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Vendormaps.com = Gun point robbery

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One must understand and accept the risks prior to participating in the activity.

My most humble of opinions.. if you are not willing to protect yourself or your investment then whatever you're doing isn't worth doing.

you should be asking people if they want a paper or plastic bag with their groceries.

Frankly, after reading your idea to set them up on video for a fake robbery and then turn it in to DA... you are a douche, dude. frankly. thats some incredible super snitch action. when you said you had their info I assumed either revenge, or recovery of assets.

but you wanna put em in the slammer?

I dunno man, I'd be embarrassed to be in the same business as you, good thing I dont do that ;)

my condolences for being robbed I dont mean to pick on you for that reason, its just that, well... you want to set them up with the cops for a fake robbery? and tell the cops they stole your drugs/medicine?

This kind of shit is what makes it so difficult for the medical scene to progress in a healthy manner; both the fucking crooks that blow it up, and the sorry marks that want to involve police.


Even though someone is a criminal who is doing you wrong doesn't mean they deserve to die.

I agree.

BUT, deserve it or not, being investigated (never mind arrest and trial) for murder is NOT fun, I am sure.

I hope I never have the "pleasure" of such an investigation. Pot paranoia is bad enough.

Let's not also forget the possibility of an escalating level of violence as revenge on you and your family/loved ones, or heck even pets !

Yes I know, the above may not apply in Texas, LOL. :)

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Judged by 12? or carried by 6?

Judged by 12? or carried by 6?

Some of yal need to get out of the game. I don't give a fuck if you try to take a few crumbs off my table or the whole house. What's mine is mine and if you want to put me or mine in harms way, I have no sympathy for the consequences that will arise from your actions.
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Your buddy was the victim of a "push down robbery"?
Where did this happen? On the playground during recess?
Lol, I'm sorry, if all it takes is getting pushed down to get over on him, then I think he's in the wrong business.

Thank you for this. I needed a good laugh :thank you:

No offense to the guy that got pushed down!


New member
OK Mr. Rogers

Not wanting to kill someone for no reason doesn't make me Mr. Rogers. That's the natural position of anyone who isn't mentally ill.

Some of yal need to get out of the game. I don't give a fuck if you try to take a few crumbs off my table or the whole house. What's mine is mine and if you want to put me or mine in harms way, I have no sympathy for the consequences that will arise from your actions.

That's called being uncompassionate and selfish. A moral person would rather lose their possessions than kill someone. That is because they understand a human life is of far greater value.

It's amazing how people can remain this way while smoking large quantities of weed. Cocaine would probably suit you better.


gets some
Not wanting to kill someone for no reason doesn't make me Mr. Rogers. That's the natural position of anyone who isn't mentally ill.

Defending yourself and your property is not mental illness. In fact, many states allow deadly force to protect you and yours. It's a little murkier when it involves illegal substances but deadly force laws tend to not distinguish the root cause of why you're in danger.

That's called being uncompassionate and selfish. A moral person would rather lose their possessions than kill someone. That is because they understand a human life is of far greater value.

It's amazing how people can remain this way while smoking large quantities of weed. Cocaine would probably suit you better.

You sure put a lot of ad hominem attacks in your posts. Human life does hold value. The question is how much value does the life of a thief hold? How much then does the life of a thief that doesn't mind pulling a weapon on someone for the purpose of stealing hold? Not much in my book. The gene pool needs a little chlorine once in a while.

None of your posts address the issue of someone else threatening your life with a weapon. You paint it as those of us that support defending yourself just walk around looking for someone to shoot at. What do you do when a gun is pulled on you? Pray you don't end up dead? Maybe you should be in church, not the illegal weed black market.


Active member
^word...anyany you sound naive. it isnt about "valuing human life"...because first of all...rippers and thieves dont even deserve the air they breathe. i have NO sympathy for thugs who play dirty then get whats coming back to them. whenever a ripper gets shot, part of me smiles, because they got whats coming to them.

only a pansy non violent progressive would rather give up his possessions. what kind of BS is that...might as well bend over and unzip your pants too, since you are so compassionate to thugs and rippers.

robbers only deserve one thing, and thats a hot lead slug smashing through their cranium...they know this, they gamble with their lives when they commit their crimse. dont make it easy on them...if everyone had a wussy attitude like AnyAnys than the world would be even more full of thieving scum. once a bunch of them start getting shot and killed by armed victims the others will think twice about what they do...

ever notice how in cities with liberal attitudes towards self defense (san francisco, oakland, chicago) are all FULL OF CRIME? robbers know that their victims probably wont shoot them, and hell even if they do get shot, call john burris and SUE! yet in texas, where its well known that thieves get shot on sight, theres less crime. i wonder why.....


