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How do you build Cardio while smoking bong hits everyday!??!


Active member
Hey, so recently ive really wanted to start running or building up my cardio. Basically, my goal by the end of the year is being able to run 3 miles without stopping.

So ive been running lately, and man its pretty bad. Combined with my asthma and the constant bong hits i take all the time, i can only run a half mile before i have to stop and walk off my pain. I get extremely winded, my legs can still run but my chest and lungs feel like they are gonna burst.

After like 5 minutes of walking it off, i can run another half mile again. But my mile time is probably like 9 minutes which sucks.

I have started taking Omega FIsh Oil supplements because my friend said they help cardiovascular.

So...any runners on here? any ideas you guys got? ive been obcessed with the minimum fitness requirements for the USMC lately, which is 3 miles in 28 minutes (or 3 in 18 for recon), 20 pull ups, and 50 crunches.

i can do the 50 crunches no prob, i can do like 10 pull ups and im sure i can reach 20, but its the running/cardio part that is really holding me back. i hear people that can run 8 miles, swim 2, then run 8 miles back. HOW DO THEY DO THAT! (besides not smoking weed)

You're simply out of shape.

Eat natural foods (non of that artificial and modified crap) and exercise at a reduced pace until you can work out longer without pain.

Crossfit.com is a website centered around an exercise regimen that puts the USMC 'requirements' to shame. Follow that program for 6 months to a year and you shouldn't have any problems passing.

Quitting all tobacco smoking was the number one clear up for my lungs. I'm working on pills for the cannabis so I don't have to toke every 2hrs 24/7.


Active member
yea i quit tobacco but havent quit the weed yet. i am thinking about buying a vape, however one my friends is a 3-4x blunts a day smoker, who can run like 9 miles on any given day.

its crazy how some people are able to smoke so much and still be so fit.

thanks for all the advice people, i know im making progress because IM SORE AS A MOTHER FUCK!!

im gonna take the day off from any leg work because my calfs are about to explode, i think i will stick to pushups/pullups/and crunches today.
I've smoked weed for a little over 7 years and that's all I do. Don't smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. I play basketball everyday that it isn't raining and that to me is the best workout I can get. Considering I don't like to run as it's boring. Sometime of sport is best for cardio if you ask me. First time playing basketball after about a good 6 months, I was winded after five minutes. As time progressed and I played everyday from there on out, I have been able to play basketball for 3-5 hours a day EASILY! It's all about building up. Don't tell yourself your going to run a mile when you haven't in ages. Just run half that and see how it treats you and walk the other half. It's all about progression not overwhelming yourself. :dueling:\

P.S. I smoke AT LEAST a qtr. bag a day.


Active member
^yea co sign basketball is awesome, grew up playing it. but damn i get tired after a quarter LOL, and my shot is nowhere as accurate was it was when i was a teenager.
^yea co sign basketball is awesome, grew up playing it. but damn i get tired after a quarter LOL, and my shot is nowhere as accurate was it was when i was a teenager.

That's funny, because my shot is a hell of a lot better now then ever....LoL all the black guys call me manu ginobili when we play. I have also gotten JJ Redick, but his Duke days, not now in Orlando!


Active member
yea i quit tobacco but havent quit the weed yet. i am thinking about buying a vape, however one my friends is a 3-4x blunts a day smoker, who can run like 9 miles on any given day.

its crazy how some people are able to smoke so much and still be so fit.

thanks for all the advice people, i know im making progress because IM SORE AS A MOTHER FUCK!!

im gonna take the day off from any leg work because my calfs are about to explode, i think i will stick to pushups/pullups/and crunches today.

Look up your avoids list on this page (Scroll down and you'll need to know your blood type) and quit eating those.

Just doing that can often have a significant impact on how well your body responds to exercise. I'm A blood type and just quitting all the diary knocked the mucus out of my lungs allowing me to breathe normally.(for the first time in my life)


Active member
^ no way really???

i cannot quit dairy, i mean, im in love with milk. i only drink horizen organic with vitamin D whole milk....i love cheese, cream cheese on bagles, butter on my toast.

arggh...hopefully im not A bloodtype!


