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VerdantGreen's quarters - 250HPS organic mod.scrog


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
thanks gM! this run seems to have lasted for ever - i expect to have the other 3 plants harvested in the next week or two - The Power Plant is now in the cab and then we have 2 Uk cheese and of course the Black Forrest to go in.




Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
hi standaman - the arjan's haze 3 is excellent to grow- short with fat indica style buds. i havent smoked any of my own organic stuff yet but my friend grew this pheno and i nabbed some off him. the high is very 'high' and clear - not really racy or super strong but basically a very clear smooth creepy sativa.

tricky - thanks for stopping by!


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
Hi all, i managed to get a few pics of the cab today. half the last run is harvested and we just have the NL and the Blueberry left in there.
The NL has been going for 10 weeks now and looks well and truly ready - except that the trics will not go amber. many are still clear!. i will harvest it as soon as i can though which may be another week. it will be interesting to see the difference in smoke between this and the last one that i took 60 days.

looks like i will top the 1g/watt yield i got last time i ran this. the buds are actually closer together in the cab because the other plants hold them in to the size of the screen

Next up is the Black Forrest (vietnamese black landrace x hawaiian cherry bomb)
the 16 week sativa. This has been topped 3 times and i planted it at an angle to reduce height. to my regular soil mix i added 20% coco and 2.5g / litre of hoof and horn for slow release nitrogen in the hope that it will provide a little N throughout the later weeks.

here it is with the screen just put on. i decided to train the 8 or so shoots from one side to another in order to absorb as much stretch as possible. we will see.

here are the two tiny clones that i used to sex them - they wouldnt show under a small cfl but showed after i put them under the 250 for a couple of days - one of each! - to get an idea of scale look at the jiffy plugs or the screwhead on the left. i kept the male to see if i can get some pollen and tossed the female.

Lastly here is a pic of the screen and V3 of attaching to the pot. i think this will be better. some 1x1 cut square and then but-jointed to the screen and screwed through the lip of the pot vertically (3 supports). i think this will work better. the last method was messy and screws in the top of bamboo canes tend to come out after a while)

also notice the lip cut off the pot in places - this has allowed me to fit a 15 litre/ 4 gallon pot in - so now i have 16 gallons of soil in my cab!. the last pots were 12 litre each - so these hold nearly a gallon extra. i think my decent yeilds may be down to maxxing out the pot size. Plant is the BF same as above.




Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
The NL has been going for 10 weeks now and looks well and truly ready - except that the trics will not go amber. many are still clear!. i will harvest it as soon as i can though which may be another week. it will be interesting to see the difference in smoke between this and the last one that i took 60 days.

Funny, I have that same scenario going on. We took the crown of one of our Royal Hawaiian girls 10 days earlier than the rest of her. I'm hoping it didn't make too much of a difference, because the bit we've tried is potent and a perfect sativa/indica high. Good looking plants BTW...very phat!


Active member
Very nice grow Verdant, I'd like to know a little more about your NL if you don't mind. What are the specs on her? Is that a pic of her at the top of this page? I'm very curious about her smell in flower, does she have the notorious low odour? Any other good info you have about her?

Thanks and keep up the good growing.



The NL has been going for 10 weeks now and looks well and truly ready - except that the trics will not go amber. many are still clear!. i will harvest it as soon as i can though which may be another week. it will be interesting to see the difference in smoke between this and the last one that i took 60 days.

looks like i will top the 1g/watt yield i got last time i ran this. the buds are actually closer together in the cab because the other plants hold them in to the size of the screen


Nice phat buds VG! :yeahthats Good luck with the 1g a watt I'm sure you'll achieve it.

