dealing with LEO's who aren't bitter about mmj laws. A lot of them are. Especially outside of the I-5 corridor counties. Come visit Stevens or Kittitas or Spokane counties and see what's up. It's a little different here. The cops have more of a cowboy mentality and their attitude is "well, fuck it, you're under arrest and we'll let the judge decide." And it's like this is a great majority of WA still. It sucks, but without arrest protection for patients on the books, there's nothing stopping the cops from really fucking your life up if they feel like it.


plant pimp
That is absolutely not true. It may be true in some instances, and truer in some areas than others, but as a blanket statement it is undeniably false.

I personally know several people who were legitimate who have been arrested, and have followed the stories of quite a few more through local advocacy groups. Most of them win in court (eventually), but that doesn't mean they don't go through hell first.

Oh, how I wish it were true, though!!! Some day, I hope it will be :)

It seems the tacoma police.pc sheriff`s are ok with the medical weed scene. I can imagine though in some of those smaller towns like Roy or Elma it can be bad. Hell even fakewood probably has an issue with what we do. So I stand corrected! Thanks for the insight.

Well, your friend is lucky to be dealing with LEO's who aren't bitter about mmj laws. A lot of them are. Especially outside of the I-5 corridor counties. Come visit Stevens or Kittitas or Spokane counties and see what's up. It's a little different here. The cops have more of a cowboy mentality and their attitude is "well, fuck it, you're under arrest and we'll let the judge decide." And it's like this is a great majority of WA still. It sucks, but without arrest protection for patients on the books, there's nothing stopping the cops from really fucking your life up if they feel like it.

Ouch,I feel for you guys out there. Like I stated above,the Pierce County area is str8,even Seattle. However in those small towns it is probably hell. You would think Spokane would be open to it,more liberal as big as that city is.

Cops with that cowboy mentality piss me off. They act like we are the ones who pissed in their cereal. All we wanna do is grow good pot and smoke ourselves into a comfort zone. Some of them pigs need to smoke a couple joints then go protect and serve...things would be a lot more peaceful on these streets.