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Uncle Meaty's Cave


Greetings everyone :wave:

I have recently made the switch from pre-fertilized compost (Miracle Gro) to an organic medium. In my opinion, MG is not bad soil. Just tough to flush all the chemicals out and get a decent end product.

So I finally got off my ass and got organic goodies. The soil mix I am using is:
60% Potting Soil (FFOF)
20% Earthworm Castings
20% Perlite
Dolomite Lime @ 2 tbs per gallon

All this hype about organics got me excited so I decided I'm gonna make a thread for this round.

I will be growing these bagseeds that I've had for a couple years. Got a good bag of weed and kept all the seeds. They made for a good smoke when grown in the MG, now lets make it a great smoke with organic medium!

Also I grow 12/12 from seed due to height restrictions. 400 watt hps.

Enough chit-chat where's the pics?!

Here they are at 8 days

And here they are at 14 days

From here on out I will just be giving them water unless I see some yellowing.

Here's the fert I bought

Pull up a chair everyone, this looks promising:joint:


Hey Meaty M8...about bloody time....:jump:

Ha ha..I've pulled up a chair and put my slippers on..I'm in for the Long Haul.

I had to nip up to the top of the thread to see where you had posted..or I would never find me way back...

For 14 days they are looking very nice girls.
I Love a bit bag seed every now and then..gives you something to look forward to trying to figure out what you have.

I'm putting my Euro's worth in now...
I'm saying that you are gonna get Much better growth on these than you ever had
with MG.
If I am Wrong..I'll chuck that Euro into the first charity box I see...
You on...?
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Pullin up mine meaty. Itll be nice to see what you get from your bag seed. I always save seeds if i find them in good smoke. You never know what you'll get out of them...


Thanks for stopping by guys! I know what to expect out of these seeds, nice nuggets with a big donkey dick at the top. We shall see what I get though.

Here's a pic of the last run, same seeds, but with MG

I'm putting my Euro's worth in now...
I'm saying that you are gonna get Much better growth on these than you ever had
with MG.
If I am Wrong..I'll chuck that Euro into the first charity box I see...
You on...?

Haha sign me up. I'm sure they will preform better too. But Il toss 5 bucks in the pot :D

Guest 88950

meaty, lookin good. thx for the pick on your nutes i do better at remembering if i see a pic.

ive got some bag seed that sprouted and now i have to go get some lights for them then make a small veg chamber. anyway im excited to see them grow.

judas cohen

Active member
KISS at its finest! Really like the simplicity and ratios of your grow medium. Excellent choice of ferts. Don't think you'll have any problems, judging by your MG results.

I like to add a tsp of molasses/gal of water when I feed with AK fish 5-1-1 and 1-0-4 kelp concentrate which is similar to your Neptunes Harvest. Not only does it reduce the fish smell, it excites the microbes in the EWC I added to my Ocean Forest + perlite.

Gonna use some of your extra EWC for an occasional shot of EWC tea, or better yet, foliar spray? Maybe once or twice in the first month. Would also work well with your Neptune Harvest feeding. Just a thought....

Looking forward to following your grow to successful completion. For only 5 ingredients, you've sure got the bases covered. And talk about simple...LOL

What's the pH of your tapwater? If it's above 8, I have a suggestion. IME, pH is no biggie in organics. (Except the oyster shell in the fresh OF + DL + excessive Ca in your tapwater when plain watering, but not feeding with Neptunes pH down effect, caught my attention.)

I don't think it will be a problem, just a place to look first if things start to get weird down the road. I noticed the excess Ca in your Lime Thread. As you know, dolomite is ~20% Ca & 10% Mg. That's what you put in your OF mix...?

Be Happy/Grow Safely

cyber echo

*pulls a chair*
Goodluck on the grow meaty.
Im growing a bagseed myself, only one, so fingers crossed. The bag I took it out of was mostly seedless, with one seed embedded in a giant frosty bud. I'm hoping its a hermi(fem) seed.

I've been using cocopeat for a while. its great, no defficiency problems at all, and the plant is growing like hell. I just found soil to be not worth the trouble. I'm keeping it simple and hand watering like one would do with soil. Using MG tomato ferts. Plant seems to love it.


meaty, lookin good. thx for the pick on your nutes i do better at remembering if i see a pic.

ive got some bag seed that sprouted and now i have to go get some lights for them then make a small veg chamber. anyway im excited to see them grow.

No prob SSH. Il keep my eye out in the FLA thread for yours.

What's the pH of your tapwater? If it's above 8, I have a suggestion. IME, pH is no biggie in organics. (Except the oyster shell in the fresh OF + DL + excessive Ca in your tapwater when plain watering, but not feeding with Neptunes pH down effect, caught my attention.)

Thanks for the kind words! I'm watering with bottled water (yes I spoil these ones like Paris Hilton spoils her chiwawa) So my guess is ~7 pH. I am not that worried about it though as they seem to be enjoying it.

nice i am thinking about doing the same thing meaty :D

but for out door of course :D

Hey shroomy thanks for stoppin by! You gonna be runnin organics outdoors aye?

pulling up a chair meaty whats the flowering time on your bag seed?

Hiya barnyard. The flowering time on this particular strain is about 8 weeks.

Nice looking 14 day old plants!

Thanks Kermit. I am surprised how big they are too.

*pulls a chair*
Goodluck on the grow meaty.
Im growing a bagseed myself, only one, so fingers crossed.....Using MG tomato ferts. Plant seems to love it.

Cheers cyber! Fingers crossed on your baby. Just be careful with the MG tomato ferts. Low doses. And make sure you flush for at least 2 weeks with it. Otherwise you're gonna get the bud that snaps crackles and pops when ya smoke it :biglaugh:

On a side note, one of the plants is definitely a male :wallbash:

Lets pray that the other will be female :grouphug:

I wish I was in a medical friendly area where I could get some cuts:chin:


Never seen that Fert before but FISH and SEAWEED, CAN'T go wrong! Looking forward to the results.

Guest 88950

Meaty, im with ya. if fla changes its laws then we will have collectives where we can get cuts.
Meaty im so dissapointed for you man...im sorry to hear about the males but i guess you win some and ya lose some...im sure the next run will turn out some females for you...good luck bro :yoinks:


Meaty, im with ya. if fla changes its laws then we will have collectives where we can get cuts.

I hope I live to see that. All the stuff in California is what we need over here!

Meaty im so dissapointed for you man...im sorry to hear about the males but i guess you win some and ya lose some...im sure the next run will turn out some females for you...good luck bro :yoinks:

Thanks Drew. That's just the way she goes. How are your babies?

turn that frown upside down and just drop some beans cuz :)

That's the spirit! Cheers shroomy :friends:

On a good note, These were the biggest 16 day old plants that I've ever grown. So this compost is the bees knees!

Got 2 new ones germing now, stay tuned :D


2 males!!! thats the craps bro!
What strains you go to put in there anyway?
sorry to hear that meaty I had about six bag seed on my previous grow and all of them where males I keep a few around just to play with breeding just to see how i make out

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