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Very high CBD strains, which ones?



Isn't the Mazar-i-Sharif a source of this high CBD hash?

I'm think that the cold might have something to do with it.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the thread! I have crohns as well, and have been breeding and researching strains for this. Plan B Black Indica is supposedly AMZING for this. I have a cross of it with Hindu Kush I call jawdrop that I wish could get tested, cause I swear the CBDs are higher than anything I have smoked. Enjoy some pics, Ill be back with some moer info I have gathered on the subject.



I have got here a link with the CBD % of different Ukraine strains from research done in 1976.These strains can be used to bring a higher % of CBD in the drugstrains. USO-31 is cross between Glukhovskaja 10’ x USO-1, so this is a strain with more than 4% CBD. :canabis:

Selection for Non-Psychoactive Hemp Varieties



This seeds are available only not for US citizens.Obama has to change the law first that every farmer can grow hemp. :canabis:


Resident pissy old man
peanutbutter said:
Isn't the Mazar-i-Sharif a source of this high CBD hash?

I'm think that the cold might have something to do with it.

Sorry, PB, but the cold has nothing to do with it, just genetics. Either a plant has the Bd allele or it doesn't. No environmental conditions are going to change that. The Mazar and Sheberghan are not the typical Kush types that we think of when we think of Afghans. They are certainly sativa dominant and may be remnants of the sativa types Vavilov reported on his trips to Afghanistan.

Most o the hash that reaches Europe from Afghanistan has been measured at 50%THC and 50%CBD. In Afghanistan, you will have fields of pot that contain BtBt, BtBd and BdBd genotypes. If you collect all the resin and make hash out of it, it will be 1/2 THC and 1/2 CBD. Since the Afghjans don't smoke bud, they don't bother removing the BdBd genotypes like the Dutch breeders do. What I am looking for is the BdBd females,which won't get you stoned. They will be the basis of my breeding projects(if I can find them).

The TLC is not nearly as accurate as GC/MS, but will show the presence of THC,THCA, CBG, CBC, THCV,CBD and CBDA. You can compare the size of the stain to each other to see the relationship. While TLC is not as accurate, it is far cheaper and you don't have to go to a lab that has the GC/MS standards which are controlled by the DEA.

I am currently growing out the Mazar,Sheberghan and the Chinese Yunnan Indica from dubi at Ace seeds. My thanks go to ngapka,mrico and dubi for their kindness.


Pops said:
Either a plant has the Bd allele or it doesn't. No environmental conditions are going to change that.

It is obvious that the Bd allele content isn't simply a present/not present situation. There are many strains that are currently available that have both THC and CBD.

Most growers are interested in producing herb that will produce the most THC.

This plant has the ability to morph. As is obvious when a female begins to produce male flowers.

What causes a female plant to morph into male? Growing conditions.

Many things can be done to raise a plants output of THC. Why not the other cannabinoids?


elmanito said:
This seeds are available only not for US citizens.Obama has to change the law first that every farmer can grow hemp. :canabis:
So then could the folks running IC get these seeds? If so, where?


Resident pissy old man
peanutbutter said:
It is obvious that the Bd allele content isn't simply a present/not present situation. There are many strains that are currently available that have both THC and CBD.

Most growers are interested in producing herb that will produce the most THC.

This plant has the ability to morph. As is obvious when a female begins to produce male flowers.

What causes a female plant to morph into male? Growing conditions.

Many things can be done to raise a plants output of THC. Why not the other cannabinoids?

It gets rather confusing when you consider that hemp strains which are BdBd genotypes, also have from .3%THC up to a 1% or more. Conversely, drug strains that have had the CBD bred out(BtBt genotype) still have minute quantities(usually less than .1%, but sometimes up to 1.4%). The Bt and Bd allele are supposed to be co-dominant.

If the Bt allele is present, it causes an enzyme to be formed that changes CBG into THC. A Bd allele produces an enzyme that convwerts CBG into CBD. Unfortunately, there seems to be variants of these enzymes that produce different amounts of THC or CBD. That is why you may have 2 plants from the same batch of seeds that have different amounts of THC or CBD. That is why we look for special phenotypes that produce more of what we want. genetics is not always as simple as we would like it to be.

You state that certain things can be done to raise the THC content. I do not believe that is the case. There are certain environmental conditions that will raise the total amount of resin, but the % of THC and CBD is genetically established. By making environmental changes we may raise or lower the total resin content, which makes the pot seem stronger, but the % of THC is still the same(we are just getting more of it because there is more resin). I think the only way to change the THC% is to cross breed with higher % plants or find a pheno that produces an enzyme that will produce larger amounts of THC. I could be wrong about all this. sam the Skunkman would be the one to ask about environmental conditions affecting the % of THC.

