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Vertical first attempt


ICMag Donor
Looks great Aero.
I think it takes a few vert runs with a particular strain to really feel comfortable with how much to chop off when trimming. I always feel like I'm chopping alot, and then really get to see whats what at harvest. Running multiple strains at once (like my dumb ass) makes it that much more difficult to get it right.

All in all, your shit looks tight as hell bro. Keep doin the damn thing.


space gardener
Marlo, I think you are right about it taking a few runs to get the hang of the pruning, all part of dialing it in. Thanks for the kind words...

Thanks Kannubis:wave:

Here are some more pics day 22 12/12:

Getting sticky in there:



Recovering UO addict.
still kicking ass huh? :)

How's the system running? Any issues with roots in the drains or anything?

looking at that 3rd pic..which is the gdp? is it the one at 12 o'clock? then there's 3 romberrys and 2 critical mass right?


space gardener
Hey StealthDragon, The plant at 12:00 is Critical Mass. Going clockwise from the CM plant, next is GDP, CM, RB, CM, RB

Pics 4 and 6 show the GDP on the right side of the screen with CM to the left.

3 CM, 2 RB, 1 GDP

Edit: almost forgot, no problems with drains, the system is running like a top. The roots have completely consumed the buckets and swallowed the air stones. I'll try to post some root porn soon because I plan to remove the ladies one more time before I begin to tie them up. I want to inspect for bugs, PM, ect as well as prune the back sides again..


weed fiend
That's the most bud sites I've seen in that amount of space. I'm sure you'll get better but you're knocking it out of the park on the first go. Can't wait to see this thing progress.


Absolutely amazing. I love seeing all these vert grows do so well. Definitely going to be watching this one!


space gardener
That's the most bud sites I've seen in that amount of space. I'm sure you'll get better but you're knocking it out of the park on the first go. Can't wait to see this thing progress.

DB, thanks, but I can't take all the credit for this one, had alot of help from members here. About all I can take credit for is the hydro setup and the nute management, other than that, I have just followed advice...

TBG, I had no idea this was going to turn into a doughnut o buds but I'm liking it!!

Thanks HippyDan!!

I am pruning and pruning like groundhog day it seems. Every time the lights come on, it's right back to where I started...lol

I am starting to think it's too dense for even the 600w, damn, wish I had a 1k for the upper canopy... Well, next run I will, until then all I can do is try to clear out some leaves and hope the light gets in there...

I will try to post some pics of the pruning soon and see what you people think:dunno:


weed fiend
I think you're doing great because your plants aren't shading each other. I noticed when I grow one plant it doesn't seem to matter if fans cover the bud sites. As long as air circulation isn't restricted, the buds are the same size.

Where you may get a bit of larf is between the plants if they get too close to each other.


Looking fabulous!

A couple of a pointers:

1st. You have to drop the horizontal way of thinking completely from now on. Your biggest tops are no longer at the end of the plant. If they are out of light ditch them. Next round cut them or bend them to form an uniform circle so you won't hate seeing them perform so badly. Your main tops are now the ones that are vertically closest to lamp - the plants know this already so should you. :D

Everything that grows past the lights is now considered as possible popcorn.

2nd. You seriously have to start thinking how you are going to support them because once the weight starts packing in they start bending towards the lamp. Maybe use a white netting like many here does. Trust me on this. Stems will not be able to support themselves and soon you'll find that you are burning more and more of those precious nugget factories.

Good luck to you Aero! I envy those buckets. Maybe one day... :)


really nice work Aero :) love the full green overhead shot. the budsites are amazing!! I can't wait.
I'm going to get a load of 2x4s today and the building begins. Hopefully I'll be ready to light em up by the weekend.


space gardener
Looking fabulous!

A couple of a pointers:

1st. You have to drop the horizontal way of thinking completely from now on. Your biggest tops are no longer at the end of the plant. If they are out of light ditch them. Next round cut them or bend them to form an uniform circle so you won't hate seeing them perform so badly. Your main tops are now the ones that are vertically closest to lamp - the plants know this already so should you. :D

Everything that grows past the lights is now considered as possible popcorn.

2nd. You seriously have to start thinking how you are going to support them because once the weight starts packing in they start bending towards the lamp. Maybe use a white netting like many here does. Trust me on this. Stems will not be able to support themselves and soon you'll find that you are burning more and more of those precious nugget factories.

Good luck to you Aero! I envy those buckets. Maybe one day... :)

Thanks Prowler, the reason some of the tops are so tall is because of the different strains. Next run I'll keep them the same by running the same strain. The Critical Mass bushes are a full 12" shorter than the others.

The RomBerry and the GDP are all the same height, It's hard to tell in the pics but those crazy tops are actually getting hit pretty hard by the 600w where they are. I'm just gonna let it ride for this round as those tops are likely going to be my largest nugs.

It's too bad the CM's are so short because this is keeping me from using the 600w to it's fullest potential, the 400w is maxed out and filling the buds in clear down to the buckets...

I have chicken wire on the ceiling, I will begin to tie the buds up as soon as I remove the plants one last time, it's just too hard to reach the back sides now that they have filled the room.

Thanks for checkin in....

I think you're doing great because your plants aren't shading each other. I noticed when I grow one plant it doesn't seem to matter if fans cover the bud sites. As long as air circulation isn't restricted, the buds are the same size.

Where you may get a bit of larf is between the plants if they get too close to each other.

DB, thanks, that's comforting because there are lots of buds in the center of the bushes. I pulled the large branches aside to peek at them and it looks like you are right, the buds in there are fattening up like the rest.

As far as where the plants meet, I think I am going to luck out, it's not too crowded there, lots of room for nugs..

CyrilSneer, cool! get that room built and join in on the fun!!


space gardener
I am very pleased with the hydro system so far, took a minute but it's dialed. Very stable at the moment and easy to keep up with, just add water..
I have been pruning and managed to punch some holes in the canopy to light the insides and let it breathe.

Bored so I got baked and decided to play with my camera to improve my photo skills. I will share some pics I took of the ladies.

Here are some day 24 12/12 flower pics:



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Damn bruz :good: :jawdrop: looking phat and dank as fook mate :biggrin:
Very inspiring work to say the least, bring these gals on home :)
:smoke out:


weed fiend
DB, thanks, that's comforting because there are lots of buds in the center of the bushes. I pulled the large branches aside to peek at them and it looks like you are right, the buds in there are fattening up like the rest.

As far as where the plants meet, I think I am going to luck out, it's not too crowded there, lots of room for nugs..

That's good news. Your air flow seems to be ample for that much canopy going on.

IMO, the 600 over 400 is working well. The lesser wattage down low seems to enhance the stadium effect. Lower growth isn't overstretched and competing with upper growth. Add multiple strains and you've really managed the whole thing nicely, they're all doing the same thing.

Imagine what you'll do with your second grow!?!


Hi Aero, Marlo mentioned your thread in his Vertical thread, so I just jumped from one spectacular grow to another! Amazing job man, especially considering it's your first time! :good:

I'm loving the dual bulb setup, however I can not for the life of me understand how you can keep temps so cool without cooltube?! What are your temps around the buds that are nearest the bulb?

I really wish that DWC system appeared as simple to me as it does to you. It looks nice & clean but I still have a hard time figuring out exactly what I need, except some wands, pumps & reservoirs of course :)

I will be messing with this Vertical stuff already from my next run I think, and I'll be sure to log my process in the Vert forum. Once again, props for this awesome thread. :tiphat:

See ya around!