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We are Farmers
You can play Saints Row 3 online but only with one other person, I am kinda pissed there are no multiplayer modes. The online co-op is awesome but three of us wanted to play together last night and couldn't.


Active member
it's all about NYAN CAT




We are Farmers
Skyrim is single player only, if you are on Steam I think Oblivion, the previous game in the series is $5. Give you a good idea of the game play and it is a good game.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Thats good to know. My son uses Steam. I dont use it.. No games on the laptop :) I will go pick it up..


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
This new XBox Live cloud thing looks pretty cool. The new menu is gonna take some getting used to.


Senior Member
Were are all the BF3 gamers at!? Gonna hit up the game store tomorrow and pick up AC: Revelations. No MW3 for me. WAW and Black ops is good for me. Im a Zombie Killing type of dude :tiphat:

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
skyrim is amazing. been playing for like 30 hours and I barely scratched the surface


Active member
skyrim....dude i wasted almost 3 months straight back on elder scrolls 3 morrowind, oblivion was f'd up and not right, skyrim sounds so amazing though, i can not allow myself to get into this kind of game ever again, lest nothing ever gets done around here hahahaha

that is why i keep to quick little games like tetris and the like now, i get way too sucked into these damn virtual worlds!

skyrim looks sooo awesome though, and i just happen to have a pc at work in my little testing lab that is more than adequate for running it, i just can't allow myself to...have fun with it, looks super dope!


Were are all the BF3 gamers at!? Gonna hit up the game store tomorrow and pick up AC: Revelations. No MW3 for me. WAW and Black ops is good for me. Im a Zombie Killing type of dude :tiphat:

Me neither, call of duty is just too damn played at this point, can't stand it. Gotta grab BF3...


Senior Member
VADO: BF3 is were its at. good man good choice on the MW3. Plus the new expansion pack comes out tomorrow for PS3 but i got it today because i got the limited edition BF3. The expansion kicks ass for multipayer. a few old BF2 maps in the new expansion.

Zen Master

BF 3 choppers with a buddy in a passenger seat with the repair tool. so long as you dont have 3 people tryin to take you down at one time or a well placed cannon round from a tank, you're pretty much invincible.

for the people playing MW3, if you gave up on shotguns in this installment, try out the Striker, once you get range or damage on it, its absolutely beast at tearing up everything in its path


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
oh man, i am addicted to skyrim.

here is the armor set i just got, you can see why i don't want to put it down.


Chip Rommel

New member
skyrim....dude i wasted almost 3 months straight back on elder scrolls 3 morrowind, oblivion was f'd up and not right, skyrim sounds so amazing though, i can not allow myself to get into this kind of game ever again, lest nothing ever gets done around here hahahaha

that is why i keep to quick little games like tetris and the like now, i get way too sucked into these damn virtual worlds!

skyrim looks sooo awesome though, and i just happen to have a pc at work in my little testing lab that is more than adequate for running it, i just can't allow myself to...have fun with it, looks super dope!

You just need to set daily limits for yourself, like 2hrs per day, max.. Or, get a wife and have her set em ;) Cause it's a good f'n game!


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
Played Saint's Row the Third for a while last night.
The very first property i saw and stopped at was called "The Red Onion Herb Dispensary". I had to buy it.