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USA strikes Syria again


Active member
I'm going to rip my Last Will & Testament up, my children will never see the fruits of my labor....fuck it, I'm going to Vegas and buying high priced hookers.


Active member
There is not a lot to believe in. War always was about the team you're born in or invested in. WW2 at least was more about humanity. Sometimes Uncle Sam, if not more so, mirrors the commies.

They worry a lot about all the people they disinfranchised. But they still have a strong base of people that haven't been targeted. It just gets old when they blabber on and on about their team. A bunch of hallow shit about supporting troops.

If you really support troops, don't fuck up as to where there is a more unstable world. Terrorism started in lebanon. Didn't get any better from invading Iraq. All because people think land is holy.

People been following false ideas around a long time. If we invade this land or accomplish our egos, we get some golden fucking eternal prize?

$700 billion just to keep shit normal fucked up. Not win and have peace, so we don't have to waste so many resources. But just to keep things from falling in in us.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
This is a cool thread, has been much more informative on the subject than the media I've been able to access. There's always going to be hate and wackos whose ideas you'll have to wade through, but that's all part of the world, nice to see it not be censored here.

Thanks for those links moose eater, consortium news is the closest thing to real journalism I've seen in a while and is quite refreshing.

My take, (well part of it) is that most Americans are distracted by explosions so the pentagons timing is pretty damn good on this strike. And if the US really cared about human rights abuses there are a lot of other places aside from the Middle East that are going through it daily, with legitimate proof. Presidents murdering their citizens all over the suspicion of them using or dealing drugs comes to mind, too bad there's nothing to be gained from helping the Philippines out.

In a US vs. Russia war, my moneys on Russia, the US is in too much internal conflict to accomplish anything other than propping up the shell of its former self.

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." -Sun Tzu


if it comes to a conventional war, there is no doubt the US out guns Russia, yes they are quite efficient nowadays, but much of the Russian forces are conscripts and their gear isn't shiny and new. even the amounts of available conventional weapons on the US side vastly out numbers the Russian side. it's only on the nuclear level and some of their newest developed weapons where they really equal the US, some say the s400 is superior to anything the US has, but it also depends on the numbers of these units, the US can saturate all those defenses if they really really want to. so the worry for me is what would the Russians do if they realized they are about to be defeated conventionally.


Active member
Ya but drugs are seen as villainous if not from the doctor or cause a 'high'. Trump idealizes such tyranny as a form of cultural control.

Aside from that, war is always about group identity. Started by those with an identity of an authoritarian. People want a lifestyle as war is hardly ever about trully being needy. Not many wars are about food. People are weak and unintelligent. Easily manipulated into some cause that promises a return of great successes.

People can't imagine living differently. It's unacceptable to adapt, easier to go to war. The causalities are the little people. Group motivations are too easily manipulated. People get exploited all the time.

No real solution either. They tried religion and still do. Just another thing to fight about. The world is overly committed to violence and causing suffering. Causing suffering is a sport and hobby for a huge number of people.

Of course we're being manipulated. They wouldn't dare tell the whole story, it's not convenient.


Active member
so the worry for me is what would the Russians do if they realized they are about to be defeated conventionally.

What do the Russians do ?, be smart enough not to bring a knife to a gun fight....because the US would smash them like an ant. I'm just hoping Putin doesn't twist our President's pink panties in a wad, and his little feelers get hurt...then he has to show Putin how BIG his hands are :biggrin:

But who wants nuclear war, nobody in their right mind does,,,it would end civilization as we know it, it would decimate millions of innocent people.


G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Maybe the truth is the gassing happens all the time, but DJ Trump says we're out of Syria, the Dr. immediately takes the opportunity to walk all over him, and Trump has to do something to save face, while May & Macron are desperate for opportunities to boost their polling? Maybe Doc really wanted the neighborhood exterminated? Then, following best bud Vladivlad's lead, used nerve agents as a calling card to the west, after noting public reaction would be easily undermined and spun around to further advantage by curiously pro-Russian sentiment on the English internet shaped by smoke and mirrors conspiracy theories arising from the shadows? No that's crazy.

moose eater

Putin is former KGB, from what I understand, and from what I've seen, 'scorched earth doctrine' to the bone. He's honed as a warrior, and as a politician who's been willing to be ruthless when he sees fit.

