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Variances within Malawi Gold?



here's the description quote from pips...

"The Unique Tropical & Luxuriant Spicey Sativa Up High can be attributed to the presence of THCV in this Early Cultivated Strain"

ive always interpreted that to mean "The Unique Tropical & Luxuriant Spicey Sativa Up High can be attributed to the presence of THCV in this strain when cultivated early.

ive always figured it was a vernacular / sentence structure variance sort of thing, but I could be wrong. If correct though, this is one of the reasons I believe the propyl pathway may be an early-onset defense system for plants with long maturation cycles....to buy time until the primary pathway is metabolised enough to handle the defense duties.

thats strictly a hypothesis, though

Hey amoril,

This was a keen grammatical observation on your part but to share my observations on maturity factors with Afropips Malawi specifically, I took two harvests in the same year, they were taken mid-Autumn and end of Autumn respectively (6 weeks apart). Interestingly the mid-Autumn harvest had a noticably more intense high than the late Autumn harvest which had a more stoney buzz to it but I think just as potent.

The early harvest was so intense that I had to be careful not to get too excited on it as I found it was capable of bringing on headaches, though no one else seemed to notice this. In that sense, it seemed to everyone to be the more potent of the two harvests but on careful comparison, it was determined by a number of commentators that it was the nature of the high rather than the potency factor that was making it come across as the more powerful.

Also, the earlier harvest had denser green buds while the later harvest had grown out into a more feathery structure typical of loose budded sativas along the hazey and thai type lines and had turned a more coppery, golden color. Both excellent, pacey up smoke in their own right but I think I liked the earlier smoke in many ways, despite the personal risk of it giving me headaches.



After rereading as one poster has suggested:joint:...my take is that the strain is "early cultivated" is: maturation of this Sativa is "early" as compared with other Sativas...provided it is "cultivated"...that is: subjecting it to an artificial veg. cycle and then a strict flower regimen.

I would think this could also be plausible, but if you continue to read the breeder's description, he goes on to say 90-120 days of flowering ;)

thats hardly fast, compared to anything lmao.


Irrespective of what Afropips meant, my own observations relate to early and late harvest. I found most people tended to fall into the impression that the earlier harvest taken mid-Fall was way more potent than the latter harvest taken late-Fall, however, as I alluded to in my earlier post, when a number of experienced smokers were asked to carefully assess whether this could be possible, most conclusively considered they were of similar potency but with completely different effects to their highs.

On the surface the early harvest tricks you into thinking in terms of potency with its really intense racey high. Years ago I scored some of African Seeds version when Chris was still going but found it a lot less vigourous and never got around to comparing the harvest times with it. My later experiences with Afropips version related to harvest time but were not intended. I took around half my harvest due to really bad wet weather and left the other half to go through till the end of the season as I normally would have done.

Pick it early and the ultra high issue kicks in with an intensity that sort of outstrips Kali Mist in its own right. I've also smoked these side by side. Malawi taken early is a very, very high experience but a little too intense for my way of liking, I prefer the late harvest for its stonier buzz, a bit more calm and earthing.



interesting results

interesting results

Irrespective of what Afropips meant, my own observations relate to early and late harvest. I found most people tended to fall into the impression that the earlier harvest taken mid-Fall was way more potent than the latter harvest taken late-Fall, however, as I alluded to in my earlier post, when a number of experienced smokers were asked to carefully assess whether this could be possible, most conclusively considered they were of similar potency but with completely different effects to their highs.

On the surface the early harvest tricks you into thinking in terms of potency with its really intense racey high. Years ago I scored some of African Seeds version when Chris was still going but found it a lot less vigourous and never got around to comparing the harvest times with it. My later experiences with Afropips version related to harvest time but were not intended. I took around half my harvest due to really bad wet weather and left the other half to go through till the end of the season as I normally would have done.

Pick it early and the ultra high issue kicks in with an intensity that sort of outstrips Kali Mist in its own right. I've also smoked these side by side. Malawi taken early is a very, very high experience but a little too intense for my way of liking, I prefer the late harvest for its stonier buzz, a bit more calm and earthing.


