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Uncle Meaty's Cave


Happy New Year..to You and Yours
May all your Buds be Fat ones
Speed and Safety for 2010

Well my buds are fat, that's for sure!

:listen2: Monica is the one on the left. She is leaning on the everlasting arms. Bless her for holding that much weight! But her sister next to her, Jasmine, smells wonderful. Started flushing today. A couple weeks to go and I will be a happy man :D


Man.....no..no..no..don't tell me you give them names...
:bigeye: :bigeye: :bigeye:
You are playing with bagseed..so..you just have to pollenate a bud on the next ones.
Then you can Name them permanantly..
"Uncle Meatys Marvelous Medical Marijuana Monica" sort of trips off the tongue...:tongue:
you could shorten it to Ummmmm....:smokeit:

I name the Cross when I know what I want out of them.
Every name has a face/standard that I want out of the hybrid..
I swear they perform better when they are "Legitimate"...:biglaugh::biglaugh:

I am trying to think of a dramatic one for the new one.
Black DC/ALF just doesn't have a ring to it..:nono:
first thoughts were the Queen of Spades..Black Bess..Nightshade..
but I will dwell on it a while..nowt has grabbed me up to now..
special plant..special name..:chin:

Jasmine, smells wonderful
Yup..Jazz..for a one that smells great is descriptive..
I had a night smelling plant on the patio this year..
La Bella Noche..(sp)
Wasn't keen on the plant..but Lady of the Night is a great name..I'm sure I will use it somewhere. :muahaha:

You had a test bud off yet...or are you saving yourself..:drum:


Man.....no..no..no..don't tell me you give them names...

You had a test bud off yet...or are you saving yourself..:drum:

Haha yes I do give them names. I need to be careful though to not get too attached. But the more you're attached to them the better they preform. Kinda like sex :biglaugh:

No test bud yet. I want to see the final yield in its entirety.

Looking Good There Meaty, Have A great year and Keep up the Good Work Bud

Thanks IGYB! Happy New Year to you also. Hope 2010 is a green one for all.


Thanks IGYB! I saw your pics in the FLA thread. They look good man :yes:

This cold weather sucks big time! If it is going to be like this all winter I think I might just loose it! Al gore can take that global warming and stick it up his ass!

Tks Meaty

Tks Meaty

OK I thought you needed to see my girls Again :dance013: Lord I love Growing, And My Medijuana Are Mothers Now And Im Wating To See Whitch Ones Are Girls. But I Have Lots Of Clones From Them And Am Ready To Go Big With Them Lets get this State Going Big Green For Sure


Looking good brother!

Someone on here has a quote in their signature that says "marijuana doesn't lead to harder drugs, it leads to gardening" haha so true :D
Im All Sticky Fingers

Im All Sticky Fingers

I cut these 2 Girls yesterday

These were my two sick girls but they Finished up OK, Very Fat And Sticky Yeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaa I Love Growing:dance013:


Hey guys it's been awhile since an update! Uncle Meaty's health has not been too good lately. So lets get the dust off this thread.

Nice harvest there IGYB. I had a familiar site over this weekend too. I harvested my babies. I am very pleased with them.

They have been drying for 6 days now and I had a little taste test yesterday. I was kind of disappointed when the bud crackled when lit (been told thats due to excess nitrogen) but holy moly this weed is mind bending!! I mean like hallucinogenic. You can hear the birds tweeting in your head. No wonder why they call it a buzz :biglaugh:

I will get some pics up and final weight sometime in the near future. I also want to do a cured smoke report later on.

Take care :wave:

Sorry to here you have been down but its good to see you back and Glad to here you had a good Pull. I got 16 Grams of Boo's ISO of the trim and Am very happy with the Bud so far.

Keep it green and Be Safe out there


Mmm that ISO sounds good. I plan on making some with my trim. From what I have heard, that stuff really knocks you out!


The time is finally here :woohoo:

I have beat my old records by a landslide. My first broken record is yield from a single plant: from 1.3 oz to 2.1 oz!

The second is the total yield: 4 oz! I got a quarter pound from 2 plants 12/12 from seed. I am very pleased!

My pictures don't do these babies justice. When they are under the fluorescent house lights the color is delicious! Very light/soft green with hues of purple and red hairs!


Guest 18340

Congrats on your harvest Meaty. Nothing beats growing your own.
Enjoy bro, you earned it:joint:


Looks nice Meaty injoy your spoils................is that bag seed? the bag seed i grew out seems to have that same look with the mad red hairs.

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