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Veterinarians' Hospital


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great updates Dog!

Great tro get a proper tour of the new room....looks like lot's of space and environmentally comforting :yes:

The plants are looking fabulous in early flower...going to be nice watching them turn to monsters over the next few weeks :canabis:


Hey Dog been following your journal for the past couple of weeks, basically since i started my own. You run a tight ship indeed my friend. Hopefully if I keep following along I can learn a thing or two from you. Until then, keeping on rocking in the great white north.

heavy snowfall warning here tonight...WTF


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
one step closer to a perfect inviroment :D...hehe what we all do to make our girls happy....tearing our houses down a bit ....we must be crazy in a way...lol...
Nway its looking how it suppose to...keep it up man !


Yeah man! hell of an update! good read!

love the intake... it might be ghettolicious, but it will do what its built to do! great job.

..and love the Dog Dr doll! lol. thats just perfect mate!


Cruise control

Cruise control

Hey Dr D,

Wow it took a long time to scan through your thread. I hope some day my grow goes as smoothly as yours. All the way through your plants look healthy and showing bueutiful buds. My hats off to you.

I grow hydro but decided to grow my moms in soil. I've never grow in soil and thought I'd ask the master for some tips. I pretty much have the hydro under control but I'm not sure about the soil side.

What should I PH my RO water to and should I add any nutes?
How often should I water them?

I have them in 8" pots right now and there under a New Wave 44 T5. I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forrest potting soil.

Stop by and take a look at my grow it's almost harvest time. I'm not sure what the difference is between the Super Skunk your growing and the Skunk #1 I'm growing. I'm close to harvest and could also use some advice on when to harvest. The buds just don't want to stop growing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Peace, KB
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Active member
Heya Dr D!! :wave:
stoppin by to say "what up?!?!" ..and to wish you a happy, and very THC filled 4/20!!:yes:
:edit: I went back and caught your room tour post. hehe nice "assistant"..:/edit:
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hey man, nice compact Frezze!! like that indica feno. How does it taste and smells? Lots of resin?

Havent see that genetic in Chile :joint:

Saludos del cono!! :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Earth Day Update

Earth Day Update

Happy Earth day ................Earth. Hopefully it is as good for you as 4/20 was for most of my bros!

Well my one day off this week, and guess who was up with the sun taking shots of my plants. I am just passing 10 days of official flowering, and about 2.5 weeks of 12/12, but I count from 10 days.

I am fighting issues with rising heat, kind of sucks due to all the work I have put in, but I think I have insulated too well, and with the 600 going now, finding it hard to keep temps below 80/27. I have scrapped my old intake and have added a new one, more on that below. I am also going out to Walmart this morning to look for a hurricane glass for a diy cool tube, a new airstone, and Cloverfield on DVD.

180 cfh fan mounted on a large heavy duty plastic box, It was hard to cut the top, so I ended up cutting a few spots too big, so for the sake of air pressure I have duct taped the seams. The fan is a Broan that i found once, I believe it is a range hood exhaust fan, pumping out alot more air than my other box did, and in a circular pattern, unlike the bathroom fan that just sent it the hole on the floor.

My veg area is doing great all plants are thriving in there, and I cannot say enough good things about the PbP grow fomula, that shit, seems to work instantly, I can see noticeable growth after just hours of a feeding.

Random locations for them, but essentially I have 2 Freeze, 2 ECSD x STRAWD, 2 Pollen Chuck, and 2 Trainwreck x Strawd
They will be getting put into 1 Litre square pots very very soon, I should be able to get 8 in there without any issues.

Flower room
I am going to add a few pics from 2 weeks ago, so you can see the stretch of them with these updates.

April 8 08


Pollen Chuck

April 8 08

Today, notice the frost on this girl already!! :jump:

ECSD x Strawd

April 8 08





HIgh Lowlander
Yeah I tend to take lots of pics, I am always proud of my crops so I like to show them off, having 3 distinct strains is fun, you can really see the difference in them.

Hey bro, hopefully my buds turn out something along teh quality of your WW

Thanks for stopping in and thanks for the kind words. 25 and sunny here today

Thanks bro, yeah made the hole in my floor a bit bigger today as well, i am running a temp test in there right now, door closed, we should see what is going to happen for the next few months ina couple hours

Thanks for popping in bro, yeah the ghetto office just keeps better, I may have to look into an ac system soon if this keeps up. The dog, my gf gave to me a few years back, I have used this nickname for quite a while.

