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Active member
If the location of where this thread is posted is any indication... :laughing:

I think those interested in organics have a certain connection to the health aspects of using a vaporizer. In a search for better ways, sometimes we look forward as well as back. Of course using vaporization is nothing new. We only have modern, more effective ways of doing it.
And...really, aren't we making char to add back to our soil. Just another symbiotic relationship we have with our plants.


Active member
I think those interested in organics have a certain connection to the health aspects of using a vaporizer. In a search for better ways, sometimes we look forward as well as back. Of course using vaporization is nothing new. We only have modern, more effective ways of doing it.
And...really, aren't we making char to add back to our soil. Just another symbiotic relationship we have with our plants.

I pseudo made that connection and I can understand the reasoning behind it. Good call. Ill give you that ;)


Active member
While I have never used the EQ, I have run several of my vapes through the bong and it is yummy as well. (Use your EQ via the whip OR just on the downstem of your bong for some thick ass bonghits) Yes it CAN make you choke ;)

As far as the Iolite, this was my very first vape and I liked it for what it was. My only turnoff(s) were its fixed temp and the butane aspect. If you want a REAL portable and a vape MADE for milking the bong, the Supreme Vaporizer is your ticket. (Just get a better torch to assist in heat up time) This vape will milk a bong like its going out of style.
I found running the EQ through the bong at high temps and the fan on 3 equals combustion. Pfff

Sour Deez


Thats pretty sweet, imma have to put something like that together for my SSV


Active member
The first impression of the Iolite, I had when ordering. It comes in several bright colors including tye-dye. Teeny- bop came to mind. A gimmick.Who cares about color, fashion? After long deliberation, I picked orange. I rationalized it would be easy to find and it was a really groovy orange.
I ordered on a Thursday and had it on Saturday. A trip to the smoke shop for some quality butane and back home to unpack.
A durable piece made of hard plastic. Clean looking, color not too bright. None of the butane fittings seemed to fit quite right. I leaked a tiny bit when filling. Easily lit, having an igniter similar to a log lighter. I burned it off for a few minutes. The flame came on only to heat the unit and cycled off and then on again to keep the temperature constant. It was contained inside the unit where you only saw a bright glow and heard the velocity. No fear of getting burned or setting it down lit though I wouldn't leave it sitting on something combustible just as a precaution
Fairly easy to load, like any other bowl really. Warm up time was minimal and soon I was vaping. Now as there is no temperature setting the hits were a bit lighter than my Extreme leaving me to wonder. After a fair number of totes, I felt like I was missing out, then this wonderful feeling stsrted creeping in. I was stoned. This gimmicky little thing was doing what it was supposed to, vaping thc at the right temps and all. I did feel a little bite from the short mouthpiece. A little heat on the tongue. The mouthpiece warmed up slightly as well. Using the extension did help some. Combustion was a little noisy, making it a little less stealth.
As a primary vape, I would spend another 20 bucks and buy the Extreme at $150. If this had been my first vape, I would be hesitant about buying another, more expensive one.. As a portable, it's ok. It has a few convenience factors over a pipe. You don't need a second hand to light it and it works in the wind. You're not dropping ashes. It's not as much of a scene.
Really the only drawback is the set temperature. If you like a mild vape @ the thc level, it's well worth the price. Personally, if I had to buy again, and had the money, I would probably go with one of the other recommended portables. For $130 though , I'm happy and if there was nothing else, I would buy it again..


Active member
Ive also mentioned that we need a Vaporization subsection somewhere in this forum. I think that might help clear some of this clutter. :D Sup BTW KZ
There was mention in the beginning of this thread. I didn't know there was a group. A quick search turned up countless threads that mention vaporizers, too many to wade through for the information wanted. While this thread has helped me, it is in the wrong place for others to find. I was lucky a member of the vape group wondered by or I would not have known. Until popularity grows, making such a high dollar purchase is pretty risky without a reliable source of information.

soil margin

Active member
i dont understand why vaping hasnt moved forward more or isnt more popular, we have used fire as a way of smoking everything since the beginning of time literally, so many better methods now.

