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Video Gamers 4 Ganja!


Soooo, Im always on the xbox 360. As proof of that, my gamerscore is nearing 90,000...
I've recently found myself playing less and less video games as I've beaten more and more of the ones I own..

So.... What are you guys playing? Is it good?

Im currently trying Dead Space here and there.. some creepy stuff, especialy if your realy bake; you get pulled deep into it.

btw FALLOUT NEW VEGAS!!! Oct. 2010!! can not fuckin' wait!


I haven't Xboxed since mine turned brick last year. But I cannot wait for Fallout:NV either. I've been craving it extra bad lately since I put a pip-boy skin on my ipod. A daily reminder of the fun I cant have.

I'll probably buy another 360 solely for playing that game though, just like when Skate came out.


Mostly NHL10 against my friends. Some occasional Halo3 while waiting for Skate 3.

I love playing old NES and SNES games on my Wii.


I haven't Xboxed since mine turned brick last year. But I cannot wait for Fallout:NV either. I've been craving it extra bad lately since I put a pip-boy skin on my ipod. A daily reminder of the fun I cant have.

I'll probably buy another 360 solely for playing that game though, just like when Skate came out.

I know where your comin from.. Ive sent mine in to get fixed 7 times! Luckily everytime was coverd by the waranty, but still sucks how fragile the hardware really is. A used cd/video game place here will fix em for 50 bucks. but its like 10 for them to even look at it to see if its fixable.

Mostly NHL10 against my friends. Some occasional Halo3 while waiting for Skate 3.

I love playing old NES and SNES games on my Wii.

I dusted off the old dreamcast not to long ago.. You can burn DC games on to cd-r so I beat shenmue again and showed my girlfried some of my past faves.. But the coolest thing was all the roms I could DL/burn and play on my DC. Probably 1000 sega genisis games on 1 disc. NES collections like crazy, MAME4ALL (HUGE classic arcade collection).
Worth lookin into. like 30 bucks for a used DC then u can burn all the games ever released on it and an endless collection of retro roms.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
But I cannot wait for Fallout:NV either. I've been craving it extra bad lately since I put a pip-boy skin on my ipod. A daily reminder of the fun I cant have.

Yep, that shits gonna be off the hook.
Here's the debut trailer :)
Gonna buy a new computer for that. :blowbubbles:

Also waiting for Civ 5 :) Should be out fall 2010, like Fallout:NV..
Just in time for the winters cold :):)



im still on Modern warfare II. I got that third halo too but I dont care much for it...too much like the others in my opinion. Im gonna get the new MLB 10. I wanted to wait a bit and see if there were any major bugs like the last one first tho.


MW2 hits the spot for me

Yeah, i just recently beat it on Vet, now ima go thru on easy and get all the intel and achievenments... well somday I will lol

Also, I rented Band Hero hoping it would be like Rock Band.. but the music is just soooo popy. I like some of the feel good music on it (ben harper - steal my kisses and some 80s rock) but theres not as many good classic rock songs and nothing heavy. To bad my rockband 2 save file corupted..


Active member
I used to be into the call of duty games online multiplayer mode. I stopped playing video games though and sold my xbox, but the best game I ever played was Resident Evil 4 on gamecube and wii. Resident Evil 5 was such a disapointment i can't stand the good ratings it got.
I got the beautiful "Red Ring of Death" on my XBOX 360


So I lost my usernames, lost my money I paid for on my subscription that was attached to my username, and I just bought another XBOX 360 and it's only Modern Warfare 2 for me!!


(Highrise is my favorite map ~ I OWN FOOLS!!! LOL)


I'm xbox360 and ps3 but normally xbox, for me its BC:BF2. If you were in a map with some mad low flying chopper that stunk of Casey Jones and the Cheese then you were in my game.

We hotboxed the chopper and dominated with it.


St. Elsewhere
MW2 at the moment. Thinking of picking up BF2, people have said it's the only Battlefield game on par with 1942. Looks like it will fill in the blanks MW2 left nicely.


Active member
I got the beautiful "Red Ring of Death" on my XBOX 360


So I lost my usernames, lost my money I paid for on my subscription that was attached to my username, and I just bought another XBOX 360 and it's only Modern Warfare 2 for me!!


(Highrise is my favorite map ~ I OWN FOOLS!!! LOL)

3 red rings is easy to fix.. it means ur console is overheating. .. look it up on google. find a kit .. I fixed mine, works like a charm.


MW2 at the moment. Thinking of picking up BF2, people have said it's the only Battlefield game on par with 1942. Looks like it will fill in the blanks MW2 left nicely.

I started off on MW2 until the boosters started at which point i quit playing. It's a good game but after a while i found the lack of parity in gameplay tiring and the linear nature got boring. I recently got BF2 and have enjoyed it so far. It's not perfect but it does give a much more intense experience and is much deeper than MW2. Instead of just constantly running in on foot like MW2 i now have flexibility in how i attack and can also spawn anywhere i have squad members or control points. Last night we used the enemy helo to hold them at their last base, the day before we practised tank assaults and before that we had suicide runs on quad bikes. I would say stick with MW2 if you like to run and gun in a standard repeatable format and only go for BF2 if you like squad based games where you die a lot and wont always know what the hell it was that killed you. It's amazingly squad based and intense. I stop every 5 rounds just to chill out, it's very easy to get your rage on with BF2. The only reason i would recommend MW" over BF2 would be for the single player, BF2 single player is fun but very short. MW2 single player is the best of any FPS.