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v2 'dream system' DIY and diary


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I like the way you think, GMax. I'm looking forward to seeing your results. Do you think you could get any macro (close up) pics at chop?

Pulling for you, buddy!


Active member
Gmax... Sour Bubble is without a doubt one of my favorite plants from seed... And you're doing well enough with it that I wouldn't dare tell you to quit running your cut... But if you're willing to look, you will find that there are plants that yield heavier even accounting for the longer flower time, and are just as potent if not more so. It doesn't sound like you have access to all of the "elite" clones... But you could always start a room dedicated to grows from seed. I used to always grow from seed, that's how I found the USD and strawDD. I've culled countless "keepers" and "elites" in favor of those 2 plants.

Anyway dude... I can't wait to see what you do with 2 sides... 1gpw with only 1 half filled up? I sure hope so!


I like the way you think, GMax. I'm looking forward to seeing your results. Do you think you could get any macro (close up) pics at chop?

Pulling for you, buddy!

thanks anti... my camera is pretty shitty these days but and I don't have a macro lens.. but I plan on taking plenty of harvest pics..and I will do my best to get some close ups..

Gmax... Sour Bubble is without a doubt one of my favorite plants from seed... And you're doing well enough with it that I wouldn't dare tell you to quit running your cut... But if you're willing to look, you will find that there are plants that yield heavier even accounting for the longer flower time, and are just as potent if not more so. It doesn't sound like you have access to all of the "elite" clones... But you could always start a room dedicated to grows from seed. I used to always grow from seed, that's how I found the USD and strawDD. I've culled countless "keepers" and "elites" in favor of those 2 plants.

Anyway dude... I can't wait to see what you do with 2 sides... 1gpw with only 1 half filled up? I sure hope so!

I am sure that there are heavier yielding strains that I can make work better for my situation.. I love growing plants from seed, the problem is I like to do at least 2 runs with a plant before I make a decision on it.. and I don't have access to elite clones...I have kept clones of every female I have ever had, and I have this curse of deciding to cull it and then the last crop I do with it is amazing and I regret it...

this is just the beginning for me though, the first of many runs with the WW...the SB is what I needed at the moment... for my first run I wanted to do a strain that I am familiar with and that I have for the most part dialed in my old room to give the new system a fair comparison test...and I plan on harvesting this crop and finding a new place, and when I do I am gonna use the SB because it is the quickest way to get bud after a new startup

since I have this first run pretty much under my belt, and can see the results instead of imagining... I don't see any reason why the WW wouldn't yield at least equal to the old room...and when it comes down to it, taking care of flip flop rooms with 4 WWs total, would be easier than taking care of my old room alone..the old system was built when I was just a hobbyist, and it became easier to just add more and more systems than to remodel the whole grow build a whole new one...but these days I have a different mindset

once I have a new place and am running 4 WWs.. I am gonna probably need a dedicated room just for mothers as well..and I plan on building a aero tree system for them... then I am gonna go on the strain hunt..and use my waterfarms to grow out potential mothers...maybe go old school and use my old 400w ballasts/bulbs to do a 800w 4-cooler room to test new strains in a SOG environment

one thing is for sure..this SB cut I have is staying in my garden for a while.. after the strain hunt I wanna try to make my own seeds and I plan on using the SB for many crosses.. it has many traits that I find appealing...and if I can find a heavy yielding sativa dom and cross it with the SB and blend it to get the best of both worlds... :ying:


If it ain`t broke don`t fix it G.......I like the idea of yer resolve ta dial and monocrop SB till yas can`t squeeze another gram out of her..........Respect....

Hell.....Folks could do well by following your setup with a clone factory and attention to detail......but.......

it`s not for everyone , you and FHC make it look easy though.........anyways......

Keep dialin Bro.....Freds.......:ying:........


thanks freds... in about a week we will know if it needs fixed..

well I was a little confused on when harvest was.. day one of flowering was on 10/18 so that would make today day 52..so harvest will begin tonight !!

these are the last pics of the WW completely intact

ahhh great memories... this is just the beginning...way more pics to come tonight

lots of work ahead of me....


one row down...7 more to go...

I gonna need a bigger dry box

these clones can still become monsters..even in the 4" wyes

back to work


Works fer my old ass.....Killer job Bro.....Hope the rock hard nuglets add up and make yas happy.......



thanks freds... hoping for a heavy harvest too...I will be able to make a better judgment once it is all hung up

fell asleep last night, but woke back up and back to work...

making progress... 2 rows down



Man I hate trimming, I'm in the process of pulling down 3 1ks by myself. It feels like it'll never end.