Active member
Fuck, im an A

according to the chart thing i can only drink milk weekly and have to eat lots of raw veggies and whole grains everyday.

seriously, this is pretty gay. i love milk, ive been drinking it since i was a kid, maybe it has secretly contributed to my asthma?

the more i read on this type A bullshit the more depressed i am getting. basically all my favorite foods are on the "never eat" list, on several different websites too. peanut butters, ENGLISH MUFFINS WTF I LOVE NOOKS AND CRANNIES....beef, condiments like ketchup and mayo.....WTF

can someone tell me that this is all bullshit with no scientific backing??
Fuck, im an A

according to the chart thing i can only drink milk weekly and have to eat lots of raw veggies and whole grains everyday.

seriously, this is pretty gay. i love milk, ive been drinking it since i was a kid, maybe it has secretly contributed to my asthma?

the more i read on this type A bullshit the more depressed i am getting. basically all my favorite foods are on the "never eat" list, on several different websites too. peanut butters, ENGLISH MUFFINS WTF I LOVE NOOKS AND CRANNIES....beef, condiments like ketchup and mayo.....WTF

can someone tell me that this is all bullshit with no scientific backing??

Ditto, I'm on the A list also, some of the best stuff I can't eat. WTF


Active member
hahahaha it says for dinner i should eat a "tofu stir fry with alfafa and blah blah blah.."

i kept thinking, WHERES THE MEAT????


St. Elsewhere
Stay hydrated, you want your piss to be clear. Drink water at night to hydrate, and go running in the morning. You don't want a stomach full of water. And it sounds crazy, but singing, doing chants, cadences, things of that nature, really make a difference when running. As said above, running is mostly mental. Plus the cadences causes you to better regulate your breathing, which is one of the biggest hurdles when getting back into running after smoking/being out of shape for awhile. And while I understand running on tracks, I can't do it. I gotta run somewhere, ya know? Otherwise it's hard to take your mind off the distance.

Also, try smoking/vaping/whatever, in the evening, or at the very least after your morning run. :)


Active member
This is all bullshit with no scientific backing.
Before you call bullshit..... Try it.

You'll be F'n amazed at the difference in your life, especially if you're eating stuff you shouldn't.

You're A and you shouldn't be drinking dairy? Yeah, me too.... WOW What an F'n difference.... it's like I quit smoking AGAIN! I can breathe.
I look at milk now and just the thought of drinking it makes me gag. I used to drink THREE GALLONS A WEEK! (By myself)

If you really don't think it will make a difference just stop eating the stuff on your avoids list for 30 days. You're macho enough to handle that, right?

After 30 days, eat whatever you want BUT only eat one thing you want at a time (edit: while still eating properly) and give it 12 hours. That way you can see exactly what each food you 'like' does to your body. F'n disgusting but it's the only way some people learn. :D

Your choice. Learn from new information or stay in your comfortable rut. The only thing you have to gain is better health and a longer life of higher quality. :D


Stick to a vape

try swiming its great cardio!

also if u wanna force ur lungs to expand try shouting while you run! y do u think the military makes you shout out shit when they run? its to help lung expansion

if all else fails 1 word...

duct tape death march


Read and follow instructions here: US Navy Seal Physical Fitness Training Manual
Find smth. explaining food issues like Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle pdf.
Stop smoking, start eating cookies, muffins, brownies instead.

start eating cookies etc?

u mean stop?

If you want to burn fat YOU DO NOT EAT CARBS AND SUGAR..

The best way to burn fat and to supercharge your metabolism is to stop eating carbs for an entire month. Then only eat complex carbs such as oatmeal etc


Dude, a canna cookie won't hurt and if made right gets you high for hours.
No bong hits = better lungs = better training = more burnt calories...
See where I'm going?


Dude, a canna cookie won't hurt and if made right gets you high for hours.
No bong hits = better lungs = better training = more burnt calories...
See where I'm going?

oh, ok I thought u meant that eating reg cookies was good for your health lol sry misunderstood you


Stop running for long periods of time. I hate Running more than 1 mile it just gets so boring. Unfortunately right now there are no tracks I can use to run sprints on. I say start sprints bro. Sprinting for around 8sec at a time can increase your HGH by up to 250%. You ever notice how muscular sprinters look compared to marathon runners. Yeah you can run forever but if you really have a purpose like wanting to be able to bounce on people then sprint. Go to bodybuilding.com and check out their articles regarding sprinting. It makes more sense in my opinion.


Stop running for long periods of time. I hate Running more than 1 mile it just gets so boring. Unfortunately right now there are no tracks I can use to run sprints on. I say start sprints bro. Sprinting for around 8sec at a time can increase your HGH by up to 250%. You ever notice how muscular sprinters look compared to marathon runners. Yeah you can run forever but if you really have a purpose like wanting to be able to bounce on people then sprint. Go to bodybuilding.com and check out their articles regarding sprinting. It makes more sense in my opinion.

If you want to gain lung capacity then sprinting is almost pointless compares to long distance runing.


keep luning long distance until u can't run no more then walk then run til u can't run no more then walk then run

keep repeatingthis process

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