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USA strikes Syria again


Active member
it is an attractive idea, all the trouble comes from outside
others have tried to hold the outside world from coming in, doesn't work

Fuck em ALL. Humans are the only species that caters to the weak and defies survival of the fittest. Cut the ****s off, build a wall and arm it. I’m tired of working to pay off the chosen ones and get buttfucked at every possible chance. Yes, the us set this equation up. Times change...


Active member
it won't end well for the US no, but the rest of the world could do with the break i think, lol. those 1000 military bases should go for a start. but you can forget that, the deep state won't let go of the power they have in the world using the UN, Nato, the petro dollar etc. thats why Saudi is protected, they are an important part of upholding the US petro dollar system. in fact many experts think that abandoning the petro dollar was Sadam's real crime, same with Gaddafi

The petrol dollar is a thing of the past. Tap the US natural resources, and figure out renewable energy while the well runs dry. Fuck em. Keep Israel and the rest of the worlds hand out of my pocket. Of course it was their downfall. Same could be said of Assad. As far as renewable energy sources, remember all that money Hussein set aside for ‘renewable energy’? That was a pocket lining scheme. NONE of those companies had ANY intent to truly build wind/solar farms. Same reason the f-35 has been such a fucking money pit. ALL those gov contracts are nothing more than sucking American citizens dry


lmao, what can i say, i can see the good and the bad in the idea of the institution of the UN, in theory it's good to have a place where all world leaders come together to make decisions. that doesn't mean i'm not aware of all the screwed up shit the UN institutions has been involved in. it's the security council thats really the unjust part of the UN, but the nuclear powers will give up their veto when they are dead and buried, not a second before.


Well-known member
Fuck em ALL. Humans are the only species that caters to the weak and defies survival of the fittest. Cut the ****s off, build a wall and arm it. I’m tired of working to pay off the chosen ones and get buttfucked at every possible chance. Yes, the us set this equation up. Times change...

some seem to see the current world as hell on earth
hard to figure when you look at history and compare it today
trends on the whole are good, at least by basic economic measures


Active member
some seem to see the current world as hell on earth
hard to figure when you look at history and compare it today
trends on the whole are good, at least by basic economic measures

Define ‘current’ please. If you mean TODAY, Of course it’s good. Why? Because we are bringing jobs back to America. One step to isolationism. We next need to follow the puppet masters lead and cut off immigration. How many refugees were forced on the land of the chosen one? Literally not a fucking one. Sorry, all full... gotta sort the mother land. Inb4 ‘who is going to work our undesirable jobs?’ Pro tip: the non-violent political prisoners of our industrial prison complex. You don’t think somebody convicted of having a little reefer but sentenced to life Bc of some archaic third strike law would rather mow a lawn or pick tomatoes or wash dishes over being locked in a fucking cage 23 hrs a day the rest of their life, make THEM pay their rent and have money left over for a few honey buns and fuck all the handouts. A bit of ‘self worth’ would go a long way

St. Phatty

Active member
it won't end well for the US no, but the rest of the world could do with the break i think, lol. those 1000 military bases should go for a start. but you can forget that, the deep state won't let go of the power they have in the world using the UN, Nato, the petro dollar etc. thats why Saudi is protected, they are an important part of upholding the US petro dollar system. in fact many experts think that abandoning the petro dollar was Sadam's real crime, same with Gaddafi

I'm looking forward to the US getting its nose bloodied by Russia or China.

I believe the way this will happen is that the US will try to impose its will on Russia or China, and it will be obvious to the Whole World that the US is out of line. i.e., the aggressor, and that Russia and/or China are acting in self-defense.

Russia or China will stand up to American aggression, and it will become temporarily obvious that the bully ain't quite as strong as the bully thinks it is.

For background, I suggest reading about the Khibinyi incident that occurred with the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea in 2014.

One Russian fighter outfitted with a boatload of Electronic Warfare gear flew around the Donald Cook, and somehow managed to shut down most of its primary war-fighting systems.

... is the story. I'm still not sure if it occurred, because I wasn't there. All I have are news reports.