Looking good though, have fun lol.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Always a nice feeling to fill up the drying box!

Running out of room in your drying box is a good problem to have!


Man I hate trimming, I'm in the process of pulling down 3 1ks by myself. It feels like it'll never end.

Looking good though, have fun lol.

bro your telling me, it one of the main reasons I run staggered crops...the trick is frequent scissor hash breaks

looking good... loving the vertical water columns!

thanks bro glad you could make it

Always a nice feeling to fill up the drying box!

Running out of room in your drying box is a good problem to have!

well I am definitely gonna run out of room... I am thinking I might have enough extra foam board to build a second box real quick and just stack it on top lol.. in the future I am gonna probably build a quick PVC tent and have multiple levels of poultry fencing so I can hang buds as close as possible

I would love to dry them in flat screens to save space...but the extra dense buds get the extra "flattened effect"...plus all the thc drains to the buds when you hang them everybody knows that


Sorcerer's Apprentice
plus all the thc drains to the buds when you hang them everybody knows that

I swear to you that I almost put that in my original reply =)

I had an exhaust fan/scrubber on a temp/humidity controller. I put a small humidifier on the floor beneath the drying plants... and set the humidity controller on the exhaust to 65 percent. The "perfect cure" is somewhere between 62-65%, so I figured it would work well for drying.

I often have a problem with my plants drying TOO quick. With the humidifier/exhaust combo, I was able to hang dry my plants for a full week and then trim them on my own schedule without worrying about them drying out too much in the meantime.

silver hawaiian

Active member
I would love to dry them in flat screens to save space...but the extra dense buds get the extra "flattened effect"...


Hate it myself. And I'm the only one who ever sees or smokes my herb. And somehow it makes enough difference to moi.


I swear to you that I almost put that in my original reply =)

I had an exhaust fan/scrubber on a temp/humidity controller. I put a small humidifier on the floor beneath the drying plants... and set the humidity controller on the exhaust to 65 percent. The "perfect cure" is somewhere between 62-65%, so I figured it would work well for drying.

I often have a problem with my plants drying TOO quick. With the humidifier/exhaust combo, I was able to hang dry my plants for a full week and then trim them on my own schedule without worrying about them drying out too much in the meantime.


good idea...for the next round I will have a more respectable dry box...this harvest kinda snuck up on me as stupid as that sounds

thanks bro


Hate it myself. And I'm the only one who ever sees or smokes my herb. And somehow it makes enough difference to moi.

I agree.. It is way more simpler and easier, but I don't like the way it makes my buds look

lol, yea. sitting on an eighth of it still, even though every vape packed gets some.

taking a break from harvesting now and I got some scissor hash in the vape


bout a third of the way finished...taking about an hour off and relaxing for a min


lol thumb twitching be terrible...

since my first round is coming to a close, its on to the next...snapped these last night

this time around I knew what needed to be done to build the WW correctly so there isn't much to update about them... I transplanted them a week ago and literally haven't had to do anything to them since....

they are recovering well from the general mistreatment...I need to remove the leaves that are damaged, and might as well do some sucker branch removal as well

they are due for a rez change now, but they don't eat that fast during the first week.. so I am gonna get to that after harvest...the work-free week with it is about to end... I can change the rez and buy myself another week not having to worry about nutes or anything, but after harvest I need to get the system wrapped in reflectix and a new torque screen built for it an then I will begin training through the screen with every visit until stretch is over..

then after harvest I gotta get the first WW cleaned out and ready for the next round because they are in the cloner showing the first signs of roots...a little more dialage and scheduling and I will have clones on deck after harvest every time...

gonna be a busy next couple days


All about the scheduling to keep the ball rollin G.........Keep up the killer work......Lookin fer big things outta perpetual WW`s......



thanks freds...

so I am about 60% finished harvesting... I don't like to play the guessing game...but this is what 5z of SB looks like.....

I know it hard to believe, but every other strain I have grown I had trouble fitting a z in a zipper-type sandwich bag...with the SB I can fit 2z in one bag...shit is sooo dense

this is what I got as of now.....

still a lot left to go

this is the best I can do Anti

my old laptop broke and I got a new one and haven't got all the kinks worked out..so the pics have stupid watermarks.sorry

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