Love your modular scrog and may use the same idea for my perpetual grow I will start soon. :woohoo:

Hella THC

Hi all, i managed to get a few pics of the cab today. half the last run is harvested and we just have the NL and the Blueberry left in there.
The NL has been going for 10 weeks now and looks well and truly ready - except that the trics will not go amber. many are still clear!. i will harvest it as soon as i can though which may be another week. it will be interesting to see the difference in smoke between this and the last one that i took 60 days.

looks like i will top the 1g/watt yield i got last time i ran this. the buds are actually closer together in the cab because the other plants hold them in to the size of the screen


:yoinks: Sweet mother of god... :woohoo:


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
K.J. - wierd how that happens isnt it? i think trics are the best way to tell but , for me, if most of the hairs are brown and the leaves are dying off then that should be taken into account a well. 10 weeks is a long time for an NL!
i might ask a q on the harvesting board about this...

gill - the NL is Doctor Atomic's NL. if you look back in the thread there is one i took to 60 days and its a good smoke. about the odor it's hard to tell because she is in the cab with some very smelly strains so all i can tell you is the combined effect is funky :)
i'll take a niff tomorrow morning and see, but i would say that any plant will smell if ripe even if it is so called low odor. also it may be only some pheno's that are low odor. i would always use a carbon filter if it's possible.

gM -yeah she has done better than last time - probably over vegged but luckily not too stretchy. i would prefer to flower an over-vegged plant to an under vegged one really. she is a looker but starting to look a bit past-it ;)

dyno - thanks for stopping by - i got 1g/watt last time with the NL and it hadnt quite filled the screen so i hope for a bit better this time. mod. scrog is working well for me - it takes a bit more time to get set up and when you put new plants in, but once they are trained and topped out its mostly a case of watering and feeding really. feel free to ask any questions if you need to. if you have time on your hands before you start growing then it's well worth planning you cab/room very carefully, knowing what constraints you are under with the location/headroom/access etc. it pays off! - of course you will never get it all right first time - i didnt :joint:

hella - thankyou and welcome!




Hey VG! :wave: Anymore bud shots?

I've actually grown before under 400w hps but stopped for 3-4 years and only started again 2 months ago. Already have an area (2'x2'x7.5') which I used for veg and am now starting week 2 of flower of Violator Kush feminized that my m8 donated to me at 1week old. :respect:It's currently 2'x2' wide and 33" tall... still waiting for the stretch to begin lol. Well it's stretched only 2-3" since starting flower and seems to want to stay short, which suits me as it means less canopy to penetrate.

Am in the process of constructing the new cab which will be for seedlings/clones/a mum and a flower section. Will keep the area I'm currently using for flowering too as it suits my light footprint. Will use your mod scrog method for the new flowering area and use my current area for flowering monsters! :muahaha:

Anyway will pick your brain if I come across any probs sorting the mod scrog area.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey THC123 - thanks for stopping by!

dyno - good luck with the grow. if you cani would say that you would be better with a bigger cab for your 400 - 3 by 2.5 or something.



Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
mrred - thanks!

neon - lol - i just had to find out what hdf stands for. definitely NL. (Dr atomic)
no secret sensi Big Bud either ;)
ive got some NL bagseeds from the early nineties that i will attempt to crack and try to make some seeds with it. The Dr atomic NL is about 10% thai and you can see this influence in the leaves - it looks far from a pure indica - but the buds are fat indica


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks bendoslendo! - good luck with your modscrog and keep us posted!


harvested the NL today on 11 weeks! - i'll be interested to see if and how the high differs - i wonder if it'll nail me to the couch...

the arjan's haze 3 is nearly dry and paper bagged - i made my first cross with this and the MLI male - got 13 seeds from the bud and maybe a few more in there.

looks like the 2 MLI pheno's ended up yeilding more or less the same - just over an oz each. i'll post the final weight later in the week but i should get about 1g/watt. its a nice smoke but nothing special - maybe when it cures some.

will probably harvest the blueberry tomorrow.

very proud moment today putting a well vegged UK cheese in the flowering cab (finally) i'll get some pics of this heirloom clone only tomorrow if i get time. i plant to flower 2 cheese with the power plant and the black forrest this round.

