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USA strikes Syria again


May and her lot are the criminals that need to be had up on war crimes.
This began with the attack in Salisbury. The chemical attack in Syria they are accusing Assad of is the follow up against the two allies that are in their way Assad and Putin.. The missile strike was to distract and cover up when Putin and Assad said lets investigate transparently because both of these attacks were staged by Britain and its cronies.


bit off topic no? you have all kinds of loons saying all kinds of things in the middle east. specially in Jerusalem, it even has a name like Jesus complex or some thing lol. you can find Rabbis who want to nuke every last Arab just like you find Arabs who want to destroy every last Jew in Israel. you get extremists every where.

agree fully, safer :D

in fact Putin recently said Russia is going to the moon soon and then to mars, lol. imagine an icbm that can endlessly navigate. it's no longer even a icbm, because it's not limited to the ballistic trajectory to get to it's target, from what i read that makes it immune to existing air defenses. but yeah maybe he lied about it, or it's real, but only on paper, who knows. giant bluff is also likely. if he has it, he will some how show it or enough of it to prove it .

Not off topic at all. You yourself have even said that several times now. Grow up.


Looks like the Israelis tried to attack an airbase in Homs a couple of hours ago and all the missiles got intercepted.

So nice of israel to violate Lebanons airspace and attack Syria in the process ... such peaceful Squatters

Do you not find that strange? The Russian s400 anti missile system is in Syria. Especially around the coast on the Mediterranean side.
Its meant to have a 40 kilometres range of interception yet when the allies launched there attack from this side none were intercepted. Then Israel have launched this attack and each missile was stopped easily.
I find that suspect. Like maybe the allied attacks were allowed.

It feels like I'm watching a movie with serious plot problems, bad acting and script writing.
Surely everybody else sees this.

Yard dog

Here we have a report from 'The Independent' newspaper/media in the UK which claims that those people/kids who were supposedly exposed to some poison gas, were actually suffering from Hypoxia(lack of oxygen).


The only problem is that the doctor was not there and is just reporting what he has been told, whilst I think it is a load of shit it would be better if it didn't come from a Russian owned (of sorts) paper...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So much out there on this topic.....Its the HOT NEWS TOPIC right now, thats for sure.

Makes me think that other mustard/chlorine/sarin gas 'events' might suddenly occur, justifying another few salvo's of missiles, and more military intervention in Syria.

If the USA ever gets gripped by another civil war, I wonder if there will also be so much foreign intervention as there is in Syria.

Imagine being a Syrian in Syria right now.....


Invertebrata Inebriata
If the USA ever gets gripped by another civil war, it will be over in one day, and the outcome will be the same as the first civil war.


Speed of Dark
"the outcome will be the same as the first civil war"

Absolutely, the winner will annex the loser and write the new rules governing the evil upstart trash, whoever it ends up being.
No illusions, men that crave power, crave power and will use what ever words and titles necessary to justify that power.

This has always been the outcome of civil wars. America is no different than those 'shithole' countries when it comes to this, we are just richer.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Or you could give the USA back to its rightful owners lol lol,,,,
Avoid the civil war,,,,,stand up in the classrooms and salute the union jack,,,
just joking of course,,,,,


Or you could give the USA back to its rightful owners lol lol,,,,
Avoid the civil war,,,,,stand up in the classrooms and salute the union jack,,,
just joking of course,,,,,

Oohhh stirrer lol

moose eater

In Fisk's article I just read, he notes a LARGE group of locals in Douma who say they doubt the reports of gas being used there, in contrast to the groups of folks who exited on the buses for the refugee camps ahead of the strikes, who frequently mentioned or reported gas.

Fisk has some credibility as a reporter.

I can post his article here, assuming it's different than what Gypsy posted above, which I 've not clicked on yet.

In either case, with the U.N.'s inspection team poised to assay the situation and take soil samples the next day or so, that sure seems like a strange time (and opportune timing if the gas allegations were inflated), to call in an air strike. Kind of blows the ability to do a legitimate ground and soil assessment out of the water.

"My dog ate my homework."


If this thread proves anything it's that the Internet makes it harder for them to feed us shit like they did in the old days when all information was from one sided media.

Now people have access to media and information from all over the world in their pockets, its strange how people still take their countries media as gospel. I've said it before people don't believe their own governments would use misleading propaganda on them but have no problem believing foreign governments do on their citizens.
I suppose nobody likes to think they have been made a fool of.

I like to watch and read what the other sides story is in everything and come to my own conclusions.
Some may think this is strange but I think it's strange to put sky news on in the morning with your breakfast and take everything on there as the truth when it's been proved its far from a reliable source.

moose eater

And for some/many, the amount of info now available in the computer age, good, bad, suspect, and ugly, has resulted in an outcome of 'information over-load,' and many of -those- persons simply turn off the stimuli, and cease looking for facts/data.

I figure that if our 'representatives' are killing in our name, with our tax dollars, then we have a moral and fiscal obligation to know what's really going on.

During the Iranian Hostage ordeal, I was living in the Yukon Territory of Canada. We had BBC, CBC, and a fair bit of the American/U.S. news available to us then.

