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Uncle Meaty's Cave


there moving along nice. did you take any clones from the 2 girls or do you prefer going from seed?

get stuffed and get high :joint:

Thanks SSH. I did not take clones, never have due to the 12/12 method I use. definitely got stuffed and high on thanksgiving. I haven't been that full all year!

On a side note, I can see them starting to put on weight, right on target going into the 3rd week.

Guest 88950

right on bro, keep it green.

theres excitment in not knowing what strain / pheno you have and see it develop.


right on bro, keep it green.

theres excitment in not knowing what strain / pheno you have and see it develop.

You got that right. So far the sativa one has bigger buds but it is very sensitive to anything. The indica is taking everything I've thrown at her. But the indica also had about 8-10 nanners on her.

I have grown these seeds out before and only saw this indica pheno 1 time and she was bomb :smokeit:

I shall say I do love this compost/nutes that I am using :D


Time for an update! Can ya believe it's December :eggnog:

My babies have stopped stretching now and all the growth is going straight to the buds. I am hoping for a decent yield with them. Here they are at 3 weeks flowering. FYI the indica pheno on the right is a few days behind.

Questions and comments always welcome :thanks:

Guest 88950

nice pics bro.

i got lucky with my bag Sativa b/c it never hermied on me and i stressed it to the max. i had light leak problems, i lst'd during flower to maintain my canopy, too much N and ph issues.

all i got going now is bag Indicas and so far 100% success with cloning, 6 for 6.

this Sativa im tokin now was cut early but killed my spasms for 2-3 hrs after smoking, smooth smoke also. i cut my other Sativa today and i cant wait to compare the two since they were cloned from the same mom.

looks like theres going to be a GREEN Christmas.


mmmm...mmm...mmmm....Uncle Meaty...

what a Wonderous sight...:window:

your little stash pots will be full to bursting shortly my m8. :tree:


:listen2: Psssstttt...




nice pics bro.

i got lucky with my bag Sativa b/c it never hermied on me and i stressed it to the max. i had light leak problems, i lst'd during flower to maintain my canopy, too much N and ph issues.

all i got going now is bag Indicas and so far 100% success with cloning, 6 for 6.

this Sativa im tokin now was cut early but killed my spasms for 2-3 hrs after smoking, smooth smoke also. i cut my other Sativa today and i cant wait to compare the two since they were cloned from the same mom.

looks like theres going to be a GREEN Christmas.

It shall be green indeed. These won't be ready until after Christmas though. I have also heard that taking sativas early will have a nice 'up' effect. I am gonna let these go about 8-9 weeks though.

mmmm...mmm...mmmm....Uncle Meaty...

what a Wonderous sight...:window:

your little stash pots will be full to bursting shortly my m8. :tree:


:listen2: Psssstttt...

Mossy! good to see you're back! Thats really neat that you got your logo on a shirt! Looks like you're gonna be a big timer with the Jems :D

I will have pics up tonight after the lights go out. It's been a couple of weeks.

I have found a flaw with this soil mix. I should have left out the lime. It caused lockout which led to calcium/magnesium and nitrogen problems. No big deal though as the buds are looking great :woohoo:


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Lookin great meaty....should have a nice harvest on your hands bro...keep up the great work......peace


Looking Ok Meaty,

How old are the girls now and whats the strain

Thanks IGYB. The girls are 8 weeks old and week 5 of flowering. And they're bagseed. I have grown this seed before and I call it "Le Pew" Like the skunk from the loony tunes. Only because of the skunky and perfumey smell and taste.

Lookin great meaty....should have a nice harvest on your hands bro...keep up the great work......peace

Thanks Spicoli! I cannot wait to harvest these babies either. Gonna be a loooong winter :biglaugh:

Guest 88950

meaty, the girls are moving along nice. looks like some pretty decent size buds.

i dont know that i want to do any more sativa dom plants for a while. gotta build up my medical stash before doing any more sativas.


meaty, the girls are moving along nice. looks like some pretty decent size buds.

i dont know that i want to do any more sativa dom plants for a while. gotta build up my medical stash before doing any more sativas.

You bet SSH, these babies are getting fatter everyday! I am very excited. Not about the trimming though :pointlaug But then again I dont have hundreds of plants to do!

I feel ya on the sativa's. I am looking for good indicas. The pheno on the right showed indica traits when she was younger. We shall see the difference in the smoke.

come on meaty hit us up with an update already cuzy....:D

Ye ask and ye shall receive :gift:

Here they are at 6 weeks flowering

I should also mention that the camera doesn't do these buds justice. They are very nice in person. A few more weeks and we'll be cookin :D

Merry Christmas to everyone out there :santa1:


I should also mention that the camera doesn't do these buds justice. They are very nice in person. A few more weeks and we'll be cookin
WISH I could see them in person..and Sniff....:pie:

They are looking DELISH..:yummy:

Merry Christmas Uncle Meaty....
kind thoughts sent to You and Yours..:santa1:

How are the cats doing..?


Mossy :wave:

Good to see ya. Hope you all are having good holidays.

My cats are good. One of them is just going nuts with the plants this far into bloom, wants to just eat the plants all day :biglaugh:

I must say it's been unusually COLD over here. I don't like it one bit! We should throw some money in the pot and buy an island in the caribbean to spend winter and grow canna on :smokeit:

It's fun to dream :D Picture update coming Thursday.


One of them is just going nuts with the plants this far into bloom, wants to just eat the plants all day

:yoinks:...aaiiee..devil Cat alert...:sasmokin:

I can just imagine your face if you walk in one day and the cat has stripped your girls..
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

Here kitty..kitty...:kitty:...... :elf:

I must say it's been unusually COLD over here. I don't like it one bit!
You and me both m8..we are in the longest coldest dank patch since we got here.
We get cold here..but it is normally bright..so you don't mind so much..but it has been damp and dark and miserable as well.
Hope it passes soon.

Happy New Year..to You and Yours
May all your Buds be Fat ones
Speed and Safety for 2010