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US Ends War On Drugs

More mixed signals from the Obama administration leaves the world confused. Here in the USA we are told the drug war will continue unabated, ever-expanding. Overseas the 'drug czar' paints a different picture, as always.

The United States has "ended its war on drugs" and is now moving its focus to prevention and treatment, the US drugs chief has told top Irish drug officials.

President Barack Obama’s drugs adviser Gil Kerlikowske held a series of meetings yesterday with Drugs Minister Pat Carey, Garda Commissioner Fachtna Murphy and Department of Justice secretary general Sean Aylward.

The former police chief said the US had formally ended its much heralded – and hugely expensive – "war on drugs".

"We’ve talked about a ‘war on drugs’ for 40 years, since President Nixon. I ended the war," said Mr Kerlikowske, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).

The Obama administration is increasing its budget for demand reduction by 6.5%, bringing it to $5.6 billion (€4.5bn). But the US is still spending $15.5bn on supply reduction.

Mr Kerlikowske said internationally, the US was focusing less on crop eradication in Afghanistan and Columbia.

He said the aim in Afghanistan was now on encouraging farmers to grow alternative crops.
For the full story click here.
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Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I must not have gotten the memo, last time i checked they were still beating down doors and arresting people.


Active member
Please do resend the MEMO :D

The dicks I mean cops around here haven't heard that....I see cops still shotting dogs for the sport of it!


Gil Kerlikowske talks with forked tongue and if change was coming then it would be rolling ahead. Just another administration built on lies and deception. :moon:


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Gotta admire the cheekiness of Obama - ran for election on a platform for CHANGE. And just like the Who's song "Behind Blue Eyes" we got the same old shit with a new face on it.

Once again we've been fooled again... to paraphrase the Who.

the war is over but the budget is going up?!?!?
what planet is this guy on? These folks always talk about "demand reduction", i wonder how that works...

"moving its focus to prevention and treatment":

pee testing (open wide!) for EVERYTHING you do
propaganda out the wazzoo
drug courts
more $ to "prevention" officers to kick in doors wearing the latest in light urban people killing life vests and shin guards, so they can SHOOT anything they want and still GO HOME SAFE to thier family
more dupilcitous statutes that effectivly INCREASE the ways to leverage thier policy against you
more private jails
more property "reclaimation"
more discrimination in the work force for medical or any other whim
more of what they have in store
more robots
more cameras
more fines
more conseling
more fucking D.A.R.E.

but no more "wAr" on drugs (we just stopped hunting the plants)
a WAR on YOU! (...and started hunting YOU)

Thats how "demand reduction" works...
The Feds seem to only be stepping in

on marijuana, where

federal laws are being flagrantly violated.

that's what i see, but then again

I'm not as close to the action

as some of you.

So feel free to educate me

In my opinion, I see the greatest problem on the local and state levels where a police department may have an arrest quota they need to fulfill that is dependant on how much federal funding they receive.

Another tie into this, is when politicians on both sides vow to "get tough on crime", because local news affiliate concentrate mainly on crime, and not on community organizers that are trying to make a positive impact and receive no attention from the media or from politicians.

Instead of getting to the root of the problem(s), lawmakers create all sorts of crazy laws that allow LEOs to use unethical means (lying, deceit, etc) to capture anyone associated with cannabis.

Arresting someone for cannabis "residue" is the most ridiculous mess I have ever heard.

This, in turn, makes the politician(s) look good, so she or he can get re-elected, gives the community a false sense of security and encourages LEOs to use whatever means necessary to capture someone, anyone, it doesn't matter who.

These are only my opinions.

In my opinion, I see the greatest problem on the local and state levels where a police department may have an arrest quota they need to fulfill that is dependant on how much federal funding they receive.

Another tie into this, is when politicians on both sides vow to "get tough on crime", because local news affiliate concentrate mainly on crime, and not on community organizers that are trying to make a positive impact and receive no attention from the media or from politicians.

Instead of getting to the root of the problem(s), lawmakers create all sorts of crazy laws that allow LEOs to use unethical means (lying, deceit, etc) to capture anyone associated with cannabis.

Arresting someone for cannabis "residue" is the most ridiculous mess I have ever heard.

This, in turn, makes the politician(s) look good, so she or he can get re-elected, gives the community a false sense of security and encourages LEOs to use whatever means necessary to capture someone, anyone, it doesn't matter who.