The bad news for American citizens is, if such an incident occurs where the US is up-staged militarily, it won't be good for Dollar Strength or the US stock markets.

If dollar strength does take a hit, it is almost by definition good for Gold and Silver prices.


Active member
US biggest problem is China. Muh Russia is a clickbait propaganda tool. If Russia was going to chump out it would have happened already. China literally has installed back doors into every processor the US buys from them. Not to mention the substandard steel the US has imported over the years. And yes, our own navy used chinaman steel in the fleet. That is who Murica needs to fear.


I'm looking forward to the US getting its nose bloodied by Russia or China.

I believe the way this will happen is that the US will try to impose its will on Russia or China, and it will be obvious to the Whole World that the US is out of line. i.e., the aggressor, and that Russia and/or China are acting in self-defense.

Russia or China will stand up to American aggression, and it will become temporarily obvious that the bully ain't quite as strong as the bully thinks it is.

For background, I suggest reading about the Khibinyi incident that occurred with the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea in 2014.

One Russian fighter outfitted with a boatload of Electronic Warfare gear flew around the Donald Cook, and somehow managed to shut down most of its primary war-fighting systems.

... is the story. I'm still not sure if it occurred, because I wasn't there. All I have are news reports.

The bad news for American citizens is, if such an incident occurs where the US is up-staged militarily, it won't be good for Dollar Strength or the US stock markets.

If dollar strength does take a hit, it is almost by definition good for Gold and Silver prices.

to be honest i don't wish for any such thing, the consequences for the civil populations will be beyond description, life on earth will probably go extinct if nuclear powers reach out right war. the horrors that such a war would bring humanity makes me hope the world doesn't go down that road. i do understand your worries, the US is taking so many war like actions in so many countries, that you have to wonder where it will all end. even this trade war with China is dangerous, trade wars are often the beginning of hot wars. on the other hand China is no where near as powerful outside it's nation as the US, so i don't think they will start a war, same with Russia, they are both more then able to defend themselves against anyone, but they lack the sheer number of troops and equipment spread all around nato countries, and even if the military was some how defeated abroad, the US population is the heaviest armed population on the planet, any invader would be facing millions or irregular who would all forget their differences and kick any invaders ass right out of the USA. the trouble is, if any side in this kind of war was about to lose, they would use nukes, which means retaliatory nukes and thats pretty much it for for all the nations involved in the conflict. survivors would need to restart civilization from the bunkers they hid in. it doesn't bare thinking of, much better for world leaders to meet at the UN and keep the peace, even if it's a fragile peace at the moment. the dooms day clock is apparently at 2 minutes to midnight at this time. so it wouldn't take much imo, world leaders must be aware too.

St. Phatty

Active member
to be honest i don't wish for any such thing, the consequences for the civil populations will be beyond description, life on earth will probably go extinct if nuclear powers reach out right war.

Of course I would prefer that the US simply Stand Down.

I would even like it if they closed most or all of their foreign military bases.

But if the US is going to go around picking fights, I think it best that eventually someone stand up to the Big Bully, successfully.

Yes, if the US responds to a minor incident where it is bested militarily, by not letting it go and going nuclear ... :help:

I'm talking about an incident where it becomes obvious that the US has been bested militarily, and the US is smart enough to NOT double down on its Bullying.


Of course I would prefer that the US simply Stand Down.

I would even like it if they closed most or all of their foreign military bases.

But if the US is going to go around picking fights, I think it best that eventually someone stand up to the Big Bully, successfully.

Yes, if the US responds to a minor incident where it is bested militarily, by not letting it go and going nuclear ... :help:

I'm talking about an incident where it becomes obvious that the US has been bested militarily, and the US is smart enough to NOT double down on its Bullying.

to be honest i think the price the rest of the world would pay is too big for the US to get a bloodied nose. the only hope imo is for the US to change internally and put someone in power who is about closing bases and stopping the wars that are being waged at present.

anyway, today the deadline for the extremists to withdraw from the dmz has run out with said terrorists refusing to withdraw.

