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vertical aeroponic 2000W

sorry to double post, but could you help me out and tell me how you drain the rows back to the res

I just have it as a waterfall. There's a hole just big enough in my res lid. I cover the whole thing up with some reflective material. It's ghetto, but lowe's here doesn't carry the correct piece.

The way I'd really like to do it is with these.
Next time I'll be adding quite a few of them.


You just attach them to the end, then drill a hole at the very bottom that will fit a hose fitting (hose must be at least 3/4, 1 inch would be better) then run that back to the res. That's how to get it all light-tight. As it is, there's a little bit of light that gets into the res. Not much tho, and I never see algae, so I'll keep going like this for this grow.
ok, time for a short reply...
Here's a current pic


quick update, just one pic. I finally have my pH stabilized, and I will be beginning budding this week. I know, it's gonna be too full in there in some spots. But some spots are going to be just right... It'll be an experiment. Keep the 1000W HPS really, really close to the denser plants, but farther away from the plants that have been "flat-scrogged". In some spots (this is before budding on a stretchy strain, mind you) some branches are less than 10" away from 2 1000w lights. They take it fine, tho...They really seem to love all the light. And as I up the nutes, they take in more. 1050 ppm seems adequate for them.

I had plenty of pH issues associated with bacterial infections (if you want more info, check out gardenscure, I'm whythef*not? on there). I finally got them all straightened out in the last few days, I'm pretty sure.
Veg time took forever due to all the setbacks; I sort of expected that -- I'm not really used to running a full-sized hydroponic system. But I've got my major issues under control and it's fiinally time to do this budding thing.

You'll see that one side is denser than the other. Just beginner's error, that's all. It'll get better as I go along, I'm sure.

I don't think I'm going to hit the 6lb mark (~1.5g/w) just because of errors that I've made so far. Mostly canopy consistency. If I hit the 5 lb mark, I'll know 8-9 is possible with tweaking. We'll see tho. Last time I only got 1 lb. It was like .25 g/w. But that system was designed very differently and much less efficiently than this one (obviously, lol... this thing is like the epitome of efficiency).

Anyway, I'm drunk and rambling. Hope you enjoy the much-deserved update. Feedback is nice..
I just have it as a waterfall. There's a hole just big enough in my res lid. I cover the whole thing up with some reflective material. It's ghetto, but lowe's here doesn't carry the correct piece.

The way I'd really like to do it is with these.
Next time I'll be adding quite a few of them.


You just attach them to the end, then drill a hole at the very bottom that will fit a hose fitting (hose must be at least 3/4, 1 inch would be better) then run that back to the res. That's how to get it all light-tight. As it is, there's a little bit of light that gets into the res. Not much tho, and I never see algae, so I'll keep going like this for this grow.

I ordered 3 of these from futuregarden dot com
they're cheap there. under 8.50 apiece. I couldn't resist. this is going ot make the whole thing way more professional-looking (and perform a much-needed service at the same time -- as it is there's plenty of light getting to the root system)


Active member
Good Luck In the Bloom Phase dude, i hope it starts to all go like clockwork for you!
Peace & Respect........Scroger!
I'm not comprehending this pic...

Did something go wrong?

It's stitched together from many images. It's next to impossible to get a decent photo of the whole thing. The pic right above that one is a good shot of the top tier. But you can't even see the bottom 1000w light or any of the plants that it shines on.

The pics are correctly placed, but there was one gap I guess. I don't have a computer at the grow house, so I have to take photos and hope they stitch together right. I'll try to get something better today. I'm still getting this panorama thing worked out.
how many plants? how much estimated yield?

I lost track of plants... maybe 25?
I have no idea on the yield. 4 would be nice. 6 would be nicer. 1gpw would give me 4.5 lbs. I'm not necessarily expecting that since I'm fairly new to hydro and my yield was very poor last run, but it's totally possible. If I'm lucky I'll hit the 1.5 mark and pull 6 lbs, but I doubt it --- too many things have gone wrong already


Active member
You might just pull it round yet buddy1 I think 1gpw is very likely in this set-up, dam if its 0.7 or 0.8 g'spw youve done well. i think you'll be ok if you can control temps, your laughing!
G'Luck Dude.....OPeace...............Scrog'
You might just pull it round yet buddy1 I think 1gpw is very likely in this set-up, dam if its 0.7 or 0.8 g'spw youve done well. i think you'll be ok if you can control temps, your laughing!
G'Luck Dude.....OPeace...............Scrog'

Yeah, my temps are great. 82 is the highest I've gone in weeks. And now that I'm flowering the lights are off during the day, so that helps a lot.
The big issue is whether I can keep the reigns on my pH.
I had some type of infection that set me back almost the whole last month. It was making my pH do wild things. I endured the infection the entire last grow and was very disappointed to find it setting in again this time. I finally fixed it with GreenCure and H2O2. I'm really relieved to find out that the GreenCure works like that. It fixed my cloner lol. I sprayed my rotting clones with GC two days in a row and 4 or 5 of them rooted in the following two days. One more rooted today. That's after months of no roots, dead clones, no roots, dead clones.

BTW the GreenCure was applied as a foliar spray, but it fixed a problem that mainly affects the roots. I thought that was neat.

I set my pH at 5.8 yesterday, knowing it would go up (it almost always does when I mix a new res of FF). It went to about 6.3 and started dropping again, as usual.

How well this grow goes depends directly on how fast the pH is dropping. We'll see by tomorrow.



total recall of irish-webbie tubes, from cw/og...;)

in imagination, like 1k's in diagonal row...
like this *:.:D
whythefnot said:
In some spots (this is before budding on a stretchy strain, mind you) some branches are less than 10" away from 2 1000w lights. They take it fine, tho...They really seem to love all the light. And as I up the nutes, they take in more. 1050 ppm seems adequate for them.
2-6" from 1ks work well too!;) w/ lots of laminar & turbulent air flow...
btw, how many osciulating fans & how much air ciurculation? they seem to like lots of it to carry away lots of water leaves give off.

enjoy your garden!
Just one oscillating fan and a 220v a/c unit hooked up through 6" flexible duct. It carries air from the top down through the a/c and back into the bottom. Plus I have one small fan to push a little extra air where I can tell there's not enough airflow. My cash limit is maxed out and there's little extra space to spare so more fans isn't really happening right now. It's a partially closed room. The octagon tent is completely enclosed and in line with the a/c, but the room gets air from outside.

I really don't need too much airflow for heat. The cooltubes work well enough. I'm sure a branch could be touching the tube and not necessarily get burned.
My humidity stays near 55%

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