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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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just woke up from the No on Prop 19 celebration Tuesday night. It's 80+ degrees and the surf is up today. It's nice to know that people in Cali still got the common sense to vote for MEDICINE and not intoxication. Go use your freedom to be productive.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I would disagree. Under prop19, the penalty for selling to someone under 21 would have been a 6 month jail sentence, $1000 fine, and 1 year ban from operating business. This means that anyone (government, special interest group, people who blindly oppose weed due to propaganda in the past) could immediately shut down a vendor simply by catching them selling to someone under 21. All vendors could be eliminated within weeks if someone really wanted to shut them down, and then what? Prop19 could have backfired in everyone's face. I believe this is why many people voted no.

They could do the same to any liquor store or bar that furnishes alcohol to a minor. That was the push here. To try and make marijuana LEGAL FOR ADULT USE and put it in the same category as the recreational drug alcohol. Boo-Hoo if your under 21. Should everyone go to jail because you have to wait another 2-3 years to become a legal adult? Such a childish and selfish claim. Not to mention Ammiano was already ready to introduce a ammendment to make possession charges for minors even lower, along with increasing possession amounts and decreasing commercial liscesing fees to produce and distribute marijuana.

The failure of 19 is placed entirely on the backs of the people who decided not to vote as well as the huge republican/teaparty turnout. Like ive said, the growers/dealers make up such a small demographic that all of their fear mongering paled in comparison to the anti-mj conservative crowd.


Just Call me Urkle!!
No one is telling you to take Xanax or Zoloft.

The point is not limit it only to being a medical remedy.

This is a recreational pass time for many who have no health problems...

...other than Anxiety from Paranoia of being incarcerated or fined for injesting fine 'erb.

Had Anxiety for years before I started smoking, they wanted me on Ridilin as a kid and moms said fuck that! Lets try good ol natural pot! Also if you use Cannabis as a pass time to relax that's considered medicinal. That $50-$75 a year aint shit and that's only if you want to go in the dispensaries, you just need a rec one time if you want to grow your own medicine. It is perfectly fine the way it is and to all you cry babies in other states hoping we would lead the way I say this... Look at the other states which have MMJ Laws now like Colorado and Oregon call me crazy but I believe Cali was the leader for that?? MMJ in Cali is a lovely thing and I truly would like to see it this way across the country. We have all see how shitty things get when commercialized so just keep it with the ones who know what we are doing and CARE about our crops.


Just Call me Urkle!!
They could do the same to any liquor store or bar that furnishes alcohol to a minor. That was the push here. To try and make marijuana LEGAL FOR ADULT USE and put it in the same category as the recreational drug alcohol. Boo-Hoo if your under 21. Should everyone go to jail because you have to wait another 2-3 years to become a legal adult? Such a childish and selfish claim. Not to mention Ammiano was already ready to introduce a ammendment to make possession charges for minors even lower, along with increasing possession amounts and decreasing commercial liscesing fees to produce and distribute marijuana.

The failure of 19 is placed entirely on the backs of the people who decided not to vote as well as the huge republican/teaparty turnout. Like ive said, the growers/dealers make up such a small demographic that all of their fear mongering paled in comparison to the anti-mj conservative crowd.

Gotta be 21 to smoke a plant that doesn't impair you like alcohol but you can go kill Iraqi children at the ripe age of 18... It's ok to take another persons life at that age but OMG put that joint away!!! Keep buying cigarettes which are far worse on your lungs too!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Not so true, I'm sure I look like a super healthy 20 something to most but I have ANXIETY, EATING DISORDERS, and still dealing with the DEPRESSION of losing my best friend.. I guess I should take Zoloft and Xanax??? 215 was written so ANYTHING that bothers you physically or mentally that you can stop with Cannabis you should be able to have a card... I get so tired of the shit you hear from folks thinking we all need to be on our death bed in a wheel chair with 2 years life left just to use Cannabis medicinally !