Deadline passes for Syria's Idlib buffer without jihadists leaving


Beirut (AFP) - A deadline passed Monday without jihadists leaving a planned buffer zone around Syria's last major rebel bastion of Idlib as set out under a Russian-Turkish deal.

The radical fighters were supposed to withdraw from the buffer as a final condition to implementing a Russian-Turkish deal to stave off a regime offensive on the northwestern region of Idlib.

The accord hung in the balance on the early hours of Monday, seven years into a grinding civil war that has killed more than 360,000 people and displaced millions.

Just hours before the cut-off time, Idlib's dominant jihadist group vowed to continue to fight but did not give a clear position on the deal reached in the Russia resort of Sochi.

"We have not abandoned our choice of jihad and fighting towards implementing our blessed revolution," said Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, an alliance led by the jihadists of Al-Qaeda's former Syrian affiliate.

"We appreciate the efforts of all those who strive inside and abroad to protect the liberated area," it said in an apparent reference to Turkey.

"But at the same time, we warn of the deceitfulness of the Russian occupier," it said of the regime's ally.

Under the accord, heavy weapons were meant to have been withdrawn from the horseshoe-shaped buffer by October 10 and radical fighters were meant to have left by Monday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it had not observed any jihadists leaving the outlined demilitarised area by the time midnight struck.

And deadly mortar rounds fired late Saturday from the planned buffer, according to the Britain-based monitor, appeared to indicate the first part of the deal was not fully implemented either.

- Excuse for a fight? -

"The jihadists not withdrawing gives the regime and Russia an excuse to carry out a military operation at least within the demilitarised zone," Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman said.

HTS had likely "tried to gain time by neither explicitly refusing nor accepting the deal" between Russia and Turkey, he said.

Sam Heller, an analyst at the International Crisis Group, on Twitter said the HTS announcement appeared to be a "tacit agreement of the Sochi deal".

"HTS emphasizes its responsibility and flexibility (within limits), which seemingly adds up to a tacit acceptance of the Sochi deal," he wrote.

Late Saturday, "heavy mortar shells" were fired from the planned buffer area into regime territory, killing two soldiers, the Observatory said.

Rebels and jihadists had reportedly fulfilled the first part of the deal, with Turkish officials, armed factions and the Observatory reporting that the area was free of heavy-duty weaponry.

But the shells which Saturday hit an army position in Hama province appear to have violated the accord.

But it was unclear which groups fired the mortars late Saturday, it said, as both the Turkish-backed National Liberation Front and rival jihadist factions were present in the area.

The NLF -- which holds just under half of the Idlib region and has welcomed the accord -- did not immediately respond to AFP's request for comment on the shelling.

- 'Vast ramifications' -

The lion's share of Idlib is held by HTS, as well as more hardline jihadists like Hurras al-Deen and Ansar al-Islam.

Those fighters also control more than two-thirds of the planned buffer zone and are supposed to withdraw by Monday.

Hurras al-Deen has publicly rejected the agreement, although it apparently withdrew its heavy arms from the area last week.

HTS, widely considered the most powerful force in Idlib, had quietly abided by the deal's first deadline and re-stationed heavy arms elsewhere.

But getting them to agree to the second part of the deal has proven more difficult.

In a recent report for the Turkey-based Omran Center, expert Nawar Oliver described HTS's approval as the deal's ultimate "test".

"If HTS acts as a spoiler to the agreement on the ground, this will probably lead to one of two scenarios: either Turkey and the NLF launch military action against HTS, or Russia will seize the opportunity with the support of the regime and its allies to enter Idlib," he said.

"The ramifications of that move could be vast," he added.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and other top government officials have warned that the Idlib deal was only a "temporary" measure.

On Friday, residents around Idlib received warning messages on their mobile phones from the Syrian army.

