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Under the great UK Sun 2011!


I keep saying it
"Rabbits dont like Ferret shit"
nor do small deer. It stinks, lasts for a long time. leave a little pile of the straw used in the ferret hutches. Ferrets shit down one end of the hutch, make sure you get it from there, the good stuff will make your eyes water.


This is the frame for my bunny/mice/bird and (hopefully) snail proof seedling starter box.
Lightweight cloth of polypropylene fibre which can be laid over a wide variety of crops protecting against frost as well as insect and bird damage. Air water and light can penetrate easily creating a perfect micro-climate to encourage strong growth. Easy to use and lasts for several seasons handled carefully. An effective barrier against cabbage root fly, flea beetle and aphids, and significantly extends your growing season.

Here she is finished, pain in the arse lol... ill probably do something similiar next year but with 2 litre coke bottles, with slits cut out for air and some of the poly cloth wrapped around to stop slugs/snails from getting in and just direct plant in the hole, save transplant stress.

card board pots lol cheap bastard, but i think it has potential for a bio degradable design the pot can be used as mulch afterwards... leaving as little waste behind as possible
.... the bottom half of medium is a nice light 3 way blend of perlite, local forest peat/leaf mold, b&q compost.

The top half gets some plant magic (good advertisment pic )

soaked the seeds thursday night, over 50% popped out a seed length tail by saturday morning... i dont bother with that paper towel method, the amber bottle makes a nice stealth seed carrier.

This plot has been b@stard to say the least, each hole takes over 25litres x 24, thats 24 visits to the local woodland and back through spikes and crawling through tunnels... but its stealth and i feel safe here, which is most important to me.... almost done, once shes prepared i can use it year after year.


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Big Eggy

Active member
Big Hello to you all,

I've not been around here for a good few years.. used to do indoor micro grows and a balcony grow each year, have since moved house with a nice big garden.

Would have been fairly suscessful last year but had a row with the Mrs about the plants and tore them up in a fit of rage : (

this year i'm standing my ground and (on a smaller scale):

5 White Widow (Femed) just popped up.. these seeds were from a clone i used to grow indoors about 5 years ago.. never had any problems with it herming except once when a friend opened the door during lights out. Ended up with one male flower which made these seeds, not sure how it'll do outdoors as it was a 10 weeker indoors but a loverly plant with really dark shiny leaves (fingers crossed)

The other strain i will be growing is Kosen Rufu (cripple creek x vietnam black F2 x petrolia headstash) this was given to me by a friend on here a few years back.. never grew it indoors but had big sucsess on the old balcony, has two phenos green and purple. i've only got the one to germ as the seeds are fairly old.. will be doing a few more in the next few days.

Only plan on keeping the best two female's and growing them on in turned out 60litre compost bags with a mixture of John innes No2, Multi Purporse Compost & Sand with a little FBB.

Any how good luck to all.. i'll post pics in a month or so when things are coming along.



You always put a lot of energy into your plots H,good luck this coming season.


Active member
You guys & gals? getting the best of it weather wise ? . Someone else mentioned on another thread about putting their mj plants out uk already . I know it`s tempting & you may just get away with it as this is one of the hottest spells for april we have had but i have a feeling it may bite you in the arse yet .
Most of my seeds for this season went in soak today , mainly autos/nr autos as i`m field trialing some new HFH x`s & a few of my own from previous grows so we`ll see how this season goes .
You gotta admit that when the sun comes out so doe`s the skirt . Crossing the road today & sat outside the pub was this lovely long legged brunette with a very short skirt & a lot of leg & unfortunately for her she was showing a lot of gusset & it was kinda winking at me but this is what i don`t understand , steaming hot weather & she`s wearing brown fur knickers . ?????


Well-known member
Lol Badger...I know what you mean.....bit sun and theres fanny everywhere. Just smoking a few bongs then off to walk the dog. Lovin the sun in the Midlands.

I'll be in the garden later, got a few spots to grow a few plants.


