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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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There is no way we "might not get to vote to amend it". I think what you mean is: it might get amended without our vote. Maybe I am wrong I just want to clarify that. Because we WILL get to vote to amend it, if certain conditions are met.


Bong Smoking News Hound
So all that means we might not get to vote to ammend it right?

it means, it would take Congress, or in this case, House of representitives, and or the higher court as mentioned. Supreme court of California, and then above, the Supreme Court of USA. and of course. Also the Governor has to sign it too.

So in honesty, it would be very hard for them to change anything without the voters.

Court will be the only tell tell thing. As with medical marijuana. The higher courts have dictated our current situations for instance.

The Garden Grove Case. He got a quarter of marijuana taken from him. a judge said ok, give it back Garden Grove. Garden grove said, fuck you judge.

Medical patient said Fuck you Garden Grove, took it to the Supreme court of California. where 2 out of 3 judges said. Fuck you Garden Grove give him his shit back NOW.

15 cities, including San Bernardino, and San Diego, came after the medical patient, and the Supreme court ruling, which got denied to even be looked at further.

So now, medical marijuana patients can use Garden Grove Case to get their Medication ( Medical Marijuana) Back to them by court, and charges dropped. Rather big or small. As prop 215 says a patient can have as much as they need.

So thank you to the man who fought over a quarter of weed, to make sure in the future this wont happen again to another medical patient.

Thats a amendment. Or shall we say, SET IN STONE!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
it means, it would take Congress, or in this case, House of representitives, and or the higher court as mentioned. Supreme court of California, and then above, the Supreme Court of USA. and of course. Also the Governor has to sign it too.

So in honesty, it would be very hard for them to change anything without the voters.

Court will be the only tell tell thing. As with medical marijuana. The higher courts have dictated our current situations for instance.

The Garden Grove Case. He got a quarter of marijuana taken from him. a judge said ok, give it back Garden Grove. Garden grove said, fuck you judge.

Medical patient said Fuck you Garden Grove, took it to the Supreme court of California. where 2 out of 3 judges said. Fuck you Garden Grove give him his shit back NOW.

15 cities, including San Bernardino, and San Diego, came after the medical patient, and the Supreme court ruling, which got denied to even be looked at further.

So now, medical marijuana patients can use Garden Grove Case to get their Medication ( Medical Marijuana) Back to them by court, and charges dropped. Rather big or small. As prop 215 says a patient can have as much as they need.

So thank you to the man who fought over a quarter of weed, to make sure in the future this wont happen again to another medical patient.

Thats a amendment. Or shall we say, SET IN STONE!

but they still have a "loophole" to fuck us with no lube? big chance or little chance, right?

thats a bummer....

Big D

an example would be: If someone get arrested and charged with smoking with a minor and is facing the 7 year sentence and his lawyer gets him off... bam! That parts out! (if its found to be un-constitutional)

Anything that would affect/change the rights you are given under 19 would be put to a vote.


I glad so many people have it so good that they can piss away any legalization bill that doesn't have every bell and whistle they want. I for one don't want to be hauled of to jail, again, for a few grams of pot! I even had a medical card! The drug war must end now and Prop 19 is a large step towards that. One step at a time and we will get to the finish line. If we quit after the first step then WTF?!

Think big picture!


Bong Smoking News Hound
but they still have a "loophole" to fuck us with no lube? big chance or little chance, right?

thats a bummer....

in reality, every bill has this in it, i think they just made it obvious so us STONERS can understand how politics work.

its called, making sure no one has too much power.

Legislative, presidential, and Courts.

This loop hole is in every bill, and as you seen with Gay Marriages. How the weight can be used to stop it. But not change it......

So once again. We still may have a fight ahead of us. Like with medical marijuana. I had to go to court, and fight to get my stuff dropped, and my marijuana given back to me. Why? Because im a fighter!!! for our rights! And we shall continue to fight for our rights.

This bill 19 just brings us closer, and harder for them to stop us!!

does that make sense?

its called Checks and Balances.