Trump possesses some of the same short-sightedness as those who espouse scorched earth doctrine, but lacks the level of past experience in using such approaches, though he's surrounded himself with some definite hawks.

In my opinion, either one of them is bad news for the world if all the aces get laid down at once. And painting Putin into a corner would likely be akin to cornering a wolverine. No matter the size, everyone present is apt to get messed up.


Putin is gripping that power for all he's got. Well into old age if he can get away with it. He's already consolidated. He knows if he's on the out in any way he's a dead man. He's made a ton of enemies within Russia's borders alone not to mention on the outside.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Be interesting to see if " Putins " word is still law in Russia when the football kicks off soon,,,
Any offs between English supporters and Russian supporters is what Putin DONT want and has been pro-active in jailing any supporters who were preparing to fight the English,,
I believe that if it goes off at the World cup then it would appear that Putins word isnt law and he may have lost control of his gang of gangsters,,,,


Well-known member
Trump is a Zionist, his family are jews and the Trump fortune was built on jewish capital and cooperation. Israeli interests will be the biggest priorities in his strategic decision making.
To make sense of this, we have to realise that Britain and America, in this context, are servants and foot soldiers for Israel. This is why 4 out of 5 Britains and probably similar numbers of Americans don't agree with any of it.

So Hitler was right? Lol, I honestly don't know seems the Jews do own an awful lot even a bit of our media. But to say Hitler was right is pretty taboo even in America where holocaust denial isn't illegal, yet we do blame the Jews who do basically run our media even a nice chunk of Hollywood.

I mean Hitler did say "one day the world will know I was right". But obviously killing all Jews isn't the way to go which really, I don't know about them gas chambers because none are airtight, at least that I've seen without visiting Germany. Some of the most brilliant minds of the time didn't think to build gas chambers airtight?

Of course I don't think it's legal anywhere in the EU to question it, so nobody bothers, we just eat the bread and watch the circus. Lol


Well-known member
at Putins age (and Trumps) i'm not so sure that either countries military would launch a nuclear attack. neither side would "win" in this event. Putin "might" order one if they were getting their asses handed to them conventionally, but i doubt it. if Western military tried to actually enter Russia, maybe. he "says" that they have all of these wonderful new weapons systems, but i don't believe for a moment everything he says. they don't have the economy to produce what he claims to have. lots of this is smoke being blown up the ass of the Russian people/other fans to prop him up.


Ya but drugs are seen as villainous if not from the doctor or cause a 'high'. Trump idealizes such tyranny as a form of cultural control.

Ummmmmm....... No. Trump just announced he will be opening up federal legalization for cannabis in legal states.........

You would have heard about this, but too many left wing ding bats blew up that thread and got it closed. While on a cannabis site....... However this Jewish hating thread continues.....

I am sure now, Gypsy leans left :tiphat:
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fair enough Easy, i will remove the stuff that you mentioned as going over the line, but its a legitimate subject for discussion. Gypsy has decided to be a bit more free speech orientated in the toker den, hence deeper discussions some times start on current events and i personally think its a good thing, it lets people from all over the world share their views on the event. the more info you gather the more the truth crystallizes into a picture of whats actually happening. threads can be like having a team of researchers on a subject, it's the good part of social media. you just have to be discerning about what you accept and what is not proven.

anyway check this out, interview with a doctor that was seen on the footage the white helmet presented of the alleged chemical attack. it's interesting to say the least no?


Thanks for removing the stuff I asked for, however the thread continues. Please close the thread.

As for Gypsy, no, he doesn't allow anything further than left wing political talk. Still very unfair, and demonizes anybody from the right. IT's clear as day. :tiphat:


Maybe the truth is the gassing happens all the time, but DJ Trump says we're out of Syria, the Dr. immediately takes the opportunity to walk all over him, and Trump has to do something to save face, while May & Macron are desperate for opportunities to boost their polling? Maybe Doc really wanted the neighborhood exterminated? Then, following best bud Vladivlad's lead, used nerve agents as a calling card to the west, after noting public reaction would be easily undermined and spun around to further advantage by curiously pro-Russian sentiment on the English internet shaped by smoke and mirrors conspiracy theories arising from the shadows? No that's crazy.