These are only my opinions.
appreciate your comments Maria_Vanessa.

where are these incidents taking place?

seems most LE in CA has backed off on enforcement

feds have moved in for reason

in the few incidents I'm aware of
the war is over but the budget is going up?!?!?
what planet is this guy on? These folks always talk about "demand reduction", i wonder how that works...

"moving its focus to prevention and treatment":

pee testing (open wide!) for EVERYTHING you do
propaganda out the wazzoo
drug courts
more $ to "prevention" officers to kick in doors wearing the latest in light urban people killing life vests and shin guards, so they can SHOOT anything they want and still GO HOME SAFE to thier family
more dupilcitous statutes that effectivly INCREASE the ways to leverage thier policy against you
more private jails
more property "reclaimation"
more discrimination in the work force for medical or any other whim
more of what they have in store
more robots
more cameras
more fines
more conseling
more fucking D.A.R.E.

but no more "wAr" on drugs (we just stopped hunting the plants)
a WAR on YOU! (...and started hunting YOU)

Thats how "demand reduction" works...

Man if any of those come into play, this country will be a sad place to live. They just can not let people live, seems like they have to fuck up something or control everything at all times.


This from the man with a dictionary that does not have the word or phrase legalize/ legalization.

More spin.

appreciate your comments Maria_Vanessa.

where are these incidents taking place?

seems most LE in CA has backed off on enforcement

feds have moved in for reason

in the few incidents I'm aware of

One that I can personally speak of is the state of Maryland, specifically the city of Baltimore. I am unaware if the same policy was happening in other communities in other parts of the state.

This was happened a few years ago. There a controversy surrounding the Baltimore Police Department in their effort to lower crime. They attempted a similiar strategy in New York, by concentrating on "quality of life" crimes and arresting people who broke these laws. I believe they also received a large block grants from the federal government at the time, as well.

Personally, I had friends and had read publiched crime blogs in alternative newspapers about those who were arrested and swept up in these "quality of life" crimes; getting caught with half-smoked blunts, a couple of bag seeds, tiny baggies, "residue", etc. In Baltimore, they have since stopped this program because of the public outcry. They were arresting citizens of Baltimore, but not citizens who were dirving in from the suburbs to buy cannabis and going back home, amount other issues. But I still do hear about other general arrest quotas programs, mainly on he East Coast.

Again, on the East Coast, when I do read and hear about "big busts", there are in two main scenarios.

The first being the cops caught a large volume in a "traffic stop", which I personally interpret as quota. Stop X amount of vehicles, which may or may not be racially profiled, to see what is inside. LEOs, being legally allowed to lie, can say whatever they want. Usually some lame excuse about speeding.

The second scenario is when a house is raided. LEOs "encourage", maybe even pay, external sources to watch for and report "suspicious" activity. Landlords or leasing agents, undercover LEOs, the electric company, neighborhood watches, etc.
too bad there isn't a war on corrupt politicians
but i'm sure the body count would be to high
and besides,without politicians,who will the lobbyist
give all their money to?(GOD FORBID THEY HELP THE POOR WITH IT!!!)

Green Supreme

Talks cheap. I mean I remember Bush standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier with a huge banner behind him saying the War in Afghanistan was over.... Peace GS
I wish more ordinary people would become lobbyist themselves. Realistically, they should be.

The reason why lobbyists are so efficient and effective at what they do, is not only do they rally for people to vote for "their" politician, they also make sure that when the politician has been elected and sworn in, that he or she does not forget who helped them get elected. But people don't realize that they hold more power than lobbyists do.

Voters get caught up watching the mudslinging the television, internet and radio advertisements. Voters become lazy listening to whatever, pardon my expression, asshole, on talk radio is telling them how to vote instead of educating themselves on who they should vote for and why. Voters let themselves in caught up in a politician's spin.

It's almost like a parasitic relationship. Voters really don't want to know who is running for an office despite that this person could be lying just to get her or his hands on power. In addition, I think people secretly want to be controlled and they want others to be controlled as well. I can use cannabis and not harm anyone else, their family, loved ones, their property or pets. But just the fact that I consuming cannabis at all, that cannabis needs to be and must be prohibited.

And politicians know what voters want to hear. So, all they have to do is mention something to the effect of "it's all those people fault, and people clap their hands like seals.