Yes...always like to take plants to full maturity...take no vine before its time:D

on a side note...just now finishing up on some Kali Mist....do you see any resemblances in Kali from African genetics?....Simon has said in the past that Kali has no haze in it and some folks suggest Cambodian influences....I feel there may be African genes in this mix from the effects alone....does anyone else get this too?....Simon spent time in Africa teaching if I recall correctly....this could be some of Kali's sources:joint:
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Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
very interesting someone around here has to know wut kali mist is made up of or is it some sort of secret ?


Simon has never revealed his recipe

Simon has never revealed his recipe

very interesting someone around here has to know wut kali mist is made up of or is it some sort of secret ?

Many people have tried to figure out Kali Mist's genetics....I seriously doubt you will find the make-up with a search...Simon holds his cards very close to his chest:joint:


growmore was the malawis you grew from clone or seed?

Hey Chizzleonetime,

These were grown from bean. I over did the seeding on a previous grow but the Malawi's didn't suffer much for it. The beans were huge discs despite the numbers carried and the buds were still reasonably full and excellent once they were de-beaned. The sinsemelia bud tends to grow out more on approaching maturity but the seeded mature bud held its form fairly tightly for Malawi.


Sure, Kali Mist could just as easily have African genes floating around in it somewhere. I've considered crossing the Malawi's with Kali for that matter...hmmm...still thinking on that one

Simon has absolutely said in the past That Kali Mist is mostly Cambodian with a mish-mash of Mexican, Columbian, African, and Afghani genetics tossed in on occasion.....the Afghani was first used in 1998, hence the desire for PRE '98 Kali Mist.

Simon talked VERY candidly about Kali Mist on the Serious website back around 2000....he had a lot of people asking what in the hell Kali Mist II was. Getting any info out of Simon NOW is like squeezing blood from a turnip.

Sorry, back to the Malawi.


Dr. Narrowleaf
Hey Thule....always wondered if Jim was the "James" in the story of Malawi adventures that he posted a link one time while he was still on this board. Seemed a little "testy" at times which may have caused his being banned here....

Intrigued by African genetics....but sorta hard to grow as with most Sativas...risk seems to increase exponentially the longer a strain takes to finish....for me at least:mad:

interesting take on "Early cultivated strain"....sounds like you have been researching "flows" into Africa....If I remember right....some "New World" genetics came via Indian indentured servants to the Caribbean :joint:

Yeah, "testy" :D although personally I see nothing wrong with having strong opinions and especially in the seed industry.

Btw, the malawi golds were a joy to grow! No problems whatsoever, just don't over feed. I grew in a 50 litre tank with some slow release nutes in it, gave guano maybe twice but verrry little.

Vegging took about 40 days in 12/12 and they actually formed buds faster than any pure sativa (south africans not included) I've grown to date. At 120 days of age they looked quite full.

C Qual

funny, in a way

funny, in a way

THCV is going to be good for things that THC is not good for. It looks like to me that THCV must be used with a slight caution as to frequency, depending on the amount of THCV. I would say that daily use of THCV(plant based), day in and day out would be detrimental in the long run for immuno-deficient type scenarios. That's the way it has played out with mice. As a supplement to chronic THC use, from the research that I see, it is completely necessary as a restorative for a number of issues that chronic THC use can easily create.
Spliphy, as someone who has used a purported high THCV strain, are you aware of the reported traits (reported by Rosenthal in Buds 3) (reported by several seed companies) of "the peculiarities of the high," of a THCV plant "session." I'm not talking about internal mechanics on a neuronal level, just things like how quickly the high came on, how long it lasted. Body high? Soaring, psychedelic, etc,..
For me it is funny, in a way – that we know how to get a lot of THC but not a soul knows how to hyper-stimulate high THCV content. I really wish we knew. Its gotta be so simple. If shade can make more CBD's,...:witch:


just trying to remember descriptions from the years past when I acquired the beans....I always thought (maybe falsely)....that relatively...they were faster than a standard tropical Sativa

even now my mind says: "90-120 days....yeah.... faster"

if veg. is 2-3 weeks...then its not a long time in my book....several times have grown plants past 210 days total from seed (don't personally like Indicas all that well)

Had friends describe how that just before Christmas is their ideal time to start seeds which would finish late January the following year (outdoor tropics)...13 months:yoinks:.....sadly, never tried any of those long flowering types (knowingly)


Brings me to an interesting point of reference in my growing of Malawi's and other long-term sativas for that matter. When you start 'em early they take their time but when they're started late in the season, they go through the entire budding process in a far shorter time frame but surprisingly, often producing just as potent buds.

