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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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Bong Smoking News Hound
im all for speaking your mind. Everything is a opinion. There is a rating you can give this thread. Just because someone doesn't agree with me, doesn't mean they cant speak their mind. I am fully against censorship. Unless they of course are breaking the TOU. LOL


Active member
I don't think quality will go down, I will go up. I believe if you are a licensed grower, you will have to have your weed tested and labeled with the potency/etc on it. Sure, prop 19 doesn't have this, but I believe it will be implemented in short order. Also, I believe that people will want organic and thus growers will have to qualify for OMRI.

Because of this, I believe that quality growers will shine.

Either way, I am going to grow my own. It's fun and very rewarding. It doesn't matter if it costs me more to grow my own then buying it at a store.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
im all for speaking your mind. Everything is a opinion. There is a rating you can give this thread. Just because someone doesn't agree with me, doesn't mean they cant speak their mind. I am fully against censorship. Unless they of course are breaking the TOU. LOL

ya ok, I can respect that. However there is a difference between a well informed opinion through first hand experience, and quoting a failing newspaper that is just trying to make money. If he (the thread starter) could present his opinion to us, backed up by things other than propaganda I would have never opened my mouth.

Furthermore, the dude can speak his mind, without making shock jock radio style threads, just for attention. I would like it if the thread starter would start a new one with a less "in your face, I told you so, you assholes!" attitude and approach, because he really didnt tell us shit, he just posted a link, and made some comments.

As admin you should not censor him but encourage him to not act like the American Media, LOL. I am part of the majority of the ICMAG community that is here to promote overgrowing the governments laws against cannabis, so when I hear propaganda against our cause, I speak pretty loud.

:tiphat: :respect:

and sorry if I offended any one.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I also think thousand dollar bottles of wine are BS too.

I've had them.

I've also been at the brink of fistfights with sommeliers as well.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Whats wrong with capitalism? This country is based on "takes money to make money" and richard lee put up over $2,000,000.00 to try and pass legalization in CA. Should he not reap any rewards for his risk? You realize he just became the #1 target of the DEA. Who else had the balls to do that?

A lot of people have the balls. Only corporate minded behemoths like Lee have that kind of scratch to be as selfish as this. Some of us care about all of us more than ourselves.

ABX6-9 sets a limit of $5,000 as the most any city can charge for a commercial liscense, which is a drop in the bucket for most comm.growers.

A drop in the bucket for Walmart, but a huge chunk out of that woman who can't afford forty cents on her electric bill for her children.

I seriously doubt prices will go up. More people will be growing to meet the demand, so prices would have to go down eventually.

Prices won't go up. I seriously doubt that as well.

PS Thank you for quoting half a page all over again. :yes:


The Irony of this whole situation is this stupid debate has nothing to do with cannabis, it is simply the pawn in this little game. It is called capitalism! Why should weed growers get special treatment and not have to fight for every cent like Wal-Mart's competition?

The two biggest unions against Prop 19 are prison guards and fucking pot head growers...WTF!?


Game Bred
A lot of people have the balls. Only corporate minded behemoths like Lee have that kind of scratch to be as selfish as this. Some of us care about all of us more than ourselves.

A drop in the bucket for Walmart, but a huge chunk out of that woman who can't afford forty cents on her electric bill for her children.

Prices won't go up. I seriously doubt that as well.

PS Thank you for quoting half a page all over again. :yes:

ok so....
what is your perfect prop?
lets hear it.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
AGAIN: I don't have one.

Now please use this as a reason to push through slighted legislature.

Be aware it's my contention that there would be no better bill voted in if you vote in this shite.

There is no better day, there is only a 5x5.

Where is your vision? What height did you set your bar? Do you think this is good enough to stop here?

Where are the free prisoners? Where is the industrial hemp? If you want to go legal, this isn't it man. This is bait under a box.


Interesting exceprt from Ammianos AB X69 thing...
11310.5. It is unlawful for a person not licensed pursuant to
Chapter 19 (commencing with Section 26000) of Division 9 of the
Business and Professions Code to cultivate marijuana, except in
compliance with the following requirements:
(a) Marijuana may be cultivated only by persons 21 years of age or
(b) Marijuana may be cultivated and possessed in compliance with
Section 11300.
(c) A licensed nursery may cultivate seedlings for sale to persons
21 years of age or older, but shall destroy any seedling if it has
not been purchased by a consumer before it reaches maturity.
(d) Except for the sale of seedlings by a licensed nursery,
marijuana cultivated pursuant to this section may not be sold.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
What about the part where it upholds seizure of property?

That doesn't sit well with me.

There is always motivation in busting someone.... someone with a lot of property...


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
PS Thank you for quoting half a page all over again. :yes:

Sheesh - you "NO" guys are a tough audience. First everybody whines about Big Herb's bombastic approach, and then you take him to task when he is calm, reasoned, and well-documented. You guys know how sensitive he is!


ok so....
what is your perfect prop?
lets hear it.

Here you go

FreedomFGHTR said:

SECTION 1. Section 11357.1 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read:
11357.1 (a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the Cannabis Freedom Act.
(b)(1) The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of the Cannabis Freedom Act are as follows:
(A) To ensure that Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for their own purposes.
(B) To ensure that Californians who obtain and use marijuana are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction.
(C)To authorize the state legislature to tax cannabis products at the same general retail sales tax rate per any other herbal product.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede legislation prohibiting persons from engaging in conduct that endangers others.
(c) Section 11054(d)(13) Classification of marijuana as a California controlled substance, Section 11357, relating to the possession of marijuana, Section 11358, relating to the cultivation of marijuana, Section 11359, relating to the sales of marijuana, Section 11360, relating to the transportation and distribution of marijuana, Section 11362, relating to classification of marijuana as a crime shall be repealed from the California Health and Safety Code and the legislature and local governments are hereby prohibited from imposing any penalties relating to cannabis.
(d)The words marijuana and cannabis and all its surnames shall be removed from the penal and health and safety code.
(1) Section 11362.5 The Compassionate Use Act, Section 11357.1, Section 11361, Section 11361.5 and Section 11361.7 of the Health and Safety Code shall retain the words marijuana, and cannabis.
SECTION 2. Section 420.9 is added to the Government Code, to read: Marijuana (Cannabis Indica) is the official state herb. April 20 of every year shall be known as California Cannabis day.
SECTION. 3. If any provision of this measure or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the measure that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this measure are severable.


Bong Smoking News Hound
I also think thousand dollar bottles of wine are BS too.

I've had them.

I've also been at the brink of fistfights with sommeliers as well.

I've never paid a 100 dollars for a good bottle of wine. I can usually get away for 20 bucks or less, for one of the best buzzes, and flavorful wine, In my opinion. All about flavor. and what you like.

I like Kushes.


Bong Smoking News Hound
I'm actually a "yes on a real bill" guy.

thats good to know. i dont want to be limited to a 5 x 5 area. but then that dont apply to me as a medical patient.

But then again, where can you buy a tobacco seed, to grow tobacco?

Glad to see you posting. :)
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