I can't speak for anyone else's reasons or opinions on why this phenomenon occurs, but I can give my reasoning.

Say I take 2 or 3 bowls out of my jar, I smoke them and get nicely toasted.

The next day, I decide I'd rather vape than smoke, so I take the same 2 or 3 bowls, and vape them in my volcano.

Now despite people's insistence that vaporizers are more "efficient". I personally find myself MUCH MUCH more medicated from smoking X quantity of weed than vaping X quantity.

Vaping can be used to medicate obviously, but it's not giving me the effect I'm looking for personally. Regardless of how many bowls I vape.


senior member
Say I take 2 or 3 bowls out of my jar, I smoke them and get nicely toasted.

Then you need to grow stronger gear dude, just kidding. But if you did a turkey bag filled with a volcano of my gear, you would not be looking for more any time soon. And when the taste gets rough, the duff has value in medibles. But then when smoking I rarely smoke the whole joint at once.

Health wise the vape would win hands down.

My favorite method is joints, but after a couple of days I have a smokers cough, not so with the vape.

I eat approx. 25%, vape 50%, and smoke 25%. The smoking for me now days is when I'm on the go, or working in the yard. But back in the 70's when I did not have any health concerns I was smoking, of course there were no vapes then, but still I would have been smoking....scrappy


Active member
Took my first bong tote in a couple of days. First some duff to see what was left in it.
Tasted like some of the dirt weed of old. Not moldy and musky as such, just dried out leaf tasting like if I smoked more I'd get a headache. Something there, but it really needs to be combined.
Another tote of some good blue Willy reminded me of what I was missing, another tote on the vape reminded me why I like it as well. Like choosing one of your girls over another. They all need attention and together well...I don't want to get indecent.


Active member
Ive also mentioned that we need a Vaporization subsection somewhere in this forum. I think that might help clear some of this clutter. :D Sup BTW KZ

Yeah we deff do, the social group isn't really that big, but if it was open more to the public we would be able to have a bigger community for sure. How are you AG? SOUP.

soil margin

Active member
But if you did a turkey bag filled with a volcano of my gear, you would not be looking for more any time soon.

Yeah and if I smoked that same amount I wouldn't be looking for more either. What's your point?

I'm saying per EQUAL quality of cannabis, I am more medicated when smoking it as compared to vaping it. And since it's impossible to quantify one's perception of how medicated they are, it's impossible to refute my personal experience.

Keep trying though.


senior member
Yeah and if I smoked that same amount I wouldn't be looking for more either. What's your point?

I'm saying per EQUAL quality of cannabis, I am more medicated when smoking it as compared to vaping it. And since it's impossible to quantify one's perception of how medicated they are, it's impossible to refute my personal experience.

Keep trying though.

I'm saying, 4 teen hoodlums could stay high on what I spill:laughing:

My point is vaping probably is not the most efficient way to use mj. But to most growers, supply is not a problem, so for me, other issues, like health are more important. Believe it or not I use this shit as medicine, so while "getting high" is a great side effect, it's not the whole show.

It was not my intent to challenge you, or fuck with you, or refute what you say is impossible. :dance013: cause that would be impossible....ok I am kinda fucking with you.... Can you see it in your heart to forgive me? Sorry its the vape! ....scrappy

soil margin

Active member
Believe it or not I use this shit as medicine, so while "getting high" is a great side effect, it's not the whole show.

Believe it or not I have epilepsy that does not respond to medication and as such I have relied on cannabis for the past 6 years to control my seizures.

"Getting high" has absolutely jack shit to do with my choice to smoke over vape. It's because I consume a ridiculous amount of cannabis and even growing my own it is not financially viable for me to increase that amount even further because I need a stronger effect than vaping provides.

I realize that some people have respiratory or other issues that do not permit them to smoke, and I recognize the benefit that vaping provides them. Nothing wrong with that.

