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Pc case question!


New member
hey, im in the process of building a pc grow box, im actually making a step by step power point to post here when im done, but i just had one tiny question about the intake fan.

this is my case,

and in front it has a space for an 80mm fan, which i understand is good for an intake. but is this where it goes? goes it will just get blocked by the front case so how would it draw in air. ive seen others like this so i guess thats how it goes but im just making sure before i mess something up. :)

also, the back is not large enuff for a 120mm fan, but if i hook up 2 80mm fans, one with suga bears carbon filter, would that be just as good as a 120mm?

thanks so much for the help, i really think the guide im making is going to help LOTS of people so lemme know so i can get it out sooner. thankssss.


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Lucky you should ask, I just spent the past 4 hours trying all kinds of CFL setups.

Here's what I've found to stay the most consistent. Take one 80MM and put it at the bottom front for an intake. Then take some cardboard and just make a little housing around it. I'll take some pics to show ya.

Separate the top with plexiglass put 1 80mm fan at the front of the bulbs blowing back. Then at the back, put 2 80MM exhausting. Right now I only have the two at the back exhausting, but plan on adding the one for the front. I think it'll really help push it on out.

For the front behind the plastic slats, coat all of it with mylar. then just poke some holes in the mylar. I'm thinking doing this and adding the 80MM at the top in front of the lights blowing back it should be able to draw in some fresh air. It won't be a lot but some. And by doing it this way, you get no light leaks.

Then for the growing area I have 1 80MM exhausting.

Doing this setup it's +2 of the ambient room temp after an hour. I'll let you know how it's doing after a regular 20 hour heat soak.

Got any ideas for how to tame the light coming out of the PC fans at the back?

I am using black felt right now, and it's doing amazing. Doesn't block that much air flow. But I'm thinking about just getting some red led pc fans...

Best of luck with your setup, as I do more tinkering I'll let you know.


New member
so the fact that its got plastic in front of it wont affect the intake? thats how its supposed to be?

awesome, yea, im so glad you said to just stick with the 80mm cos i have a couple lying around right now! so im stoked i dont have to spend anymore money. :)

the black felt idea sounds fantastic! ive never heard of that before but by far the best thing. i would imagine.

awesome, the "how to" should come out in like two weeks. i gotta do everything in secret cos i still live with the rents na mean? but its looking real good so far. thanks for the help.

id love to see some pics of your set up mayne!


For the back light proofing, I would suggest the possibility of not putting a fan there. I only say this because I'm about to start another one (first one was a LONG time ago and very ghetto) and I think I'll probably go this route, putting my ventilation in the front. Another thing I've been thinking would be looking into the bottom of the case for ventilation(intake). If you already have, or can get, some rubber 'feet' for the corners, you should be able to drill a few holes under where the HD bays are/were and stick a fan there, using minimal material to block the light. It should also be one of the cooler spots in the case.


New member
unfortunatly, my case does not offer two spots for fans on the front. i am going with the two exaust in back, one in front. drilling holes sounds like an awesome idea. thanks!

geekusa- those are some pretty good temps! keep it up. im thinking ill finish my case tonight, and the how to in the morning!


Grow like nobody is watching
Probably doesn't help at this stage but they sell 80mm to 120mm adapters in computer stores. Good luck with your case.