But we do get to vote to amend it. I am not sure how you can say there is anyway they can keep us from voting to amend it. If we get the prop on the ballet, we get to vote. You can claim semantics...I rather think its an intentional way of trying to word it to appear to mean something different. Prohibitionist tactic...shame shame.


I'm currently facing felonies and still say no on 19. Fuck a 5x5 and especially fuck Philip Morris buying thousands of acres in Southern Humbolt to monoplize by blowing out a mountain with mediocre easy to grow producers. Actually a company called Linus or Linux that's Philip Morris' insurance company did their buying of that property so it isn't as connected name wise, even though it's the same.

Anyways there's sooooooooooo many loop holes and grey area and I feel those who think this is even a good prop are highly uninformed, if I dare say ignorant.

Whatevs...there's more to life than this issue, but my 2 cents go to saying ignore it and wait for the bill that will be legitimate to all not just to those looking to profit.


Totally agree after what happened in FL with the Bush/Gore recount crap, I knew the courts were compromised. We all know Congress is nothing but a multi-headed monster. Executive office is out of control. I'm disgusted with it all. At least there's college football.....

Regardless of the outcome(prop 19), I hope that we stop trying to change laws and start trying to change our culture. We just are not true to our forefather's vision IMHO.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Actually, the process called out in 19 for amending it is the same as for any other piece of legislation with the exception that the governor has to sign it if passed by the state legislature. The usual process is:"If both houses approve a bill, it then goes to the Governor. The Governor has three choices. The Governor can sign the bill into law, allow it to become law without his or her signature, or veto it. A governor's veto can be overridden by a two thirds vote in both houses. Most bills go into effect on the first day of January of the next year. Urgency measures take effect immediately after they are signed or allowed to become law without signature."



Bong Smoking News Hound
Actually, the process called out in 19 for amending it is the same as for any other piece of legislation with the exception that the governor has to sign it if passed by the state legislature. The usual process is:"If both houses approve a bill, it then goes to the Governor. The Governor has three choices. The Governor can sign the bill into law, allow it to become law without his or her signature, or veto it. A governor's veto can be overridden by a two thirds vote in both houses. Most bills go into effect on the first day of January of the next year. Urgency measures take effect immediately after they are signed or allowed to become law without signature."




I CAN see the future and If 19 doesn't pass there is NO other bill. Maybe in another state but not for Cali! This is the test, do people really want marijuana legal? If it's NO than that's it and then they are going to go after the medical laws..... guaranteed!

they can't and will not go after prop 215 when this bill {prop19} fails that is just a scare tactic if people wait until 2012 we will have a bill on the table that will be so much better then this ..yes i will give Mr Lee credit for getting a bill on the ballot but he knows as well as any1 with half a mind if he relay gave a damm about the legalization of MJ this would not be the bill that was presented if this bill is to pass i can promise that it will be tied up in courts for a long time because it conflicts with the new law and other laws that are being worked on to be in place b4 the vote on 19 by the time 19 comes out of the the other side {the law will be serverly modified } we could have had a better one on the books i dont have all the anwsers on what the law should be but i know this isnt it NO ON 19 we have come to far fought to hard to lay down and be feed some bullshit


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
they can't and will not go after prop 215 when this bill {prop19} fails that is just a scare tactic if people wait until 2012 we will have a bill on the table that will be so much better then this ..yes i will give Mr Lee credit for getting a bill on the ballot but he knows as well as any1 with half a mind if he relay gave a damm about the legalization of MJ this would not be the bill that was presented if this bill is to pass i can promise that it will be tied up in courts for a long time because it conflicts with the new law and other laws that are being worked on to be in place b4 the vote on 19 by the time 19 comes out of the the other side {the law will be serverly modified } we could have had a better one on the books i dont have all the anwsers on what the law should be but i know this isnt it NO ON 19 we have come to far fought to hard to lay down and be feed some bullshit

I am afraid that your command of this bill is only surpassed by your command of punctuation.
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Active member

Last Thursday, Governor Schwarzenegger decriminalized marijuana. Somewhere in the chronic haze of my mind, I might have expected this to happen: The Terminator saves the kid from robots trying to take away his civil liberties -- or something like that. He was sent with a mission from the future, you know. After Google Earth becomes SkyNet and takes over operational command of the United States military, people are definitely going to want to smoke weed. Now they can without fear of arrest. Thanks, Arnold! I can say I've never been more proud of you in your term as Governor of California. Now on to the other $25 billion in the state budget shortfall...