There were times, especially when discussing motives, as well as occurrences, that to some extent, it sounded as though there were three or more different incidents; the metaphor/analogy/parable of 'the blind men and the elephant.'

The now-established break-down of the Battleship Maine and the Spanish American War is well known, as opposed to being concocted by folks who missed their morning dose of psychotropic meds.. Similar in hind-sight to the newer interpretations of what happened to spurn on the Salem Witch Drownings (as opposed to burnings), where it's believed now by some/many that the town had their grain infected by naturally occurring ergot (containing naturally formed lysergic acid amides/crude LSD in organic<?> form), leading them to believe they'd had a 'spell' cast upon them.. Bad time to admit you were a Pagan.

I suspect the human species has not yet evolved from looking for simplistic (but sometimes inaccurate) explanations for things 'we' don't understand.

As others have said, "Follow the money," and sometimes, just "follow nationalist interests," whether they be resource related, strategic location related, etc.

And again, why call in strikes when you KNOW the UN team is headed in the -next- day or so to gather soil samples???

Maybe there was something urgent happening that we're unaware of. But I haven't heard that angle yet, if there was. So why scuttle an effort to gather real evidence???

Why call in missile strikes that cost how many millions/billions, based on social media accounts of there being a gas attack?

I mean, we're talking about MAJOR retaliation for what in the outset amounted to an electronic rumor mill, as far as hard evidence is concerned!!

Heaven forbid a neighbor starts talking shit about me and mine on FB, if -that's- all it takes.. That, and having people in power willing to assume the worst without checking for scientific details...

I've sometimes cynically smiled that at this stage in our history, as often as not, it seems that Alfred E. Newman has been cloned, and holds way too much authority, in way too many places. :biggrin:

If this thread proves anything it's that the Internet makes it harder for them to feed us shit like they did in the old days when all information was from one sided media.

Now people have access to media and information from all over the world in their pockets, its strange how people still take their countries media as gospel. I've said it before people don't believe their own governments would use misleading propaganda on them but have no problem believing foreign governments do on their citizens.
I suppose nobody likes to think they have been made a fool of.

I like to watch and read what the other sides story is in everything and come to my own conclusions.
Some may think this is strange but I think it's strange to put sky news on in the morning with your breakfast and take everything on there as the truth when it's been proved its far from a reliable source.


Exactly. I feel like our governments striking like they did was like a prison executioner killing a suspect before he's even been charged by the police for the crime because they haven't done the investigation yet.


This is ALL about Israel. The UK and US governments have betrayed and deceived their citizens again to advance the interests of Israel. With Macron, who actually used to work for the Rothchilds, the Zionist coalition is just after Syria. they want a puppet they control in charge so they can have their pipelines and the oil. Assad is uniquely descent among middle eastern leaders and that really doesn't work for Israel or Saudi Arabia. They buy, blackmail or threaten the western leaders to do the work for them who send their citizens to do the fighting and getting killed.


If this thread proves anything it's that the Internet makes it harder for them to feed us shit like they did in the old days when all information was from one sided media.

Now people have access to media and information from all over the world in their pockets, its strange how people still take their countries media as gospel. I've said it before people don't believe their own governments would use misleading propaganda on them but have no problem believing foreign governments do on their citizens.
I suppose nobody likes to think they have been made a fool of.

I like to watch and read what the other sides story is in everything and come to my own conclusions.
Some may think this is strange but I think it's strange to put sky news on in the morning with your breakfast and take everything on there as the truth when it's been proved its far from a reliable source.
Yep. And they are trying to get to the internet because its a threat. With net neutrality being fukt with and YouTube demonitizing if you fart wrong. They can't have all that information being spread out there freely for anyone. It's got to be filtered.


Active member
Yep. And they are trying to get to the internet because its a threat. With net neutrality being fukt with and YouTube demonitizing if you fart wrong. They can't have all that information being spread out there freely for anyone. It's got to be filtered.

Just like twatters shadow banning. A couple questions that come to mind are in regards to FB. A few years ago FB admitted to emotional manipulation through their timelines or feeds (not on FB so don’t know lingo) and this just gets pushed aside by most. Also, how is their no public outrage for twatter storing ALL actions including DMs along with FBs huge data mining accusations that just came out? All that happened was Zuckerberg in front of congress saying we iz sorry. Yet millions flock to FB like nothing happened. At what point were people just ok with giving up ALL rights to privacy?


Just like twatters shadow banning. A couple questions that come to mind are in regards to FB. A few years ago FB admitted to emotional manipulation through their timelines or feeds (not on FB so don’t know lingo) and this just gets pushed aside by most. Also, how is their no public outrage for twatter storing ALL actions including DMs along with FBs huge data mining accusations that just came out? All that happened was Zuckerberg in front of congress saying we iz sorry. Yet millions flock to FB like nothing happened. At what point were people just ok with giving up ALL rights to privacy?

I deleted my fb account about 2 weeks ago specifically because of privacy concerns. I am done with it. And so is my girl. We both deleted fb and we aren't looking back. Never did the Instagram or Twitter bullshit. Just fb and that lasted about 2 years. Kinda dorky..all of em. But the privacy thing was the icing on the cake for us.