maybe, but that version of events has no evidence that would hold up in a court, because the strikes were launched on the day before opcw investigators were about to begin work in Douma. Syira and Russia giving them full access to the site. so really it goes against any logical thinking. they were winning after all, also the front lines in eastern ghouta were sometimes down to 50 yards, chemical could easy blow to the wrong side. but mst importantly if you ask yourself who benefits from this, you have to start wondering. i know all the media is acting like there is absolutely no doubt, they are reading off the same script, anyone against war is now a Russian bot, it's nutz, 99% of humanity doesn't want to provoke a nuclear power militarily, but when they say so we are told that there are millions of new Russian bots, peace bots apparently lol.

so yeah, let me remind you that they were just as certain in the media about wmd in Iraq. sadly war is waged on the informational sphere nowadays, and the coordinated demonization and one sided reporting without any logic and context is a sure sign that we are being rushed to war on lies again. and people are not even using their brains and just accept totally illogical claims. many of the Syrian army have relatives friends and family in eastern Ghouta. it's the other side who are foreigners with no connection to Syria except to destroy the nation.

So Hitler was right? Lol, I honestly don't know seems the Jews do own an awful lot even a bit of our media. But to say Hitler was right is pretty taboo even in America where holocaust denial isn't illegal, yet we do blame the Jews who do basically run our media even a nice chunk of Hollywood.

I mean Hitler did say "one day the world will know I was right". But obviously killing all Jews isn't the way to go which really, I don't know about them gas chambers because none are airtight, at least that I've seen without visiting Germany. Some of the most brilliant minds of the time didn't think to build gas chambers airtight?

Of course I don't think it's legal anywhere in the EU to question it, so nobody bothers, we just eat the bread and watch the circus. Lol

i read the quoted words very well and he never said Htler was right, thats just down right misleading and dishonest.

Thanks for removing the stuff I asked for, however the thread continues. Please close the thread.

As for Gypsy, no, he doesn't allow anything further than left wing political talk. Still very unfair, and demonizes anybody from the right. IT's clear as day. :tiphat:

what is not allowed is extremism, its not about right or left. thinking Gypsy is a democrat is just silly, as he is British and only cares about US policy in terms of how it effects the rest of the world. not that i want to speak for him, but your wrong.

as for removing the thread, thats a bit pathetic, just cause it went differently then you expected. no one is hating the Jewish people, this is about geopolitical actions and their possible motives. if you are not interested in the topic just stop following it. but if Israel sends planes to attack Syria ill think it's just as wrong as when the US does it. it's against international law to shoot ballistic missiles, drop bombs, or otherwise attack another sovereign nation that never attacked. if thats no longer accepted as the international law, there will be mass chaos and war as every regional dispute flares into open war.

people need to understand that when it comes to war and peace dem or rep makes no difference. i never believed that Trump colluded with Russia, i was very happy with Trumps campaign promises, specially his views on not getting mixed up in other peoples business in the ME was something that gave me hope. point being if he does something i like ill be happy to say so, so it has to be the same when he does something i think is really really wrong. even he himself said it was wrong just over a year ago. same applies to the nation of Israel.

if Assad really ordered the use of chemical weapons then he should face justice under the opcw rules, but for that the opcw actually need to be let to investigate. bombing the place the day before the investigation is set to start really is a red flag though wouldn't you say? as was mentioned before, pretty much every war in history has been started by lies and or false flag attacks. we should remember that, we should also remember the results of this regime change thing in the past before jumping in again in the present.

Tucker Carson said it well. lets have a law that any general that goes on tv and advocates for war must go and serve at the front line of said war and any sons in the military should be made to join him there. the same should apply to congressmen and senators, if too old, then their son or daughter should be made to take their place. basically no more advocating war unless you are willing to lead the way on the battlefield. it would be the end of wars of aggression.

he also suggested another rule which i though was the dogs bolloks, he suggests that no regime change or invasions can be launched until the last country where the regime was "changed" is back on it's feet and all fixed up again with a stable government. Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Lybia and now Syria are all in chaos as of now, let the Russians fix Syria while you work on the places you already totally fucked up. btw, Afghanistan gov is asking the taliban to take part in the elections with candidates and parties. apparently it took 17 years to find ut we can let them be in the Afghan government after all.


what is not allowed is extremism, its not about right or left. thinking Gypsy is a democrat is just silly, as he is British and only cares about US policy in terms of how it effects the rest of the world. not that i want to speak for him, but your wrong.

