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update greenhouse outdoor



looking great so far,,even a few of them were inside growing first then planted in feb outdoor,

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just fished shitted em

just fished shitted em

and watered with fish emulshion and some pf my piss,all is loking good so far,4th from bottom is already 2 and half feet wide,,

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Active member
Jack, depending on where you live latitude wise some people can not really get away with growing outdoors that early. I live around Seattle and in February the light hours outside will cause the plant to flower rite away. Also the sun is at such an angle that time of year it's not verry efficent, causing buds that do form to be fluffy. I assume you live somewhere a little farther South than myself so GREAT JOB! I like the LST and the fact you are useing Fish Emulsion but with the Emulsion you should not need Urin(plenty of Nitrogen in the Emulsion). They say Urin is steril but I suspect there are some pathogens that can be transfered. You are not suposed to use cat, dog or human waste in your compost due to these pathogens so I assume useing it in the raw state would also be bad.

Peace, SSSSpaceman SSSpliff


thanks, i dont think ppl have time on there hands like i do,my job is at my home,my patient has no means of helping her self,,so i just plain forget that ppl are not as fortunate to plant early,hey man i make honests mistakes,just cuz i do it well i think why cant anyone else do it,,it is in a getto greenhouse,i do have it where it gets sun just perfect.some things happen during the time i plant to harvest,i just can not explain them,i mean i grew up being told,quote by my mom(are the dishes clean)i have lived with that and many more quotes in my mind, a friend once told me things to do in my soils and ways,it just sticks to me like my mom saying dishes clean,i cant forget to do it my way or it is breaking my chain .i dont read well, lets just say i do read,but i had speciel ed in all my schools,i cant comprehend to good,so i have to stick to my guns from what my weed mentor taught me,,man,i have stuff like using my greenhouse materiel for a indoor grow,i did,it gave me a tunnel light all over and around,anyway,thanks,here are more from today,,bottom pic has a line of white powder around grow which is ORTHO catapiller and small what nots killer,,i also use corys slug and snail,and ortho,s cat and what not pellets,i combine so many it just has to work for all them what nots,,then i was also told by my mentor,just use a dab of dish soap(safe?,i cant remember which type he told me tho,he did say use that one type he told me)i left out the dish soap and saddle soap so far.i have so many questions on why after so many years of growing like i do i find ppl calling it lst,,,what in the fuck is that man,if it is some kind of stress training,well i just call it tie and hook at early age to get plant to know i am working on her,so short is lst i guess,i will still give it the old jack name,taking care of buisness before she flops at the seams,beating the crap out of her,bending and shaping my next bong,,,,hell who cares,if it works it works i say....

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Active member
Hey I think I recognise that greenhouse, you were over at the greenhouse thread on OG. A nice rose garden in the front yard? Yes LST is Low Stress Training. I understand about sticking to rutines being important. I'm just over the top sometimes about organics, that's why I like to grow my own, that way I know what's in there. Cancer and so many other diseases are occuring more often than ever, I know it's got a lot to do with the chemicals they put in our bodys. In the mid 80's 1 in 500,000 people had autism, around the same time they started putting murcury in our vaccinations as a preservative that number jumped to one in 100 something. The government knew what was happening but kept things quiet. Now they allow mercury, arsonic and other toxic wastes to be used as plant fertaliser and pestacide. Our children are at the most risk because their bodys absord much more than ours do because they are still forming.

Peace, SSSSpaceman SSSpliff


yep,that be me,hey i use to work in a fed building(NORAD)oops,,,actually if my life depended on it i would never find area we had to go to work again, in mission veijo back in 80,s,,long story real short,we tore down ASBESTOS in a high classified building,had to sighn a paper of silence at time,many ppl were given death sentance and did not know it at time,then came along research and the company i use to work for,we did so many floors underground and above,my mom is a breast cancer surviver,my grandparents died from cancer as well as my uncle,my other uncle had colen cancer,so my whole family has cancer,but i guarentee the fed building did not help,yes i have roses in front yard as well as a veggy garden now,radishes,corn,maters,squash,and i have cancer as well,,mine is in my thoratic spine(bone)even in USMC i was in places not can be explained with high chem compounds and testing for pop ups and what nots ,,,crazy shit now that i think about why alot of us develope cancer,granted in genes,but genes started somewhere, here my roses and garden today,.the temp is now today in my greenhouse outside.i also neem my roses and soil is same as well as my weed soil.

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Active member
All of your gardens are looking good. One thing I love about growing herb is that it's gotten me back into "regular" gardening, too. I love all of it.

Sorry to hear about your health troubles.


thanks,me being the old way to know what be my trees,i have all female but five,now hard task,which ones do i chuck besides my males,,i have 13 crossed legs,5 open,well after many moons of growing,i know which ones to chuck,,open leg bastards,ill keep the virgin closed leg bitches,wow,i just remembered that quote from a real old friend ,only once did that way prove me wrong unless i read the tree wrong,i had a few more than norm seeds in one of my grows,hell thats the only way i know how to sex or find out bitch or bastard ,i only want 4 maybe 5 trees this yr,that should hold me a yr..last harvest was 3 trees and held me for 6 months or so
Spaceman_Spliff said:
Hey I think I recognise that greenhouse, you were over at the greenhouse thread on OG. A nice rose garden in the front yard? Yes LST is Low Stress Training. I understand about sticking to rutines being important. I'm just over the top sometimes about organics, that's why I like to grow my own, that way I know what's in there. Cancer and so many other diseases are occuring more often than ever, I know it's got a lot to do with the chemicals they put in our bodys. In the mid 80's 1 in 500,000 people had autism, around the same time they started putting murcury in our vaccinations as a preservative that number jumped to one in 100 something. The government knew what was happening but kept things quiet. Now they allow mercury, arsonic and other toxic wastes to be used as plant fertaliser and pestacide. Our children are at the most risk because their bodys absord much more than ours do because they are still forming.

Peace, SSSSpaceman SSSpliff
not to mention the flouride and the thorazine
scary shit


crap man,how can i say differ..you know you are a great gardener when you have this.corn,maters,squash oh and weed.last pic is radishes,tamatoes just popping up and a few more squash,and if ya look at last pic post on 28 and todays,the greenhouse grows are growing like there name(weed)

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greenhouse grow

greenhouse grow

down time brought up more growth time i see,,,not to shabby i say!!they are growing like there name(weed)

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Get two birds stoned at once
That looks very well done indeed, can you take a pic of the outside of the greenhouse so we can see how its constructed beter? Maybe its too revealing but I'd like to see, up to you.