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VerdantGreen's organic modular ScrOG cabinet - 236W LED


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
hey D9 i would say the LED is probably twice as cool, but hard to say. certainly the temps at canopy level are much cooler. one tip is to look for a decent amount of deep and far red wavelengths as this helps with the flowering response. check out the feedback on different lights in the LED forum.

homero i'll check it out!



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
haze weighed in at 45g, so the total yield for the cab was 219.6 grams which gives a gpw of 0.93

given that bubba, haze and blueberry are all moderate yielding strains at best, im pretty happy with that.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey all, lack of updates recently as ive been away and plants have been shuffled around different cabs etc.

but here is a quick snapshot of wha gwan in the cab

heres a big pre-89 bubba that i am hoping has some S1 seeds in it, but i cant be sure... nearly done this one, sorry for the poor shots


and i have 3 Bubba S1 plants (from the first seedrun) around halfway through flowering. these are all squashed into a square foot but are doing fine and looking and smelling pretty convincing
there were originally 4 but plant 1 was lost doing my time away.
there has been a heatwave here so a little but of heat stress but i think they'll be fine
plant 2

plant 3


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
plant 4


in the other side of the cab are a couple of plants of Bubba Shush, which is a feminised cross i made of Sharksbreath x Bubba Kush.
they were both scrogged on the same screen and spent the first 4 weeks of flowering in my other cab
BS1. this has some huge nugs, pics are from a week ago and the plant will be chopped soon


and BS2 is more of a bubba dominant pheno

next up im doing a Cherryjuana seed run - this is my cross of Herijuana x Cherry Bomb (a maui line from mr.Greengenes) and im making f2's



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks stra and homero!

i'll try and keep going with the updates, soon we will be finishing the three bubba S1s and introducing a dozen or so Cherryjuana plants (making f2's)

i also have a single Bubba x (Digiberry bx1) seedling that will be growing up with the ChJ's



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
well the bubba x sharksbreath plants have been harvested, and the big bubba is ready and will get chopped as soon as i get a chance...

but i couldn't resist showing off the three bubba S1s that are around 6 weeks now. these are done sog style in 1 gallon pots - they are turning into very good representations of the bubba cut imo. thats the great advantage bubba has over many other elites, it breeds fairly true - so selfing it means you get plants that have good resemblance to the original. they all smell different but all have a lot of bubba smell to them. really pleased about these.

more about the bubba S1s here, hopefully i can put some more up for sale on seedbay soon
plant 2



plant 3



This thread is inspiring. I love the whole setup (and the quality genetics!), and I am hoping to emulate it on a smaller scale. Do you have any details about how you set up the modular ScrOG? It may not be manageable in a space as small as mine, but I'm intrigued (it would be great to run a real sativa in with the hybrids).


Smile Vs Cry
whats up verdant...nuggs lookin fat sweet in resin covered...enjoyed bro, your bs ROCK the garden ehh !!!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks killerweed!

hey socrates, if you read my old threads linked in my sig there is a LOT of info about modscrog and how i do my grows organically and get high yields. the first one was the 250 hps 'quarters' where, although the light was different, the principles are still the same.

ive scrogged everything from original haze to deep chunk in those diaries and although there is a lot to wade through, you will find a lot of info in there. some of the links are to smaller cabs too



The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Just went through this entire thread, great grow so far and excited to see the seed run. I will be doing my LED only breeding projects next year and can't wait. That cross you are working on sounds tasty!


New member
Thanks to medmaker for introducing me to your thread.
VerdantGreen, you got that space dialed in nicely. Thanks for posting the info for us to learn from. The buds looks like some great smoke. Any pics of the setup without any plants inside?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
medmaker, thanks for stopping by!

this is the third or fourth thread i have started using this cabinet, ive had a few different lights in it. the first thread is started was the 'quarters - 250 hps' so you will see more discussion about the cab in there.
here is the base of the cab, the intake is under the floor and the holes allow nice even ventilation, particularly the one right in the middle. with vert dense canopies its important to have good ventilation and circulation

and here is the drip tray i modified to retain the middle vent.

heres an old shot with the 4 pots/modular screens - which is the way i usually run the cab. notice how the fron two pots are raised higher - because the plants are much taller above the screen in the back . this is the beauty of modular scrog - you can run different strains and still kep the canopy even

(another old shot)



The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
great scrog

I am going to enter the micro competition with a led panel and going to be doing a mod/scrog and see where it comes up with the gpw. I can see scrog killing it especially with great canopy control.

Digging the vent setup as air flow is very important.

When I do my scrog I am going to use modified tomato cages as I too agree that having individual scrog per pot makes life easier versus a stationary screen across all plants. Having the ability to still move them out and clean them up as well as for pictures is indeed a necessity in my book.

Great setup brother!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks medmaker, being able to get each pot out also helps you keep a lookout for nanner, pests and diseases. modscrog rocks!

the dry weight on the bubba kush scrog was 75 grams - considerably better yield than ive ever got before on the bubba - i think because i vegged the plant much more and let it root into the big pot before flowering. 1.25 gpw whoop!
unfortuantely the pollen must not have been still viable because no seeds... but i have a new reversed male and new bubba plants about to go to flower so the wait shouldnt be too long



Active member
that's awesome man verdant you really getting this down pact 1.25 gpw you are no longer a grower but a GURU :)

The Hummus Monk

Active member
Learn hummus learn..!

How big those pots V?

Or to rephrase...what is the smallest pot useable with a water only soil mix?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks Dr fever. i have had 1.25 gpw and upwards a few times before.. but never with the bubba kush - whoch i have struggled to get 1 gpw with in the past.

hummus monk - the pots are 15 litre i think - so about 4 gallons. i have to cut the lip off the pots to fit them in the cab but i've always strongly believed that using the biggest pots you can will help yield - especially in scrog. recently some scientific research revealed that plants will sense the size of pot they are in and grow to an according size.

not sure what the smallest pot for a water only soil mix is... i doubt there is a minimum but the smaller you get the harder it will be. i regard my mix as water only, but if they start to fade early i'll feed them.

the bubba S1's are pretty much ready and i;ll try to get some pics up before i harvest them... also some new stuff in there that i'l show at some point


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