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Ur Favorite Beer?



Anything from Great Lakes brewery in Cleveland

ps there Dortmunder Gold is the best!!!


"It's just a flesh wound"
KUH_DE_TAH said:
Vitamin B

I am having one right now.

If you want real good aussie beer go for the James Squires , Matilda Bay, Little Creatures and Coopers.

There are lots of little micro brewers in australia now so you don't have to drink lager lager and more lager.

My very favourite beer would have to be the Belgian Rocheforte Trappiste Beer. It packs a punch at 11% alchol, dark, floral to the nose and has to be one of the finest drinks ever created. Only problem that it costs $13 per bottle.

There used to be a beer out of Australia call "Black Swan Lager". It was the best Aussi beer i ever had. I like some of the Coopers stuff also.



I think that Black Swan Lager comes from Western Oz but I cant be sure coz I have never been there.


baccas125 said:
Anything from Great Lakes brewery in Cleveland

ps there Dortmunder Gold is the best!!!

we used to carry great lakes at the bar i work but it didn't sell all that well and we had to ditch it. kept all the promotional posters they gave us, nice label art.
another good cleveland brew is POC Pride of Cleveland. my dad went to case western reserve univ. there many years ago and said he and his frat buddies used to call it Piss of Cleveland. they started brewing it again a few years ago and i got him a case for he and his old college buddies. they all thought it tasted better now.


flying dog and dog fishhead are bangin

yuengling is also good

my favorite is the irvington pale ale at a little brewery on the east coast.. they have "growlers" where you can take home a 6 packs worth in a glass container.. just leave a deposit on the container, refill as needed..


Genesee oops I spelled it incorrectly as Genesse. It's no doubt you haven't heard of it.

That's because its brewed in a tiny locale call NEW YORK!

It tastes like beer to me, a good sharp biting lager, non of that 5 filter shit for me and non of that molasses/sugar cane crap taste found in many premium beers.

Great on a hot summer afternoon.
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Active member
bell's anybody: oberon is delicious in the summer and a winter white when it gets a bit nippy.

modelo for my mexicana friends
saison dupont
la chouffe
pirat....gets me lit.....9% content
goose island

my personal favorite mean mr mustards shit.......delicious



Well I picked up a 6 pack of Sam adams Boston Ale to give a try tonight.... havent tried this brew yet. been drinking the summer ale and boston lager lately.


New member
Sam Adams is good stuff, I've been drinking their Brown Ale for a while now, It's definately my current favorite. It's pretty dark in color, but it has such a deep complex flavor, Awesome stuff.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Yuengling Lager and Black and Tan is good and fairly inexpensive, on par with the cost of a case of Budweiser or Coors Light.


Mother Nature's Son
The only beer I even like drinking is Erdinger weissbrau. It is a Hefe-Weizen from Germany, and it is damn good. I prefer super dark beer, the darker the better. I like the Dunkel and Pikantus. If you put a maglite up to the side of the glass, you can barely see a deep red glow on the other side. The stuff is soo wonderful. You have to swirl around the last inch in the bottle before you poor it, so you can get all the yeast in your glass. It is the most delicious beer I have ever had, and I do not think I will really drink anything else.
whats are your favorite beers??

whats are your favorite beers??

iam a certified beer geek...anyone else? i tend like the hoppy stuff like i.p.a and big doubles...some of my favorites are pliny the elder, racer5, maximus d.i.p.a, frank from pizza port...and many many others...