You gotta admit that when the sun comes out so doe`s the skirt . Crossing the road today & sat outside the pub was this lovely long legged brunette with a very short skirt & a lot of leg & unfortunately for her she was showing a lot of gusset & it was kinda winking at me but this is what i don`t understand , steaming hot weather & she`s wearing brown fur knickers . ?????


here are my plants now into there 3rd week. Going to take some of these out this back hol monday to 2 of the sites, then i can start the next batch of seeds! Left is danish gold, right, hash plant 2. I overwated them when they were young, and as a result some of them pretty much slowwed rite down to a halt. so im just gona plant them in backyard see what happens... who knows mayb they make a recovery!

My next batch of seeds will be 10x sams skunk/haze x mixed, 6 nirvana papaya ( 5 years old so if they crack!) 1 more DG and HP2 seed i have left, 4 original lowryder seeds i got to try make some seeds, and not sure on this but i have some of sams skunk #1 seeds. But not sure if they be any good outdoors? what you think? also i have some old bubblicious seeds will these work outdoors? Hope every 1 else is enjoyin this gr8 weather!


Hashplant 2

Danish Gold


i got back 2day from a 2 nights away, walked in the room and it stunk! a couple of really smelly ones in there! so they def need to go out this weekend! Just started germinating 10 sk1/haze x mixed, 2 more HFH seeds, 6 papaya, and 4 lowryder. i have room for atleast 2 more seeds, mayb more if some of these seeds dont crack, so seeds i have left are skunk#1 or bubblicious. Which could work outdoors tho?


they seem to look strong enough even for bigger frost!

i put mine 3 wks ago and nite after there was -2 at the ground lvl. Just few frost bites and all is great!

Good Luck!


cool, good to kno they can take it. I went looking at a potential new site today. I found 3 small plant pots in the middle of a field of stingers, a large tray (possibly snail trap) and i ripped peice of news paper, no date but and article read "in between jun and july 2010". So i may have stubbled upon some 1 elses spot from last year?! Any way i found a few good places nearby for myself.


5 gg2 x outdoor grapefruit popped up within a few days :) i dont see a sapling i see green gold on a stick lol


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rocket high

Active member
i went and dug a few holes today :biggrin: as the weather was exceptional i thought the ground was fine but after the first foot i hit clay mixed with sand stone ... not good but the site is so good im just going to persevere i also found a new site that looks nice and windy. its also high so when the dew comes they wont be sitting in it, at dusk and dawn.

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planted 9 plants at one site last nite, not so much fun in pitch black. so got up early to do another this morning.

got there around 5.15 sun was rising, took the spade to 1st spot went to dig, and i couldnt! the ground was solid. So i fort instead of walking all the way to my other spots, (about 5 min walk from where i was), with the plants and fencing, id just go with the spade 1st to see if the ground was ok there.

Well it was fine so i spent 30 mins diggin holes went back to car, got my holdal bag with plants in, and carried chicken wire roll under my arm. Any way was about 6.15 now and light. I had to walk down a public footpath that cuts through a field in a straight line, i could see no 1 was comin so i went. BUT as i got the the stepping fence to enter the valley, i saw a man stood there with his back to me! i quietly turned right to walk up the edge of the field, then panic set in and i started to run! i found a gap in the hedgeline and hid in it, then as i saw him start walkin down the path with his dog, i climb the fence into the valley. I layed down and watched him, as i did this i leant on a stick and snapped it! he started looking round, but he did not stop walkin...

Any way got my heart racing, he probably heard me run, not sure if he saw me as it wasnt fully light, but it had to be done as i duno what id say my excuse for having a role of green chicken wire would be lol!

Hope he didnt expect anything, as he would of walked past my car...


New member
Alright guys, I posted a few pages ago under the name sprocket, i'm just settling in here and decided to take the name Singto instead.

Everyone's busy i see which is good. I made the most of the royal wedding bank holiday on Friday(escaped the wedding fever!) and planted out my first run. Its early i know but these are all freebee indoor hybrids, just wanted to get them out of the way before the real season starts. I originally planned to plant on 4/20 but i thought i should acclimatise them a bit so delayed until the bankholiday. To be fair it took me ages to get them in, i really need to speed up or plan ahead, like making the cages up a couple of days ahead of time so i can quickly nip in and out.

They were soaked on April 1st and popped through the soil by the 3rd, grown inside until the 20th, put in the garden for a week and stretched like mad and then planted on the 29th.

Good luck guys, im getting that buzzi feeling when i think about the summer ahead... !!!!



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