People voted for SERIOUSLY ILL PATIENTS. If Californians KNEW how abused 215 would become with all these "depression", "anxiety" and "insomnia" patients they would have voted no. But hey you got one over on the people of california and now theres nothing they can do and since you have such a wonderful thing going with your precious mmj system fuck everyone else right?

Oh and by the way 19 didnt make any new penalties, it just referred to the ones already in place. You fucking people make me sick. If it wern't for the fact that REAL patients would suffer if 215 was shut down, id say get rid of the whole fucking thing just to spite you arrogant pricks who justified a NO vote through any pathetic excuse that you could think of. You just set our whole movement back YEARS. Imagine if 215 was shot down like 19 was. Where would we be now? 19 held so much opportunity for so many people, im disgustedly ashamed to see how many people on this forum are so selfish and short sighted.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Gotta be 21 to smoke a plant that doesn't impair you like alcohol but you can go kill Iraqi children at the ripe age of 18... It's ok to take another persons life at that age but OMG put that joint away!!! Keep buying cigarettes which are far worse on your lungs too!

I agree. Raise the adult age to 21. To send an 18 year old off to fight in the war is not what we should be preaching. But if your waiting for a MJ bill to come along that will allow people under 21 to smoke you will be waiting forever. 215 is already in place so if people were THAT desperate to get their hands on mj they could still be doing so under 19. So dont bring this pathetic argument. Again, to vote against legalization because it doesnt allow 18,19 and 20 year olds to smoke is childish and selfish.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
People voted for SERIOUSLY ILL PATIENTS. If Californians KNEW how abused 215 would become with all these "depression", "anxiety" and "insomnia" patients they would have voted no. But hey you got one over on the people of california and now theres nothing they can do and since you have such a wonderful thing going with your precious mmj system fuck everyone else right?

Oh and by the way 19 didnt make any new penalties, it just referred to the ones already in place. You fucking people make me sick. If it wern't for the fact that REAL patients would suffer if 215 was shut down, id say get rid of the whole fucking thing just to spite you arrogant pricks who justified a NO vote through any pathetic excuse that you could think of. You just set our whole movement back YEARS. Imagine if 215 was shot down like 19 was. Where would we be now? 19 held so much opportunity for so many people, im disgustedly ashamed to see how many people on this forum are so selfish and short sighted.

do you want some cheese with that whine?

you should put that energy to calling the feds, DA, local police or whoever you said you would call on us if prop 19 lost......

snitches, what do they do? sleep in.........

its done and over with, our vote didn't mean shit compared to the rest of California who voted NO......


New member
They could do the same to any liquor store or bar that furnishes alcohol to a minor.

They already do. Here are the (reasonable) alcohol laws:

  • Sale to minors: maximum penalty of $250 and/or 24-32 hours Community Service
  • Sale to minors - 2nd offense: maximum penalty of $500 and/or 36-48 hours of Community Service
  • Furnishing alcohol to a minor: $1000 and 24 hours Community Service
  • Furnishing alcohol to a minor resulting in great bodily injury or death: minimum 6 months in jail and/or maximum $1000 fine
So if you sell alcohol to a minor and they die, you get the same exact amount of punishment as if you sell weed to a minor (from which they cannot die).
I don't think I have to go much further to prove that prop19 was very poorly written.

Not to mention Ammiano was already ready to introduce a ammendment to make possession charges for minors even lower, along with increasing possession amounts and decreasing commercial liscesing fees to produce and distribute marijuana.
This is a moot point, besides, I don't really believe anything a politician simply says. Action speaks a lot louder than words, especially in politics.

edit: sorry, i don't live in cali, fixed a few inaccuracies

mr noodles

Not so true, I'm sure I look like a super healthy 20 something to most but I have ANXIETY, EATING DISORDERS, and still dealing with the DEPRESSION of losing my best friend.. I guess I should take Zoloft and Xanax??? 215 was written so ANYTHING that bothers you physically or mentally that you can stop with Cannabis you should be able to have a card... I get so tired of the shit you hear from folks thinking we all need to be on our death bed in a wheel chair with 2 years life left just to use Cannabis medicinally !

