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Use 2000w to produce 4000w....


Un - Retired,
my first question would be how does this "Machine" make a 200% increase on its input
without dropping the voltage or halving the load
and not break Ohm's law or the first law of thermodynamics

and I very much doubt your average hydro sales guy has access to a current meter that can measure the input and output
or even know how to use one to show you the proof of what he's claiming

Guest 88950

not possible.............have that salesman back up the claims in writing and when it doesnt work get yr money back and maybe more.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
There is much more here than what we can see and feel and there are ways of tapping into that, whatever you want to call it.

Tesla built an electric engine that ran off of cosmic x-rays and put it in a model T ford.

For those who are unaware, the people who control the oil supply will not allow new technologies to take away their immense power and wealth away without a fight. They will bribe, threaten and murder those who figure it out, whichever has to be done in order to maintain the status quo.

To actually get this technology out there, there cannot be any discussion about it until its already out there. People who try and raise money to get production up and running are quickly bought out and silenced.

The world can be more easily controlled if everyone relies on oil. If something new comes along, all will be lost for those in powerful positions.

On this planet, new technology is first evaluated for its military capabilities (destruction) rather than its usefulness to society.

It would not surprise me one bit to see what you describe to work. I would like to see a mulimeter test done on the supply line while powering 4 1kw light.


Recovering UO addict.
lol this device remides me of one I saw at the hydro store the other day. It was a big metal thing that looked like it was made in the 1960's .. I asked wtf is that? and the hydro guy told me

- ' it spins around and creates special EMPs and vibrations that keeps away bugs and other plant problems. It also make the plants grow much quicker"

I say - "is it from 1960's soviet russia or something?'

-"no it's brand new and it's only like 800$" (looked like it was made in someone's garage, even the welds on the metal were a joke)

I gave that guy the same look I would give someone trying to sell me a pound of parsley. I changed hydro stores after that.

I think anti has the right idea. Remember they also have those splitters that you can run 2x 600w of a 1000w ballast. :bashhead:


Active member
It would not surprise me one bit to see what you describe to work. I would like to see a mulimeter test done on the supply line while powering 4 1kw light.
I would as well.

Have seen quite a few videos over the years of machines that operate like this. All, without exception, have disappeared within months and only a few were blatant scams.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least to see this actually working. I'd imagine the 4-5 foot tall box is full of spinning magnets and rotors.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

p.s. all the "You can't add more than what's there" arguments aren't taking in to consideration all of the available energies. That's all.


ICMag Donor
For those who are unaware, the people who control the oil supply will not allow new technologies to take away their immense power and wealth away without a fight. They will bribe, threaten and murder those who figure it out, whichever has to be done in order to maintain the status quo.

In a market economy owned by bankers and suchlike this might hold true.
But regimes from the nazis to the japanese empire , stalin , north korea , south africa under embargo and doubtless others would have used the technology to win , if it worked.

Tesla built an electric engine that ran off of cosmic x-rays and put it in a model T ford.

Tesla was a showman , like david blaine.
Anything discovered in that distant era would have been duplicated countless times since with advanceing equipment and knowledge , thats one impressive cover up.

I would like to see a mulimeter test done on the supply line while powering 4 1kw light.

Same here , at which point the product is dead.


to quote some infantile fundamental general law of science like ohms theories on voltage/resistance/current or thermodynamic principals to discredit any new technology is absurd, there were once "scientists" who would defend to their death ... the theory of the world being flat ..... but i must admit, an over-unity device for growers although sounds highly desirable would have to have been publicised and initially suited/designed for possibly different applications/purposes (outside of a hydroponics store perhaps) ..... odd to hear of this first at a hydroponics store ...... but, it is not difficult to imagine that devices above 100% energy efficiency could be a possibility .... we need not look further than tesla !!! .......(magnetic-rotational overunity devices are a possibility and many different devices of similiarity have been spoken of) ..... sky news program about the technology ... you think this technology will ever be released ? ....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBxDqjbHarM the fossil fuel industry is too vast/powerful to allow for free energy devices to hit the market, the numbers of scientific breakthroughs whereby the inventor simply dies in a car crash or mysterious random heart attack isnt by any means unusual ..... but hey, its hard to speak about any of this with total certainty now isnt it ... :)

peace n pot,


Active member
to quote some infantile fundamental general law of science like ohms theories on voltage/resistance/current or thermodynamic principals to discredit any new technology is absurd, there were once "scientists" who would defend to their death ... the theory of the world being flat ..... but i must admit, an over-unity device for growers although sounds highly desirable would have to have been publicised and initially suited/designed for possibly different applications/purposes (outside of a hydroponics store perhaps) ..... odd to hear of this first at a hydroponics store ...... but, it is not difficult to imagine that devices above 100% energy efficiency could be a possibility .... we need not look further than tesla !!! .......(magnetic-rotational overunity devices are a possibility and many different devices of similiarity have been spoken of) ..... sky news program about the technology ... you think this technology will ever be released ? ....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBxDqjbHarM the fossil fuel industry is too vast/powerful to allow for free energy devices to hit the market, the numbers of scientific breakthroughs whereby the inventor simply dies in a car crash or mysterious random heart attack isnt by any means unusual ..... but hey, its hard to speak about any of this with total certainty now isnt it ... :)

