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US Prisons are some of the worst in the world.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
especially if you are the victim of a victimless crime....

Hear, hear! It is the tragedy that supernatural judgment has brought upon us IMO.

Paradigm shifts do occur. The world was once flat. The conscious expands. It all starts with a seed, as you say.


yes when will our leaders catch up to our thinking. theyre great power is not as great as their knowledge 'their knowledge to be able to make the good decision' not because its the way route for progression but because as a people as a hole throughout history as race as human has morphed into violence 'as a way of life'.

stopping crimes, reforming these bad doers. even if it was a small crime, does the punish seem fit for it? are we locking some people up for too long just to generate something for somethings. why, why give back too back life sentences, give just life, thats it no parole opportunity for cold hearted, these people the murders u kno, killers, takers of good energy.

when is killing another truly right? is it right to kill for progression, does this vilocnce NOT buiild up, does it not gain energy as snowball rolling down a mountain.. turn to a avalanche to late to run.. because we are STUCK like this... cant move frozen.. NASA gone. house gone job gone...


and there are some right, i know about they actually like jail? really why. because... food,shelter, heat.. 3 meals. exercise. structure.. and gangs more violence, prison gangs dense groups there staring each other down who will begin the attack first this time..grab the pepper gun boys.. no better get the rifle..


With Wall St. brazenly taking our wealth, and with poverty expanding and education diminishing, incarceration grows ever more likely to be the future of our progeny.

The politics of personal responsibility preaches that Society is not to blame for her ills - no complicated shades of gray - only murder, rape, and the vengeful hand of Justice.


Our cell blocks are packed with men and women who cannot read or write, who never graduated from high school—75 percent of state inmates—who will be hard-pressed to find a job once they are released. Once freed, they become second-class citizens. Depending on the state, they may be denied public housing, student loans, a driver's license, welfare benefits, and a wide range of jobs. Perhaps there is no more damning statistic than the fact that within three years, half will be convicted of a new crime.


yes this
they say that society isnt to blame,, free market DO YOU, get yours NO MATTER HOW, good or bad, just make sure you give us our share (taxes) that american way. where your free to decide, want a mansion, a lambo, or live modest live green, gain knowledge through the understanding of good

Threatened by the state!
why> because they fuckeddd up dude again!! personal stories spread them around...

they were going to lean my house for $10.00, ya just ten a dime bag

because they messed the paperwork! guess what got my 10$ back with INTEREST. computers broke? geek squad.. or are leaders the joke squad??


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
yes this
they say that society isnt to blame,, free market DO YOU, get yours NO MATTER HOW, good or bad, just make sure you give us our share (taxes) that american way. where your free to decide, want a mansion, a lambo, or live modest live green, gain knowledge through the understanding of good

Threatened by the state!
why> because they fuckeddd up dude again!! personal stories spread them around...

they were going to lean my house for $10.00, ya just ten a dime bag

because they messed the paperwork! guess what got my 10$ back with INTEREST. computers broke? geek squad.. or are leaders the joke squad??

What ? :dunno:


yes when will our leaders catch up to our thinking. theyre great power is not as great as their knowledge 'their knowledge to be able to make the good decision' not because its the way route for progression but because as a people as a hole throughout history as race as human has morphed into violence 'as a way of life'.

stopping crimes, reforming these bad doers. even if it was a small crime, does the punish seem fit for it? are we locking some people up for too long just to generate something for somethings. why, why give back too back life sentences, give just life, thats it no parole opportunity for cold hearted, these people the murders u kno, killers, takers of good energy.


and there are some right, i know about they actually like jail? really why. because... food,shelter, heat.. 3 meals. exercise. structure.. and gangs more violence, prison gangs dense groups there staring each other down who will begin the attack first this time..grab the pepper gun boys.. no better get the rifle..

when is killing another truly right? is it right to kill for progression, does this violence NOT buiild up, does it not gain energy as snowball rolling down a mountain.. turn to a avalanche to late to run.. because we are STUCK like this... cant move frozen.. NASA gone. house gone job gone...

'the prophets, they are filled wit bullets, more bodies being buried!! were headed for danger.'.. addicted to killing! without feeling..the aftermath..got me worried..dont make excuses no one notices the youth!!!!!! ive got nothing to lose.. , hes right dont panic, dream of riches, politicians are hypocrite THEY DONT LISTEN. seem hard sometime how hard it gets. remember through a darknight there is a bright day.. handle it
the FUTURE RIGHT? < progress forward this way

..listen to me against to world by tupac.. leadership most switch hands the people deserve this great power that they built!! stop oppression!


Ugh.If you want to stay out of prison don't break the law ya bunch of hopheads...


Infected with Fox News / Limbaugh thought virus much, mmmmm.

Incarceration is a symptom, not a solution.
America is twisted sick - After 8 years of conservative ideology pummeling this country into a wasteland, but Sarah Palin can still contemplate the second coming of an American Ayatollah.