Not all plants are hermi-prone. Some have that genetic survival trait. Some are tricked by chemicals or environmental conditions. I have never used chemicals, but I have forced some plants to go hermie(not always on purpose). Other plants in my grow room were unaffected.


What are the enzymes and are their formation temperature dependent? Are there simple (or complex) nute modifications that would favor one over the other?

Good point about the hemp kind being added to the hash production mix.

OK .. percent of THC in the resin of the plant vs percent of THC of the end bud.

Now with Sam .. Sam has noted that other parts may be of even greater medical benefit than the cannabinoids... terpinoids, flavinoids and a few other things.

I know that the smells issued by the plant change over the life of the plant. These plants would talk to me by smell. Feed them just right and they say "thanks" by way of one smell. A slightly different smell with watering. Another for lights on and off.
All very close to the same with minor variations.

My white widow would produce smells ranging from pine to grape to lebonese hash.
All clones from the same mom. I would have several plants in each harvest wave. All of the plants in each wave would have the same or similar qualities. But each wave would be different as I was getting the grow dialed in.

A problem related to cannabis as a medicine involves inconsistent results. This is a very complex plant. To think that one strain will produce the same results, regardless of how the plant is grown, seems a stretch.


Resident pissy old man
There is no doubt that the combination of possibly over 160 terpenes in cannabis affects the stone and the way that your body reacts to the cannabinoids. Unfortunately, little work has been done in this area. Linalool and myrcene give a heavier stone while pinene and limonene give a lighter stone. Someday,perhaps, we will learn how to tailor the terpenes to the stone and taste we want.




iam not a medical user or maybe i am, because smoking herb is a form of therapy for me...but i mean i don't have any physical pain (yet..).anyway, i have read this thread and a few others on ic and mr nice forum, iam very interested as a lot of other people to know what is actually the best strain(s) for medical user with serious physical pain and so the highest cbd content of this strain.....i read member recommend indica plants like afghan/kush or morocan, but iam wondering if any medical user have ever tryed mr nice medecine man ? i never test it but it seems to be a high cbd plant, i read g13widow is maybe good too but i didn't read clearly many medical users that tell medecine man is good for that and g13widow..ect....
maybe you will asking me why i need to know that cause i don't suffer physically and i will answer you that i want to help. iam a grower/smoker, i want to bred a little when i will have more space, but first i want to help, i want to be able to GIVE cuttings to people arround me who need it, as in my land there is no dispensaries and no possibilities to medicate with cannabis....so i want to find a phenotype of a plant who have high cbd content, maybe a plant who can help different sickness, and gow it , share cuttings to people i meet in my life....don't worry moderator i won't do this on the forum....and give or sent free cannabis buds even i have a small growroom and so a small yield, i will not do this for yield but for help....thanks all

any feedback with mr nice medecine man and g13widow are welcome as well for world of seeds landrace seeds.....thanks again
take care of you



That percentage of CBD to THC is absolutelly genetic determined maybe be an appealing hypothesis, but any serious scientific study ive found negate it.

I dont have equipment to measure cannabinoids, so i only rely on published studies about it, but all shows differences due to environmental changes very large, way more than anybody may hold the opinion that cannabinoids synthesis is fixed by genetic. All the evidence points that environment affects strongly genetic expresion about cannabinoid's synthesis.

Temperatures and light (both quality and intensity) clearly affects THC/CBD ratio.

As example, a 1983 study tittled "Effect of light quality on cannabinoids content of Cannabis Sativa". They used mexican strains on the study, of those used by that time to export MJ.

The study analyze content of cannabinoids on leaves (same researcher (Mahlberg) has done several studies about cannabinoids synthesis on buds, too, but this study is interesting because the changing enviromental conditions).

On the control under sunlight, cannabinoid content was measured for each node of the plants. Apart of the obvious descencing content, its noticiable the change on THC/CBD ratio: on N1 (upper node), 5.6. On N2, 13.5. On N3, 47. Thus there was 9 times more CBD respect to THC on the 3rd node than on the first. If synthesis of cannabinoids is fixed, why this large difference?

Or for example, sunlight grown plants had a THC/CBD average ratio of 7.7 at day 33, for 0.77% of dry weight as THC. While plants grown under red light has 3.5, less than half, for 0.57% of THC. Thse grown on blue light had higher still lower THC/CBD, just 1.9 (but only 0.21% of THC). Green grown plants had the closest ratio with control (sunlight), 6, but for a strongly reduced cannabinoids content (0.12% THC).

