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I'll be interested to see if Black Opps even comes out on the scheduled release date considering they have not settled the pending lawsuit. It may, but I think it is more likely to get pushed back.


140 head shots away from gaining the ACR - 1000 headshot challenge. Whoo Hooo!


does anyone know what emblem or title I will unlock once I finish the challenge?

Graham Purwatt

mw2 takes all my free time .i'm on 360 and ps3 and i feel like an addict.also playing red dead redemption on ps3 and ufc 2010 on 360


Although I am uncharacteristically into Halo Reach right now, I'm a Skate 3 dude mostly. LOoking very forward to Dead Rising 2. Case Zero was a great intro and level up for it.


I still haven't bought Skate 3. Which is psychotic, because Skate is possibly my favorite series (Actually bought my Xbox360 for the sole purpose of downloading the Skate1 demo). I've never gotten into the Halo series. Not a huge FPS fan, and when I do it's usually the Call of Duty series.

Right now I'm having my time stolen from Civilization 5. Someone has to put Ghandi in his place.


I must say SCREW Everyone who Hacks in COD2!

lol its funny when they get caught and there console gets banned they get upset. Well duh if you didnt hack games that wouldnt happen. play fair or dont play at all.

I play gears of war 2 and the glitchs and hacks where crazy when it first came out but is has gotten better. I dont understand why I keep playing it. I have a stack of games I havent touched because I cant stop playing gears lol.

Cant wait for gears 3 next year .


I totally understand lol Once ya find a keeper game it ruins all others lol.


Finally got the 1000 headshots! Whooo Hooo!

sweet, I dont know if you have ever played gears 2 but it has got to be the most frustrating game.

I kinda have love hate for it. After 6 title updates the multiplayer still suffers from lag and glitchs. But I play horde only because I can play with others online and lag is usually not an issue.

I really nbeed to start playin halo 3 or something lol but I swear they have some kinda mind control in gears 2 cause even if I dont want to play it I end up playing it lol

Graham Purwatt

the new medal of honor drops tommorrow,looks great.my copy is paid for on 360,hope its as good as it looks

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