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update greenhouse outdoor



Holy crap!!! :yoinks: Jack man you one crazy guy. looks like its moving along fine. Please let me ask whats in your garden i must have missed it at the front of the thread? Looks like you put lots of love into your flowers and veggies.


baccas125 said:
Holy crap!!! :yoinks: Jack man you one crazy guy. looks like its moving along fine. Please let me ask whats in your garden i must have missed it at the front of the thread? Looks like you put lots of love into your flowers and veggies.
hopefully i explain this short but sweet..at beginning of grow i had pets that have died of heat(rabbit)hamster(old age),,so i buried them in my grow garden, i love my animals and pets,,so all the love i gave my pets are now in soils and area ground and in the roots and plants,i have believes that i just believe in!!!i could of just tossed dead rabbit and hamsters in trash,but no i buried them in my garden,,ok as for what i have there,i am very old school,i just call em weed,,but i should have power plant,durban poisen,grapefruit,euphoria,santa maria cronic,,,,maybe one day i will keep them marked,,but this is all my personel use ,,so i just have no real reason to know which is which( i can see if it was for other ppl)then i would mark em,,then afet even m,arking them i lose markers and should just rite on paper,,i dont even like to rite on paper due to my fred sanford(the grip)arthtites,,,anyway here are some maters ,corn in wait,maters are green now and corn is just starting to cob up,,,



more pics,i broke a stem,so i repaired it using old stem from last yr(hemp)..one pic i can see the eye ball comming from inside trees

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todays pics,,i snapped a branch so i had to repair it..i was tieing down and silence was afoot to listen to that oh no,,sure enough,snap,i went and duk taped it,,and then i just went ahead and fixed a few brances i snaped when i stepped on 4by 4 tie down post..all is looking fine



A+ on the grow. I remember you from the other site ; ) Your shit is looking damn good! I haven't read every post here, mainly looked at the pics, but what about your neighbors =/ You don't freak out about them seeing anything?!

Ponics :chin: :joint:


420ponics said:
A+ on the grow. I remember you from the other site ; ) Your shit is looking damn good! I haven't read every post here, mainly looked at the pics, but what about your neighbors =/ You don't freak out about them seeing anything?!

Ponics :chin: :joint:
no,i lived here for over 30 yrs now at same house,same neighbors on both sides for 30 yrs as well,i have no loud music,traffic,i keep to my basic self and one or 2 main friends,up at sunrise,down at sunset ,,playing by the rules as much as possable at same time not afraid to be a med weed patient,,,smell i never worry about,it for some reason just dont bother my neighbors,,(i do have 4 neighbors on same block that grow and smoke,,and 2 of them dont know i know,cus i can see there back yard from my roof when i get a roof pic of my grow and well i see weed growing,,granted nothing like mine they have just a few reg grown ,not hooked tied,topped,shocked,loved,trained and treated just rite,i think it is so kool that i have neighbors that are quiet like me and we either smoke and grow or grow for someone and they as well i never see attention twards there house,,,,i think cus i lived here so long and i have weed dr,s orders on my front window,narcs have been here before when family members called em on me.one rookie narc wanted to stay and remanise collage yrs ,he was telling me stories on how he use to smoke in collage before comming a cop,,thats nothing,i know paramedics,drs .lehmans lawyers,,a once sheffif who sold and smoked before joining pigs..so im pretty hip and just dont over do anything,,,the only attention i get is online by all the views i get on my grows every yr,,im happy with that,i hope i inspire ppl to grow and dont be scared as long as we dont overdo it,,ther is a dont over do it and we will be fine secret oath,,

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:yoinks: Hey Jack you better be careful or you are going to overgrow your GH. :woohoo: Looks like next year you will have to raise the roof. :yoinks:

You have some beautiful plants my friend. :yummy:



garlic city gro said:
:yoinks: Hey Jack you better be careful or you are going to overgrow your GH. :woohoo: Looks like next year you will have to raise the roof. :yoinks:

You have some beautiful plants my friend. :yummy:

thanks,,well crap as i look at em,shit,how do i do it!!!them ladys are huge..ill just have to pull on my tie downs alittle more,,next yr ill dig down a few feet,heck i dont need the whole town seeing mine,,altho i am really not to worried if they do,well here are a few pics where i tried a little something,,i had at one time six plants here,,then i noticed they were not growing like my monsters,,i pulled 5 and left one,that one is just is huge as like there was the original 6,,and im posative i am getting more if not same as if 6 were still here,,,,,i just had to pull 5 to grow one to prove to me i know what i am doing for sure!!!!!top pic is 5 at start of grow,,second pic is one now..same area,i just saved the best grower and well no more fighting for light and root growth for 6,,just one will grow with lots of room



one in the chamber
those are huge dude! :) i wish i could just grow out in the open like that! they're gonna reek to high heaven!