as for removing the thread, thats a bit pathetic, just cause it went differently then you expected. no one is hating the Jewish people, this is about geopolitical actions and their possible motives. if you are not interested in the topic just stop following it. but if Israel sends planes to attack Syria ill think it's just as wrong as when the US does it. it's against international law to shoot ballistic missiles, drop bombs, or otherwise attack another sovereign nation that never attacked. if thats no longer accepted as the international law, there will be mass chaos and war as every regional dispute flares into open war.

people need to understand that when it comes to war and peace dem or rep makes no difference. i never believed that Trump colluded with Russia, i was very happy with Trumps campaign promises, specially his views on not getting mixed up in other peoples business in the ME was something that gave me hope. point being if he does something i like ill be happy to say so, so it has to be the same when he does something i think is really really wrong. even he himself said it was wrong just over a year ago. same applies to the nation of Israel.

if Assad really ordered the use of chemical weapons then he should face justice under the opcw rules, but for that the opcw actually need to be let to investigate. bombing the place the day before the investigation is set to start really is a red flag though wouldn't you say? as was mentioned before, pretty much every war in history has been started by lies and or false flag attacks. we should remember that, we should also remember the results of this regime change thing in the past before jumping in again in the present.

Tucker Carson said it well. lets have a law that any general that goes on tv and advocates for war must go and serve at the front line of said war and any sons in the military should be made to join him there. the same should apply to congressmen and senators, if too old, then their son or daughter should be made to take their place. basically no more advocating war unless you are willing to lead the way on the battlefield. it would be the end of wars of aggression.

No, I said Gypsy only allowed left wing talk. Europe is very left wing. I would even wager that Gypsy would admit to this.........In fact, pretty sure through PM's we have established that, gypsy and I. Maybe he would be willing to chime in on this.

As for no racist remarks in this thread..... Really? You yourself have removed a handful..... Do I need to repost?

Originally Posted by Hermanthegerman View Post
I support Israel and close my eyes about the fucking seddlers in the Westbank.

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Originally Posted by Storm Shadow View Post
If God was real... a Huge Dinosaur era Sized Meteorite would crash right into Tel Aviv ....

Give Humanity a chance to work by making the evil go Extinct....

Originally Posted by troutman View Post

I hope Putin launches soon and turns the Middle East to glass once and for all.

Gypsy allows more left wing talk than right, and yes, racist talk filled with hate has filled these pages. Please close the thread.


3rd-Eye Jedi
I can't fathom what it must be like for a child over the last 30 years to grow up in the middle east

being part of a culture with aspects the outside world finds challenging is one thing

but to be threatened with constant genocide by the outside world

fucking gross

are they less human than us?

how come super powers get to murder brown people without consequence?


white as fuck


No, I said Gypsy only allowed left wing talk. Europe is very left wing. I would even wager that Gypsy would admit to this.........In fact, pretty sure through PM's we have established that, gypsy and I. Maybe he would be willing to chime in on this.

As for no racist remarks in this thread..... Really? You yourself have removed a handful..... Do I need to repost?

Originally Posted by Hermanthegerman View Post
I support Israel and close my eyes about the fucking seddlers in the Westbank.

View Image

Originally Posted by Storm Shadow View Post
If God was real... a Huge Dinosaur era Sized Meteorite would crash right into Tel Aviv ....

Give Humanity a chance to work by making the evil go Extinct....

Originally Posted by troutman View Post

I hope Putin launches soon and turns the Middle East to glass once and for all.

Gypsy allows more left wing talk than right, and yes, racist talk filled with hate has filled these pages. Please close the thread.

sorry i can't get into peoples minds and stop them posting their thought before they post them. but i do delete stuff that goes over the line. the trouble is that people want to make it so complaints about Israels behaviour are the same as wanting to destroy Israel. we should all be able to agree on Israels right to be there etc, but not to attacks it's neighbors for fear of what might be in future? thats the problem. certain actions they take regularly are not neighborly to say the least :) they are still occupying the Syrian Golan hights for example, even though the UN declared it illegal, they are also still on some Lebanese land, same goes for Egypt. we can't just pretend that none of this is happening.

if you want ill remove all your posts from this thread and those that wish to discuss can continue to do so. it's like a tv, don't like the channel, then change it, don't spoil it for everyone else.

i'm done talking about Gypsy being right or left. i couldn't care less about those silly labels used to divide us and make us easy to rule. facts are what matter, proof.
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