This has defied my logic at times but proven to be the case time and time again. Sure the plants don't get to grow as big but the bud quality doesn't seem to suffer providing there's still reasonable time for them to develop. Beats me how and why they can do this. It's as if they know they have the shorter time to do their thing and get about it in a state of panic.

To expect equally potent buds when the flowering time is cut short, I know this seems crazy but plants are smart! Obviously there must be a limit to how far you can lean on this factor, if you cut down their time too much, they're just not going to have enough time to do it but I've started 'em as late in the season as when they'd normally be starting flowering and they've still produced as good a bud as when started at the beginning of the grow season.

With Malawi's, that would probably mean a difference of say reducing flowering time from 90-120 days to as little as around 60-70 days but with indistinguishable results in potency. Of course, the profile of cannabinoids will alter the nature of the buzz somewhat but potency can still measure up in its own right. I gather good genetics combined with the power of sun and soil are more responsible for potency than just mere flowering time alone.



Hey GroMore :^)...hope you are well,

interesting observations

all the best

C Qual

Spliphy, Does that mean that you have tried the Malawi males? If so, what is a good protocol for male THCV testing.? I'm assuming that it goes like this. You end up with about five males out of a 10 group of seeds and then have to decide which one to keep. I'm going to be looking for most THCV, so I'm probably going to look for a quick onset of effects and then a lack of hunger. So you pluck a leaf from each one and try each one, one day at a time and the one with the quickest onset and the one that can take you away from a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, milk...: that's the one! I don't know any other way, other than the cannalyse fingerprint and THC test kit or a GC(not feasable). Seems pretty straightforward. What do you think?


Matter that Appreciates Matter
C Qual - It is my understanding that THCV does not get you high at all. Sam Skunkman has a few posts on this.


Not that scientific

Not that scientific

Spliphy, Does that mean that you have tried the Malawi males? If so, what is a good protocol for male THCV testing.? I'm assuming that it goes like this. You end up with about five males out of a 10 group of seeds and then have to decide which one to keep. I'm going to be looking for most THCV, so I'm probably going to look for a quick onset of effects and then a lack of hunger. So you pluck a leaf from each one and try each one, one day at a time and the one with the quickest onset and the one that can take you away from a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, milk...: that's the one! I don't know any other way, other than the cannalyse fingerprint and THC test kit or a GC(not feasable). Seems pretty straightforward. What do you think?

Not a seed slinger so...only do things for myself...plant numbers limited

Believe THCV is an agonist with THC according to Sam

The last male Malawi I had was from African seeds...fast flowering, skimmpy, but it had a nice woodsey-perfume smell when rubbing the stem...crossed it with 2 different SSH (1 lemon pheno)...trialing 1 plant from each...iffy grow however (don't want to get into it)


C Qual

Before I read these, I'll give you my understanding on it. THCV will block the THC high (to some extent). It will also act as a cb1 antagonist(to some extent). I find this useful as a possitive accessory to high THC use in order to manage several issues that can come up from over stimulation of cb1. Another arrow in your quiver to greater health, so to speak.
Quick onest of effects and no munchies are the typical guideposts, so far.
I've read Sam's views on testing males, in a series of posts where he goes into skunk genetics with a man looking for high CBD strains and they talk about Ruderalis a lot and Japanese plants. I'll check out your links! Thanks!


Matter that Appreciates Matter
C Qual - "manage several issues that can come up from over stimulation" - What would these be? I have found weed that does not give you munchies.

BTW I hope you didn't think the links in my sig were for this discussion.

C Qual

...overstimulation of cb1 may lead to dyslipidemia, ...Memory loss. These are the two that I am most aware of. ....improvement of short term memory is also attributable to THCV and hence would be a good barometer for a high THCV plant. Remember the scene in "The Wizard of OZ," when the scare-crow gets his brains from the wizard, puts his finger to his head and begins to retrieve math equations...?!!