Of course, this act changes little within the letter of the law, with the fine for possessing up to an ounce of cannabis capped at $100, but now as a civil rather than criminal offense, there will be no jury trial for defendants. I suppose you will simply pay the fine if caught, and the state will save big on lawyer fees. By virtue of the fact that people now caught possessing weed for their own enjoyment will no longer receive arrest records, I am glad for this change of rules.

This victory is still a preamble, with Proposition 19 emerging on the horizon through the grape blunt smoke... and seven percent of California voters are still undecided, according to the PPIC Statewide Survey. The bright news in this survey is that 52 percent of "all likely voters" support the passage of the marijuana legalization measure.

This is a challenge from the universe to see if stoners can get up off their collective ass for one day to make a change in marijuana law. Imagine the siege of Iwo Jima except with American smokers raising a giant pot-leaf flag on the summit of a mountain of bullshit, non-science and misinformation: That is what Nov. 2 could be, California. One day. Make it happen, Cap'n.

Not all people engaged with the cannabis industry are supportive, and understandably so. Many growers rely on the covert aspect of the marijuana market to live as a small-scale niche supplier.

Some of these people have families, and full legalization has big business implications that could snatch away the very niche in which they thrive. This is a legitimate concern for them, but I feel that these fears are overplayed. We are talking about one of the most innovative, resilient and people-based markets that exists on the North American continent today. There are a million opportunities to make money in a refined marijuana market that commands higher value.

A person might, for example, open a restaurant on State St. that serves various fine cuisines, but the customer is offered the option of ordering a dish either the standard "delicious," or the alternative: "glorified." Glorification would involve the addition of marijuana butter at a certain stage in the preparation of the dish. A customer, if they desired, might also be able to enjoy, courtesy of the house, a crisp rolled joint ready to smoke just to the right of the soup spoon on the table.

Would you frequent such a restaurant if it were permissible? I sure as shit would.

For reasons such as this and those more obvious, Prop. 19 is a round benefit to average Californians more involved with the toke after work than any 'industrial activity.' Easier access to herb, combined with home 'gardening' and the freedom to smoke a pack of blunts at a concert ... Well, I am in favor.

For the remaining California citizens who abstain completely from marijuana and other dangerous drugs, they might consider the likelihood that their state is on the fast track to becoming the next Greece with its dismal budget outlook.

Once a certain great number of public employees and institutions are eviscerated of their funding, the human brain seems to revert to a primal and anarchic program: Riot! Nothing like that has ever happened in Isla Vista, right?

The cultural transition to a stable and tolerant "post-war" society is steadily manifesting. People who are capable of rational decisions unfounded on fear are not so dense to lump all "drugs" into one category. Such rational people must decide on evidence.

The drug "marijuana" has never directly killed a single person in all of recorded human history.

The holistic medical herb, Cannabis sativa, been a regular aid to human life for at least 5,000 years and will continue to be for as long as humans exist.

To deny such reality is fantastically naive.

Author:Kevin W. McCarty


I am afraid that your command of this bill is only surpassed by your command of punctuation.
sorry thought we were discussing our opinions wasn't aware it was a fukin grammar lesson MY BAD .and my friend i think its you who cant see past the fog in his eyes that is blinding him from seeing what is down the road .i will put it like this you can put a beautiful paint job on a broke down piece of shit non running car and guess what you have a shinny piece of shit car..but hell im sure some people would buy into it cause they are not able to see past the surface as to what it really is ...good luck with that :comfort: NO ON 19
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