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Vending to clubs, what is it like for you?

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In Arcata they let the collectives grow on site but I think they only let them use a third of their square footage for growing.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Bterzz: Yes, I suppose a busy dispensary would find it nearly impossible to grow enough to supply their own, not unless they had extensive growing facilities. A busy dispensary could probably go through 50 lbs a month. To grow that much would probably require a 50Kwatt grow...
And you're right, even if the club is buying pounds off the market for 3000-4500 dollars, they're still making a profit when they break it down to eighths. But they have to charge $60 an eighth, and that's what kind of bothers me about the situation, is that they're not able or willing to take advantage of the quasi-legality of their product and lower prices to something a lot more reasonable.
Still, as other people have written on this forum, there's more competition and prices have/will come down. Already I hear there are 55 and 50 dollar caps on eighths at many clubs, which is encouraging.

H-local: Only allowing 1/3 of the sq footage of the club for growing is a big restriction. I was thinking of a nice big warehouse, with a small storefront up front and a huge growing space filling up the rest.
Could a club get around this by having offsite growing facilities?


Found this article through Google stating that the limit is 25% of their floor space or 1500 sf, whichever is less, for growing.
Also there's a 1200 watt limit for growing, which is ridiculously small.
Regulations like these force dispensaries to buy from brokers...


Patient Grower
I wonder why people think dispensary prices aren't headed south. Gosh if you had gone to Dennis Peron's dispensary in 1996 you would have paid $100 for an 1/8 of mids.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
The market will decide,

There will be a point where the cost to grow isn't worth the amount you get paid.

Just because there is a hike during the first part of legality doesn't mean the market will fall out.

Look at alcohol prohibition,

While alcohol was illegal prices were HIGH odds are...
Once alcohol was legal again it was probably once again a great money maker BUT went down over time BUT how many years later are we and prices are holding where they are at and have done so for some time. It hit the point of the profit versus effort where it all makes sense.

did any of that make sense though

I wonder why people think dispensary prices aren't headed south. Gosh if you had gone to Dennis Peron's dispensary in 1996 you would have paid $100 for an 1/8 of mids.


I have a question: are there any clubs who grow their own? If I understand correctly, the club itself cannot be a caregiver, but what about the owner/employees? Let's say the club has an owner plus 9 employees. Couldn't those 10 individuals sign up as caregivers and each have their own grow? Depending on plant number limits those 10 people could potentially have hundreds of plants. Not a large amount if you do a sog but if you grow trees in a RDWC culture they could possibly supply all their needs. Has no club done this or attempted to?

The variety and quality would probably go down significantly unless they really knew what they were doing. I am from Canada which is totally different than Cali, but the compassion club I vend to seems to have gotten into a situation where they grow their own .. but end up with a lot of one strain of mediocre medicine for awhile. Sick people need a variety of quality meds.


I am P.P.D...

I am P.P.D...

...so I never post; but in this case...
QUALITY RULES...legal,illegal, quasilegal...the cream will ALWAYS float to the top(heh,so will scum but that's a different story).
be real cool with your peoples and they will with you...if you're a fraud it WILL come out...
vending is not about always having the top-of -the -line but having a consisitency of quality that will always be appreciated in "smoker" circles.
As growers we can all have a bad day, but that should not be cause to shut down if the quality can't be vended. Always keep your quality at the point in which it is better or best...anything less will shut you down at a bad point.
Tight manicuring..with that personal touch..you know what I mean. No sugar leaves...no matter how many diamonds you may see...shit is HARSH.
On that "harsh note"...DO flush profusely...at least 2 weeks before. Yeah, I know I'm gonna get haters on that...but taste tests prove...heh.\
Are u ready?
Can u "vend" to clubs?
Real deal.
No Shit
This is the way to make a secure living...for now..heh...heh...heh


with the new regulations, very soon Cali will be like Canada....the clubs will have to grow their own without help from vendors, to be verified on paper by regular LAPD visits. game over.


Active member
with the new regulations, very soon Cali will be like Canada....the clubs will have to grow their own without help from vendors, to be verified on paper by regular LAPD visits. game over.
That's utterly retarded. I'm pushing for more closed-loop cooperatives myself but cutting off that many patients (through lack of supply) is going to drive them back to the black market.

More idiotic laws being pushed by people that haven't a clue. *sigh*


agreed, but that's still how it's going to go down. the penduluum swings and right now it's going against us. we all knew the backlash was a matter of when, not if.


in LA, starting in a few months when the new regulations take effect, the only way to supply a club is to pre-register with the LAPD as a supplier so they can verify you're growing less than a half-pound, etc...while you're doing that you can ask them about tax questions, i'm sure they'll be helpful.


Active member
in LA, starting in a few months when the new regulations take effect, the only way to supply a club is to pre-register with the LAPD as a supplier so they can verify you're growing less than a half-pound, etc...while you're doing that you can ask them about tax questions, i'm sure they'll be helpful.
Any of you guys pre-registering? :fsu: Is this a sure thing?


La county is a small part of cali just because they might change it like that if you dont live in La county and vendor the LAPD caint do anything outside their county just because they might change things it dosnt mean the entire state is fucked


La county is a small part of cali just because they might change it like that if you dont live in La county and vendor the LAPD caint do anything outside their county just because they might change things it dosnt mean the entire state is fucked

And as soon as you enter LA county with a delivery you are in their jurisdiction and have to abide by LA county laws, but yes you are right, it does not affect the whole state. :joint:
Wow, this thread is depressing. Had no idea my Cali brethren had it so bad off. To hell with the propositions, you folks need to pass yourselves an amendment! No way I'd go register with the pigs to sell my meds.


you got it...this will just fuel a proposition to regulate and tax it more, not shut it down, since our state's so broke. The cops are having a luncheon tomorrow about how to "end medical marijuana collectives in LA". assholes, they're just going to fuel their own backlash. honestly, there is some need for smart regulation but they're going way way too far. no, to answer your question, the new rules are intended to close people down, not for people to cooperate with...but the cat and mouse game will continue as always. worst part is some of the people who need the medicine most have the least options to get it.
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