But there is evidence of adaptation after such treatments. After the 33 days treatment with different lighting regiments, all plants were placed under sunlight. And although THC percentage of dry weight tended to converge after 100d around 3%, there was large differences on the final CBD content. There was not noticiable CBD on plants grown under blue and green light, while it varies greatly bewteen the other treatments (23 for sunlight, 10 for red, 2 for shaded and 8 for strongly shaded).

I dont find any empirical data supporting a fixed CBD/TCH synthesis ratio under changing environments. On the opposite, i find many ev¡dences sugesting that it varies, and not slighty.

Changing of topic, i suggested early in this thread to plant hemp from birdseed as a easy way to harvest high CBD buds, and mix them with our selected indoor strains on the ratio which gives the best effect. I think its way easier than wait the breeding of a high CBD strain but with enough TCH for medical uses.


Resident pissy old man
You should understand that all bird seed containing hemp seed must have heat sterilized hemp seed in the U.S. The DEA will not allow hemp seed in the U.S. unless it is infertile.

Interesting that Mahlberg used Mexican sativas for his experiment, as most Mexican sativas contain very little CBD to start with. El Solay at U. Miss uses a Mex. sativa for the U.S. medical marijuana program and his contains less than .1% CBD.

There was an early theory that CBG changes to CBD which then changed to THC. That is no longer believed, as most scientists believe that they are formed independantly. Environmental conditions will certainly change resin production, which in turn would change the total % of either THC or CBD.


Active member
Pops said:
Afghanicus, your Parvati will probably not have much CBD. Ngapka told me that most of the Indian sativas from the Himachal Pradesh area made good charas but did not have much CBD.


Hey Pops - think that was a miscommunication, I would expect the particular Parvati line I collected to be likely to have CBD, plus also the Malana, and Kullu and other northern ones... but not the Pahari


Bong Smoking News Hound
The most i ever seen was on a Alaskan Thunder Fuck cut i got from the third floor. Thing amber ed up in 50 days. chopped at 80 percent amber at 55 days.


Perhaps there are strains available like Leb27 from Denmark originated from Lebanon or original Pakistani from Bluehemp or Chinese strains which could have the BtBd allele

To mix buds with high CBD with high THC is of course also an option.This technic is used by GW Pharmaceuticals in the UK for the medicine Sativex.
All the Dutch seedbanks like Mr Nice, Greenhouse, Sensi Seeds, Dutch Passion etc don't have strains with a high CBD, only high THC.

G.W.Pharmaceuticals has a strain with appr.97% CBD and a strain with appr.98% THC.These genetics came from Hortapharm which were located in the Netherlands and bred for several years new strains with a license of the NL-government.These strains aren't commercially available, but it is possible with non GMO technics to produce strains with a high specific Cannabinoid as they have showed.:canabis:


Dr. Narrowleaf
elmanito said:
Perhaps there are strains available like Leb27 from Denmark originated from Lebanon or original Pakistani from Bluehemp or Chinese strains which could have the BtBd allele

To mix buds with high CBD with high THC is of course also an option.This technic is used by GW Pharmaceuticals in the UK for the medicine Sativex.
All the Dutch seedbanks like Mr Nice, Greenhouse, Sensi Seeds, Dutch Passion etc don't have strains with a high CBD, only high THC.

G.W.Pharmaceuticals has a strain with appr.97% CBD and a strain with appr.98% THC.These genetics came from Hortapharm which were located in the Netherlands and bred for several years new strains with a license of the NL-government.These strains aren't commercially available, but it is possible with non GMO technics to produce strains with a high specific Cannabinoid as they have showed.:canabis:

I think leb has been bred for ganja long enough for the bt/bd allele vanish completely. Atleast I haven't heard of any phenos that won't get you high.

Breeding for high cbd shouldn't be any different from breeding for high thc. Just find the right parents to breed with. I imagine they used gas chromatography at Hortaphram. We'll just have to settle for smoke testing :pimp3: or eating it. I hear the health benefits are stronger that way.

One way is also using known bd/bd lines like the USO hemp strains you mentioned, and then crossing these with a bt/bd afghan line.

edit: typos
Last edited:


Hortapharm did use GC for there strains.I have something on film (VHS) from the Dutch TV-program Noorderlicht.The USO31-strain began very early to flower (mid-June) this year. It is possible to breed a new strain with this variety but i had to find a strain which has a similar flowering time.Like i said earlier perhaps the Leb27 variety still contain the Bd/Bt allele.I don't think the Danish used the same technics as in the Netherlands.In the Netherlands they used technics from the university of Wageningen to breed stronger varieties.
Today it is the otherway around.Now the university is using technics which were developed in the Dutch Cannabis cultivation world.
I have the old Dutch strain Viking from the 1980s, but i don't know if this strain has the Bd/Bt allele.I have to figure it out.


El Manito


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