I do think though that ignoring the benefits of smoking is a biased view and not a realistic depiction of it's pros and cons. Vaping is great, but to say that it is empirically a "better" or "superior" method of ingestion is simply false.


senior member
Hey one of my best friends has epilepsy, he says the hazes work best for him day time. How about you? Pm me if you want.

Sorry about messing up this thread, going in circles and all, I'll but out...scrappy


Active member
My point is vaping probably is not the most efficient way to use mj.
Are you high? Seriously? In my experiences vaping is WAY more efficient than combustion anyday. Personally, I use WAY less than I used to, PLUS I have my ABV which is still CBD/CBN heavy (good for medibles/tinctures)

Believe it or not I use this shit as medicine, so while "getting high" is a great side effect, it's not the whole show.
(Thank you for this as well!!)

I have found that the more medication (couch locky) happens at the higher temps. Its a balancing act when it comes to vaping - getting the most out of your herb at a slower pace. Of course you are going to get the CBD/CBN couchlockyness with combustion - but what is that instant gratification worth to you?

Sorry, I have to keep reminding myself that vaping isnt for everyone. I feel like a vapor zealot and need to spread the word like those bastards who knock at my door and ask me if I have found Jesus. My standard answer is yes. I found him in between the cushions of my couch when searching for change.


Active member
SO let me explain something for those who have no idea how vaporization works. 1. Combustion DESTROYS ACTIVES. When you bring a flame to anything you are destroying it. It is turned into ash. When you combust you are getting "carcinogens" that will make you more "fucked up" and couch locked hard. when vaping you control if you want to be more high or stoned based on temps. You also get a "Clear high" because there is no combustion. I know when people want to feel fucked up combustion feels like home to them. When switching to vaping you might not know you're even high, my first time I asked if I was, but then realized I was because of how I felt moving around.

2. As for efficiency VAPING IS THE MOST EFFICIENT PERIOD. In an Article I read about cigs there is 5-10mg of nicotine in a cig, while you only get at most 1 mg from that cig. What that means for cannabis is that you are getting 10-20% of the actives WHICH SUCKS. When you vape you are releasing the actives at their flash points, or close to that, which enables you to get the most out of every hit. Some vapes aren't that efficient, and most vapes suck dick, but if you read and learn about them you know which are the best. It's like any market, there is shit, shit and some good stuff.

Also just another thing on efficiency, I just want to know how I would be able to smoke .02 to be medicated? Don't think I could, while I can vape that. Vaping lowers your usage, vaping lowers your tolerance, and that's all there is too it. Besides the super low amounts used for high you can get high again from the abv(already been vaped) and the resin that EVERYONE SEEMS TO HATE is just pure vapor actives, not nasty black tar that makes people throw up. The stem hash you get from vaping is basically vaped hash(Not going to argue with some hash tard). You can revape it and it's really good and fucks you up.

Just another thing I CANNOT PHYSICALLY SMOKE ANYMORE. If I smoke I will feel like complete shit, and will have to either vape to get rid of this horrible headache and shit feeling, or I go to sleep and pass out.

@H.H. As for prices on vapes you can get a vape for 200-300$ standard. You don't need a cano, and I tell people not to get one, because it's not worth it. Even IF you got a cano, you would save money anyways. You save so much it's ridiculous, I call it the dark arts basically.

If anyone actually bothered to read my vaporization 101 thread I have mentioned most of this stuff already.

final note: Most people here are old school and just want to get medicated. Most people are hardcore growers and don't care because of their supply. My supply is limited, and I am an athlete who is serious about my health. Vaporization is the only way I can enjoy my meds. Who seriously likes to wake up to a big wad of black flem in the morning???? NOT I!

Vaporizers are for people who are afraid of getting really stoned and can't handle their mud

Feel free to quote me on this factoid.............


Anti-Vape statuses are for those who are too wrong to know what else to say.... Keep on hating yo. 2 dabs of oil vapor and you would be in the mud. You seem to think just because it's an old school method, that has been used for thousands of years, means it's the best way? Computers are a new invention, like vaporizers, but I guess you still use a typewriter...... Or use stone tablets?

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