peace n pot,


think outside the box

think outside the box

you take an electric generator and plug it into the wall. the generator produces more independant energy; up to 8 times the input in this case and powers 4k in usable light. (energy)

put it this way; a wind turbine creates energy as does a water wheel; as most stealth outdoor growers know. so what is impossibe of creating more electrical energy using electricity?


Active member
i figued out how to produce 10,000 wattts worth of methane gas after eating mexican food. its all good if you dont mind a hose being shoved up your ass.


ICMag Donor
a wind turbine creates energy as does a water wheel; as most stealth outdoor growers know. so what is impossibe of creating more electrical energy using electricity?

A wind or water turbine/wheel is not a closed system , chalk and cheese.

Remember that Tesla predates valves , transistors and digital electronics and was in the electrical stoneage , his name has been used to flog bullshit products ever since.

If you placed it under a pyramid ....


you would using 120v to run the generator and feeding "hot leg" 120v to produce 240v with build in ballasts so why could this not be done? not an electrician but i know you can use electric energy to produce more electrical power.

not referring to telsa but the original author



There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

What would stop you from plugging two machines into the first?

joe fresh

Active member

There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

What would stop you from plugging two machines into the first?

maybea power limiting factor? kind of like an amplifier, you can only amplify the power going to the speakers so much before something blows, weather a fuse, the speaker, a transformer...ect

idk..im just shooting thoughts out my ass, until i sit down and talk for a good half hour and see a demo of how it works....

i was just in the store for 10 min today and seen that on my way out


my respect for this old forum is going dowhill fast. when a member tries to answer a topic put forth for discussion and has to put up with stupid remarks like the 2nd previous post, it makes me sick.

i see on most forums this type of behaviour is considered flaming but here it seems to be the norm.

i admin a smaller forum but we have over 1000 active members not including guests. take a hard look at your numbers and put your head "in the sand". sure not the same as it was in 2005 when i joined.

joe fresh

Active member
you would using 120v to run the generator and feeding "hot leg" 120v to produce 240v with build in ballasts so why could this not be done? not an electrician but i know you can use electric energy to produce more electrical power.

not referring to telsa but the original author

your theory has a hole in it....

lets say the 120v single hot leg going in is rated 15a, then split into 2 for 240 would also split the amps too, so each 240v plug would be rated 7.5a

im no electrician either but this would be common sense, no?


maybe i missed it, but i dont see anyone attacking the OP, only the (old) idea of 'free energy'.
First law of thermodynamics

The law states that energy can be transformed, i.e. changed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed.
The machine certainly could double the amperage (by halving the voltage), but it cannot double the wattage.

joe fresh

Active member
my respect for this old forum is going dowhill fast. when a member tries to answer a topic put forth for discussion and has to put up with stupid remarks like the 2nd previous post, it makes me sick.

i see on most forums this type of behaviour is considered flaming but here it seems to be the norm.

i admin a smaller forum but we have over 1000 active members not including guests. take a hard look at your numbers and put your head "in the sand". sure not the same as it was in 2005 when i joined.

its not hating, i understand where everyone is comming from...100 years ago if someone were to talk about computers and internet they would be crazy, 300 years ago if someone talked about having a car, or electricity they would look pretty nuts...

the last 50 years have been the most inventive, and the fastest technological progression in the shortest time since the begining of man kind...i do believe there is something that can be done, is this it i dont know buti do want more info on it


Tesla, and people like Edward Leedskalnin (who 'hand build' the Coral Castle) certainly seemed to have a better grasp of electric and magnetic forces than we currently do.

Im pretty sure that some of Teslas patents are still classified.

But any 'machine' that breaks the laws of thermodynamics is going to be thoroughly investigated and exploited long before it is relegated to some piece of idle equipment sitting in a grow shop.

I would assume it had some sort of UL listing, any chance of looking that up?


Water wheels and wind turbines are not free energy, technically they are slowing the water and the wind that passes by them.
There is a equal and opposite reaction.
The wind pushes the sail, but the sail also slows the wind hitting the sail.
There is no free lunch.


High Grade Specialist
lol i cant believe this discussion is still going.

are ppl here REALLY believing there is some new kind of high-tech technology that completely blows all laws of physics and reality as we know it out of the water? and this break through device is sold in some growshop somewhere and noone knows about it?

really guys .... ?

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