i do agree with you at 100 % on the principle and i also advocate use of mmj dont even doubt it .

my post are depressing because i try to figure how the enemy of mmj can pick the ball and use it against the mmj program . some dont think about how this can be used against us all .

im not the one who will judge your use of cannabis , lol i want it available for all adult med patient or recreational

i was a recreational user and a commercial growers in the late 80' until end of the 90 's and none was med use at all tbh ...

i use it for medical purpose because i am older and severely fucked up ...but if i was healthy i would smoke it like i do no matter what ...so lets have it for everybody for fuck sake !

my point was this : all the people who went in the open telling they have perfect health and the doctors who was on my tv set monday...this doctor was telling he prescribe mmj to anyone healthy or not ...i thinks thats enough to spark some fire in the anti marijuana , in fact its pure fuel to the enemy of cali mmj .they will want heads on plate for that and their point will be that the mmj is a joke , not my opinion because i dream of a med system like cali

my message is be up front and be ready to fight harder than you ever imagine

i live in canada and we have that level of war against our doctor now.....they are hunted by their proff association and totally told to not sign any legal paper , the gov shut all the dispensary/compassion club in june ...its an absolute nightmare here .

a friend of Californian who want to heads up of possible flying crap like we experience here at the moment , nothing else .


Active member
People voted for SERIOUSLY ILL PATIENTS. If Californians KNEW how abused 215 would become with all these "depression", "anxiety" and "insomnia" patients they would have voted no.

Oh, so you know the intent of the electorate. Nice. Maybe they should have read the "or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief. " part, if they expected only people on their death bed to use prop 215.


Active member
From the website.

When are vote-by-mail ballots counted?

Vote-by-mail ballots that are received by county elections offices before Election Day are typically counted on Election Day. Many more vote-by-mail ballots are dropped off at polling places or arrive at county elections offices on Election Day. County elections officials have 28 days to check the validity of voter signatures on all vote-by-mail ballot envelopes. All vote-by-mail ballots that county elections officials determine have been cast by eligible voters are counted and included in the official election results. (Elections Code sections 15101, 15372, 15400, 15401)

I don't think its over... or maybe on second thought it is. Lol Has she been declared the winner?

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Its amazing reading all of your posts.

You're so sad, angry and want vengeance.

You fear monger (the thing you reprimanded so many people on the NO side for doing), by saying a lot more commercial busts are going to happen. MMJ is going to get repealed. I could go on with what you're saying, but its stupid and pointless.

Quit deluding yourselves: MMJ is not going anywhere, probably ever. 54% of Californians don't grow weed, you lost because the majority said they didn't want it; quit blaming growers who voted no.

You lost, get over it and lose graciously. Maybe 2012 ballot will be better in some of our eyes?

Lock this thread already.


Bottom line is the growers who voted no did it for their own personal benefit and had no regard for the love of the plant. Personally I think there are way too many people taking advantage of MML, charging patients way too much for medicine as well. I hope they revise the MML and take the production out of the hands of the profiteers. Everybody has the right to make an honest living but people getting rich off of medicine is wrong, if you don't really love weed you ain't a friend that I need. I hope that they get all the greedy asses away from supply and send them to work at mickey d's although I doubt if most are even qualified for that. I personally thought that supplying meds would be a great way to earn a reasonable living but judging from the responses in this thread the game is full of people concerned with nothing but profit. By the way, I'd much rather see weed taxed and the money used for schools, roads and keeping the government running then lining the pockets of greedy drug dealers anyday. If all you guys are concerned with money why don' you open a meth lab or something and leave weed to people who actually have love for weed and their fellow humanity.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Cooley losing is the best news I have heard in a long time if it is in fact the finalized vote. :greenstars:
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