"Get away from the fighters. Their fate is sealed and near," one said.


you reap what you sow, thats some old wisdom that the regime change coalition seems to have forgotten. where to put all the terrorists in Idlib? let them go to the nations that have been paying their wages, US, Britain, Germany, France, Qattar, Saudi, UAE, Israel, Kuwait and Egypt. let the foreign fighters each go back to their own countries and watch how fast the media stops calling them rebels and starts calling them terrorists.




Active member
The Deep State doesn't care. If terrorists come here they'll just use the fear that creates to reinvigorate the "War on Terror". The general rule is that they'll always cash in on any calamity they can. They're like ambulance chasers who rig accidents but on a geo-political scale.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Folks

If Trump is right wing .
Why the fck does he wear a red tie all the time ?

Red = Left . Blue = Right . Universally .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
G `day Folks

If Trump is right wing .
Why the fck does he wear a red tie all the time ?

Red = Left . Blue = Right . Universally .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

That’s the most interesting part. Trump was a registered Democrat from 2001-2009. In 2004 trump in an interview told Wolfe blitzer he agreed with Democrats on a majority of issues. Yes, he has changed political parties multiple times, that is undeniable. Perhaps muh rayciss drumpf changed as the political parties changed? IMHO if MORE people truly cared about what they believe instead of trying to tow party lines things would change for the better.


Active member
The Deep State doesn't care. If terrorists come here they'll just use the fear that creates to reinvigorate the "War on Terror". The general rule is that they'll always cash in on any calamity they can. They're like ambulance chasers who rig accidents but on a geo-political scale.

As long as Israel is a nation, there will always be a war on terror, as they will continue to eat up land and lob missiles into a sovereign nation. That is the only country that benefits from a destabilized Middle East. Displace millions, accept ZERO refugees, ship them to Europe and onto the next


Boreal Curing
I stand corrected.

But even without terror states, we will always have it. Look at Northern Ireland.

Mullahs used to tell the people "God loves those who he punishes most." That changed with the assassination of Anwar Sadat, and the subsequent support of the mujahedeen by the US. Btw, one of the leaders of the assassins, and who was sent to Afghanistan to fight off the Russians, was non other than Ayman al-Zawahiri. Bin Laden's own 2nd in command.

St. Phatty

Active member
I stand corrected.

But even without terror states, we will always have it. Look at Northern Ireland.

I support Ireland & their bid for independence.

"Terrorism" is simply the term used by the Terror States, the USA, Israel, and, lately, Saudi Arabia, to describe Asymmetric Warfare.

Expecting peaceful citizens who want to live their lives, to just roll over and stand up to the larger Terror States with ancient weapons and a guaranteed death rate approaching 100% in any battle ... not really realistic.

Do we really expect the underdogs to take on Drones (with Hellfire Missiles) using Potato Guns ?

If you support the US, Israel, or Saudi Arabia, you are rooting for a Terror State Aggressor that has a Terrible body count. If you like helpless human beings to be killed, like shooting fish in a barrel - or like the starving Yemenese civilians - yes, then the United States of Terror are who you have been conned into supporting.

That is how the Sub-government (what some people call the Deep State) works. Brin & Page at Google are Made Men (like in the Mob.)

I interviewed with the US gov. in 1994. Although I don't sing much, have taken 2 tap-dancing classes, I was offered an introduction to Hollywood kingmaker Michael Ovitz. All I had to do was support the Selfish Bastards, and I could have been a made man.

At the time I was much less knowledgeable about history. They had an evil vibe that was very hard for me to connect with.


Active member
I stand corrected.

But even without terror states, we will always have it. Look at Northern Ireland.

Mullahs used to tell the people "God loves those who he punishes most." That changed with the assassination of Anwar Sadat, and the subsequent support of the mujahedeen by the US. Btw, one of the leaders of the assassins, and who was sent to Afghanistan to fight off the Russians, was non other than Ayman al-Zawahiri. Bin Laden's own 2nd in command.

I agree fully. If 100% honest, all the ‘war on terror’ has done is create a worldwide ‘terror state’. Look at what has happened to our EU brothers. The war opened the floodgates and allowed ‘terrorists’ to blend in with refugees and flood Europe. Truly a sad state of affairs

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