Kilbud, thanks for stopping in man

Thanks man, I like em too, getting very big, very photogenic

Thanks man, happy 420 to you too. Always making changes here my man, I am never satisfied, always find something to improve

Chile huh? well nice to meet ya then, never met a Chilean before. I am not sure of how the quailty will be on the freeze but it sure is a pretty looking plant
Thanks for stopping in

Well dudes, that is it for now, If i get a cool tube going today I will put another update, but until then, I will have another update come next week, probably Monday

Take care of yourself and think of Earth today :joint:


Artist at work

Artist at work

Hey Dr. D

Always nice browsing through your photos and seeing such healthy vibrant palnts. I'm looking forward to watching them mature.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Awesome update bro :yes: I like the comparison from the old pics, can really see the huge difference.

I see ECSDxStrawD is just like the rest of the StrawD crosses...a big stretcher. Have fun controlling that monster :yoinks:
Freeze canopy is impressive :canabis:
PC frost and stature is amazing :yummy:

It's going to be fun watching these finish out :lurk:




Hey Dr. D

I saw you metioned that you start counting flowering days when you see flowers. Why is that?

Peace, KB


Active member
Hey there homie.
Nice updates...sorry to hear about your temp probs...its always something with a new place...
About the "cooltube"- Try floofy craft stores like hobby lobby (don't know if they have them in your neck of the woods, but I bet there is something similar...)
I found my "cooltube" there as a candle stand.

As you can see I set it up so that the light doesn't have to shine through the glass=NO lumen loss. I think the bulbous shape of it helped out and it kinda forms a vortex and sucks the hot air from around the bulb.
Works like a charm.
Good luck Dr D. :lurk:
Peace and kindness


Way Cool

Way Cool

Anima said:
Hey there homie.
Nice updates...sorry to hear about your temp probs...its always something with a new place...
About the "cooltube"- Try floofy craft stores like hobby lobby (don't know if they have them in your neck of the woods, but I bet there is something similar...)
I found my "cooltube" there as a candle stand.

As you can see I set it up so that the light doesn't have to shine through the glass=NO lumen loss. I think the bulbous shape of it helped out and it kinda forms a vortex and sucks the hot air from around the bulb.
Works like a charm.
Good luck Dr D. :lurk:
Peace and kindness

Hey Anima,

Just had to comment on your light design.

Awesome Dude

Sorry Dr.D I shouldn't do this in your diary.

Peace, KB

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro love to see the buds, ah how I miss that. They look super healthy, great job.... talk to you soon.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey dudes thanks for stopping in

Let me first clarify something, I start my flower clock, when they first start showing me signs of flowering, this is not when the pistils arrive, but when I can see obvious new growth, if you look into the newly forming bud, you can see it start, that is when I start the clock. I have started teh clock when I have switched many times before, and have ended up with early or underdeveloped trics, this is the way that works for me. So that being said, April 8 which is the first days of my plants being in 12/12 from yesterday is 14 days, so i have chopped 4 days off the total.

Nice to see ya around my thread again bro, I am more than excited with what they are doin right now, But I do believe that I have these dialed in very early, I am also, nuteing the crap out of them, I am using almost 20 % more than the suggested says, but that will stop soon, as I am starting to get the burnt leaf tips.

hey man thanks for stopping in, for your question see above explanation. And no worries man, post what you want in here, you are a regular here now, regulars do what they want

Thanks bro, I am hoping the ecsd is finally stopped stretching, I figure she easily tripled in size, but she has thick stems and stalks, she is only in a 3 gallon pot, hate to see what she would have done in those 5 gal grow bags I got

Yup, that is my next spot to check, BR mentioned that to me yesterday, so it is just a matter of me getting to the store, I am off friday so I will get cracking on that, Cool set up you have


Yeah little pistils going, cannot wait till they pack on the weight, they are thirsty bastards though, going through a gallon of water each every two or so days, and I was worried about the pro mix not draining quick enough LOL

Anyways dudes, new shots of the buds come monday, thanks for stopping in and the rep
