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Video Gamers 4 Ganja!


havent invested in the new gaming systems, but back in the days it was all about halo and capcom vs snk 2!!!


dont have the cash to fix your red ring, towel trick it. its already broke might as well make it work. i just got halo wars simply because i had the money for it when i was buying bad company 2. halo wars lost me when i found out you cant play as flood. bad company 2 is legitimate.


I've got a dreamcast with over 100 good games, which i truly enjoy playing, and i never get boarded... except when it dies and i have to buy another one off ebay.... lol.. at least they're cheap
ikaruga will steal your soul


I've got a dreamcast with over 100 good games, which i truly enjoy playing, and i never get boarded... except when it dies and i have to buy another one off ebay.... lol.. at least they're cheap
ikaruga will steal your soul

Dreamcast for life! Shenmue is my crack.

MW2 at the moment. Thinking of picking up BF2, people have said it's the only Battlefield game on par with 1942. Looks like it will fill in the blanks MW2 left nicely.

I've been holding out on bf2.. Everyone on my friendlist is on it all the time and i've heard nothing but good about the game. I might just pick it up tonight.. I still play the 1942 arcade game and im just down right beast lol


Registered Med User
usually dont have time for games but recently got stuck on god of war. Im almost thru the second game, just in time for part 3...


mx vs atv reflex is a sweet motorcross racing game, but the online racing is sooo bugged up.. sometimes it pisses me off to where I don't want to play. I haven't played in days because of it. I sometimes sit for an hour just trying to connect to a room that works, and it's not just me or certain people(router types etc) it's everyone, and that room that works might only work for 3 races then bugs out.

I like gaming tho hehe, gonna get that new final fantasy soon, just because I beat all old ones up to 12(11 if you count that.)

to many pu pu pu pu pu pu puppies..

I hate when games get release with what seems to be almost no multiplayer testing.. I know they cant test full servers before the games released tho.. Is it new? If so, they proly come out with a patch/update soon enough.


i'm old school i'm still running a ps2 an i just finished workin my way through the syphon filter series


Active member
I got the beautiful "Red Ring of Death" on my XBOX 360

So I lost my usernames, lost my money I paid for on my subscription that was attached to my username, and I just bought another XBOX 360 and it's only Modern Warfare 2 for me!!

(Highrise is my favorite map ~ I OWN FOOLS!!! LOL)

Just so you know your username, and subscription were on your other hard drive. They also could have been recovered on your new one.

I have fixed 3 rrods so far and its easy. It costs about 15 bucks though if your only going to do one. later ones cost about 3-4 dollars. Very easy, but you may have to open it up every few months to tighten a few screws.

If you want to just chalk it up as a loss broken 360's go for about 40 bucks on ebay.


Active member
Street Fighter 4 mofo's. All these shooters are buggy and simplistic. You've never lived till you've won an intence match. It's all about "YOMI" the Japanese art af reading your opinents mind. Super streetfighter 4 drops 4-27-10 come get some.