The black/white worldview of conservative politics is rooted in the pulpit. Religion is the American plague - instead of a Liberal Democracy, we have a veiled theocracy. Incarceration is a symptom.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
After 8 years of conservative ideology pummeling this country into a wasteland, but Sarah Palin can still contemplate the second coming of an American Ayatollah.

There was nothing very conservative coming out of the last administration. He was corrupt progressive. Just because you fly under a banner doesn't mean you hold the true beliefs.


did I say 8 years... really more like 30 (very telling chart provided by Charybdis in post #5).
Hey, you can label it however you like.
Polish that shit - re-brand it and spin it baby.


Here's another good story from today.

The Smoking Gun said:
Felony Snowball Tossing Charges Lodged
Cops: Virginia college students pelted city plow, unmarked police car

FEBRUARY 9--Felony snowball throwing charges have been leveled against two Virginia college students for allegedly pelting a city plow and an undercover police car during Saturday's blizzard. Charles Gill and Ryan Knight, both 21, were nabbed by cops in Harrisonburg, where they attend James Madison University. According to police, the pair first targeted a city plow last Saturday afternoon. The driver responded by calling cops to report the frosty fusillade. When police responded to the scene in a bid to identify the assailants, their unmarked vehicle also came under an icy assault. Gill and Knight, a guard on JMU's basketball team, were then apprehended and booked into jail for throwing missiles at occupied vehicles, a felony. Gill (top) and Knight are pictured below in Rockingham County Sheriff's Office mug shots. If convicted of the felonious snowball tossing, the men each face between one and five years in prison, and a maximum $2,500 fine.


Because we all know, throwing snowballs is an offense that merits a felony conviction, and five years in prison.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
did I say 8 years... really more like 30 (very telling chart provided by Charybdis in post #5).
Hey, you can label it however you like.
Polish that shit - re-brand it and spin it baby.

The conservative platform was hijacked decades ago by moral crusaders flying the God banner.

Not re-branding. You misunderstand conservative philosophy. It's not the shit they spew on Fox News and it has nothing to do with morals.


Another good one...
Subversives who think government is corrupt and should be controlled by the people face 10 years in prison and a $25,000 dollar fine if they fail to register with authorities in South Carolina, in another chilling example of how free speech and dissent is being criminalized in America.

The state’s “Subversive Activities Registration Act” (link)is now officially on the books and mandates that “Every member of a subversive organization, or an organization subject to foreign control, every foreign agent and every person who advocates, teaches, advises or practices the duty, necessity or propriety of controlling, conducting, seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States … shall register with the Secretary of State.”
Remember when "freedom" actually meant freedom?


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
The conservative platform was hijacked decades ago by moral crusaders flying the God banner.

Not re-branding. You misunderstand conservative philosophy. It's not the shit they spew on Fox News and it has nothing to do with morals.

I second that..


Sorry if I'm cluttering your thread charybdis, this'll be my last one...
Oklahoma has a new law that makes it a crime to “fortify” a citizen’s home against possible entry by law enforcement.

State Rep. Sue Tibbs was one of the sponsors of a bill that makes it unlawful for “any person to willfully fortify an access point into any dwelling, structure, building or other place where a felony offense prohibited by the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act is being committed, or attempted, and the fortification is for the purpose of preventing or delaying entry or access by a law enforcement officer, or to harm or injure a law enforcement officer in the performance of official duties.”

The law took effect Nov. 1.

The law states that to “fortify an access point” means to willfully construct, install, position, use or hold any material or device designed to injure a person upon entry or to strengthen, defend, restrict or obstruct any door, window or other opening into a dwelling, structure, building or other place to any extent beyond the security provided by a commercial alarm system, lock or deadbolt, or a combination of alarm, lock or deadbolt.

The law carries punishment of imprisonment of not more than five years or by a fine up to $10,000 or by both.
"against possible entry by law enforcement." ...are police the only reason people put locks, chains, and bars across their doors and windows?
Assuming someone's in a bad neighborhood and they put a bar across their door to keep the bad guys out - If the police show up will they use common sense and not charge the person? Or will they just do what they always do and try to charge people for as much as they can? It might get thrown out of court, but the person will still spend at least enough time in jail to get a court appearance set...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the neg rep charybdis.

How many other countries, besides the United States have you lived in for any extended amount of time. If you don't mind my asking?


Just one. They had a much better prison system. I'm actively working on leaving the states permanently. However, the economic crisis has pushed those plans back a few years. Which is somewhat ironic; I'm stuck here because we sabotaged the world economy.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I'm glad the place you live had a much better prison system.

This is the context from which my perspective is derived. I grew up in Southeast Asia and traveled throughout Europe. I can agree that America has one of the worst prison systems of the western developed world, but to say that our prison system is worse than.....


They don't even need jail there. Shoot to kill on the spot.

North Korea


The Congo

You have 0 right's in these places and I could go on and on and on.

Yeah, we have it fucked up here, but to think we are the worst is a little beyond me.

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