^ that's the same point I try to argue with my girl cause she's from Colorado they got great gun laws but here Kalifornia we got so many gun control laws.

She opposes guns but I on the other hand feel if your strapped and robbers new that I feel they would less be likely to invade your home, knowing that they will get shot.


New member
Defending yourself and your property is not mental illness. In fact, many states allow deadly force to protect you and yours. It's a little murkier when it involves illegal substances but deadly force laws tend to not distinguish the root cause of why you're in danger.

Don't confuse the issue. The person I was responding to said that it's justifiable to kill someone rather than lose "crumbs", not their life. That means he would rather kill a human being than to lose a trivial amount of money or possessions. If you can't understand why that is wrong then there is no hope for you.

As for the legality of it; good luck in court using the defense "I had to kill him or else he would have stolen some wicked gear". Don't expect the judge to be anymore sympathetic than you are. Killing someone in self defense is one thing, killing them to avoid losing possessions is quite another. Especially when that possession is an illegal substance. Remember, all of us here are criminals as well.

You sure put a lot of ad hominem attacks in your posts.

Clearly you don't understand the meaning of the term. An insult is not automatically an ad hominem. That would only apply if it was a substitution for an argument, it was not. It was in addition to the argument that I gave. Also, an ad hominem isn't always false. It can be legitimate and relevant to the case, as it was here.

Human life does hold value. The question is how much value does the life of a thief hold? How much then does the life of a thief that doesn't mind pulling a weapon on someone for the purpose of stealing hold? Not much in my book. The gene pool needs a little chlorine once in a while.

Life has value regardless of what the person has done. That is the general opinion of the civilized world, I suggest you join us. Hence thieves and robbers not simply being killed in legal systems. Also, your argument doesn't take poverty into account. In areas of severe poverty crime rates are much higher. Your solution would be to kill these criminals to better the "gene pool". How does that make sense? Why do people of lesser genes happen to live in areas of high crime? Or are you just a racist? It wouldn't surprise me given the passionate support of Rand Paul.

It's funny, you far right wing conservatives usually preach such contempt for Eugenics. But here you seem to sound very much like a Eugenicist.

None of your posts address the issue of someone else threatening your life with a weapon.

Yes they do. As I said, regardless of whether or not someone threatens you with a weapon it's extremely unlikely that they want to kill you. And if the weapon is already pulled on you, then it doesn't really matter whether you have one or not. If his gun is on you then you're not getting yours out.

It's an extremely rare situation that you have a gun, you're able to pull it, and you know that you have to kill the person or they will surely kill you. In such a case it would of course be understandable to kill them. But that is not what we're discussing. No, we're discussing hip hop wannabes and paranoid conservatives who can't stand the idea of someone fucking them over. Sick people who think that killing is better than being a "bitch".

What do you do when a gun is pulled on you?

I don't put myself in situations where I will get a gun pulled on me. And if it happens by chance, I will give them what they're looking for. They don't want your life, they want your money or your weed. Besides, even if I had a gun what am I going to do? I don't care how fast you can draw your gun, the man already pointing it at your face is at a distinct advantage.

Maybe you should be in church, not the illegal weed black market.

I don't attend either.

^word...anyany you sound naive. it isnt about "valuing human life"...because first of all...rippers and thieves dont even deserve the air they breathe. i have NO sympathy for thugs who play dirty then get whats coming back to them. whenever a ripper gets shot, part of me smiles, because they got whats coming to them.


only a pansy non violent progressive would rather give up his possessions. what kind of BS is that...might as well bend over and unzip your pants too, since you are so compassionate to thugs and rippers.

Oh, you don't like being sexually dominated by thugs? Then kill someone over some weed and go to prison. They don't have any anal rape there, right?

ever notice how in cities with liberal attitudes towards self defense (san francisco, oakland, chicago) are all FULL OF CRIME? robbers know that their victims probably wont shoot them, and hell even if they do get shot, call john burris and SUE! yet in texas, where its well known that thieves get shot on sight, theres less crime. i wonder why.....

Ever notice how the rich areas of a city don't have crime and the poor areas do? Isn't that weird? It's almost like poverty creates crime and not political persuasion.

Houston has a higher crime rate than San Francisco, dumbass.
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