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US Ends War On Drugs

As compared to the oncoming problems of sovereign debt
and existing economic problems
the legalization of marijuana is fairly small potatoes

however, it's another political issue
a growing political issue
the voice of the people
the growing voice of the people

the growing voice of the people
that is finally beginning to be heard
if not yet fully responded to


Kiss My Ring
Never have I felt the government was after my weed, it was always after me!

In a war on DRUGS, the PharmCorps would be the casualties not us. Let's not forget why there is a war to begin with...The PharmCorps have the money to legislate away our rights!
And when subtrefuge no longer works, bring on the Feds.

Why do you think they call them CZARs?
I'm glad a lot of you found this story as amusing as I did. Gotta love how the US Government considers the end of the drug war to be increasing their Various Drug Agencies and Law Enforcements Budgets. You also got to love that this government doesn't have a problem with increasing the flow of Heroin out of Afghanistan and the Cocaine supply out of South America yet throws it's own citizens in jail for having small amounts of a harmless plant.

Obama is a fucking joke. So far he's fucked me on every reason I voted for him (Expansion of Drug War, Expansion of Middle East Conflicts, Renewal of Patriot Act, Even Bigger Deficit, Even More Corruption)


Obama's smoking again, but bogeying Average Joe?

Obama's smoking again, but bogeying Average Joe?

the war is over but the budget is going up?!?!?
what planet is this guy on? These folks always talk about "demand reduction", i wonder how that works...

"moving its focus to prevention and treatment":

pee testing (open wide!) for EVERYTHING you do
propaganda out the wazzoo
drug courts
more $ to "prevention" officers to kick in doors wearing the latest in light urban people killing life vests and shin guards, so they can SHOOT anything they want and still GO HOME SAFE to thier family
more dupilcitous statutes that effectivly INCREASE the ways to leverage thier policy against you
more private jails
more property "reclaimation"
more discrimination in the work force for medical or any other whim
more of what they have in store
more robots
more cameras
more fines
more conseling
more fucking D.A.R.E.

but no more "wAr" on drugs (we just stopped hunting the plants)
a WAR on YOU! (...and started hunting YOU)

Thats how "demand reduction" works...

The War OF Drugs is being expanded by Obama, not unlike the Occupation of Afghanistan. Afghanistan went from virtually Zero poppy production in 2001 to World's largest producer in 2009, so I guess that "War" is working -- for the producers and exclusive USG distributors.

Hubris and hypocrisy. Hope, and change we can believe in.
Ain't life grand?
The War OF Drugs is being expanded by Obama, not unlike the Occupation of Afghanistan. Afghanistan went from virtually Zero poppy production in 2001 to World's largest producer in 2009, so I guess that "War" is working -- for the producers and exclusive USG distributors.

Hubris and hypocrisy. Hope, and change we can believe in.
Ain't life grand?
Afghanistan supplies 94% of the world's opium supply

2010 National Drug Control Strategy

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