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UN wants new global currency to replace dollar


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Fuck the UN.


Devil's Advocate
overall....it would definitely be advantageous to most all of us to be able to buy, or sell whatever in ONE CURRENCY......

...I'm sick of giving funds to money changers and banks all over this planet, just so that they can change a pound, a yen, a dollar, a peso, a franc, a euro, a ringgit, a kroner, a ruble, a shekel, a dong, a baht, a rand, a bolivar,a rial, a leke, a dinar, a schilling, a taka, a Yuan renminbi, a won, a kwatcha, a dirham or a rupee/rupiah and a multitude of other currencies into the currency I can actually spend.......meanwhile the banks and the money changers are all taxing you a percentage of what you NEED to change up.....

It's a little deeper than losing money to money changers, Gypsy, but your point has been made, and you're surely right. This is especially evident to some one like you who has to do this constantly. Have you ever tallied this amount up that you spend yearly on these charges? I'm sure you'd be interested to see the % of your yearly earnings that go to this...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It's a little deeper than losing money to money changers, Gypsy, but your point has been made, and you're surely right.

Well..... I look at it as how it effect's me......how is effects us too....this planet needs to trade and people need to travel for trade or leisure.....right now most people stay in one country and don't venture out much really, maybe more than they ever did in human history?..... but the future of this planet must be to get away from the ancient ideas/ideals of nationalism and protectionism and head for a more global understanding that we all bleed and that we are all humans on this planet that need to co-exhist in a free global market economy together.....and to do this properly and efficiently we need to do this peacefully and with just one currency.....if we had just one global economy.....and not hundreds of national economies, no one would have to starve or fight....or fight because they were starving....

*is that deep enough for ya?


Devil's Advocate
but the future of this planet must be to get away from the ancient ideas/ideals of nationalism and protectionism and head for a more global understanding that we all bleed and that we are all humans on this planet that need to co-exhist in a free global market economy.....and to do this properly and efficiently we need to do this peacefully and with just one currency.....if we had just one global economy.....and not hundreds of national economies, no one would have to starve or fight....

Cha ching!
Man, I'm on board with that comment, for sure.
Well listen, you are a facilitator of the global trade (of ideas and goods) and for that I offer a warm, "thank you," from all of us here at IC. Hey BTW, do you have a suggestion for backing for this global currency? This is what matters, and I'm interested in your take.

But this is the truth. I think about what you said above all the time. People are still locked into nationalist ideas, and it's not getting us anywhere. But what would you expect after only a few decades of really cheap long distance transport. We are still a civilization in its infancy, in many ways... Let's get the ball rolling!

Thanks again. Peace

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The current problem of civilization is how to evolve without blowing us all to smithereens.....so many corporations and rich industrialists have a huge stake in progressing this world to our absolute destruction it seems.....they constantly engineer plans that make us feel good one minute and the next we fall into recessions and look to point the finger of blame towards whom?.....do we really know who is pulling the strings of the puppets that we see every day on the news?

.....They pit nations against religions and religions against nations and the blood that is spilt they say is from 'Heroes'.....lol.....all the while they are making coin from our de-evolution.....

As for backing this global currency......why do we need to back it?......if it could not be counterfeited and there was only so much of it then that would create its value no?..naturally there could as always be some attempts at corruption but if this world thought as one nation that could easily be rectified.....
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The Hopeful Protagonist
The problem with one, universal monetary unit/currency is that it won't be valued the same in all countries.

In other words, in one country it may get you a pound of tea, and in another it may only get you an ounce (no pun intended)

Sure, it will make exchange convenient, but I still don't see the benefit beyond that.

There will still be governments paying their people the equivalent of .07 cents(just under a new name) a day i.e. unfair trade advantages based on human rights violations.
If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash, or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless situation is almost incredible -- but there it is.

Robert Hemphill

It is well enough that people or the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system for it they did, I believe that there would be a revolution before morning.

Henry Ford

The prevailing monetary policies of the Fed determine whether money is easy or tight, that is, whether the monetization of government debt will be sufficient to provide private borrowers with the amounts of money needed to pay what they owe to the banks, or whether it will fall short. These actions by the Fed are largely responsible for the business cycle and periodic rounds of inflation and recession. Through the various mechanisms under its control—interest rates on loans it makes to banks, purchase or sale of government securities, and setting bank reserve requirements—the Fed has the power to decide whose interests will be favored and whose will be harmed.

Thomas Greco.

If the federal reserve and IMF are as bad as these quotes and many many others represent than a One world currency ends up causing more pain than good. The system of currency is flawed, not the currency itself, making new fiat currency will just continue the problems of the old fiat currency.

Also Watch : argentina economic collapse, and you see what good the IMF and their money does.

IMF and a one world currency is bad, and its bad because it will give them more control over more people...

10% of the richest people on the planet own 80% of its wealth, they have none of our interests at heart, and the fed/imf are owned by private stockholders.


all praises are due to the Most High
Alex Jones is indeed an ass-hat.

and the U.N is indeed without authority to make this happen either.

and for the very reasons Gypsy has posted why it would be good for the common joe to have a global currency, is the same exact reason why there won't be one.

with global currency you cannot lock-down a country like venezuela the way it has been locked-down for 10 years now, and may I ask who is reaping the benefits?



Devil's Advocate
There will still be governments paying their people the equivalent of .07 cents(just under a new name) a day i.e. unfair trade advantages based on human rights violations.

A couple things. Governments don't pay these people, organizations do. Also, in a lot of (maybe most) cases, these people being paid so little in relation to your pay is actually a whole lot better than they were before. It may sound crazy, but you might try asking them. Also, the conditions of these people are getting better due to the loud voices of people like you and me who try to wake folks up to it! What might sound like a human rights violation to you might be an opportunity to grow for someone else. Even in this country, we have varying levels of standard of living (and working) among geographic areas and occupations. It's all relative, ya know?

Also, there is a lot of study to be done on a global gold standard.
Paz, it's great to see you outside of our other realm of discussion! haha
"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies … If the American people ever allow the private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816.
All those in favor of one world currency, are you also lining up to get chipped? That right RFT chips imbedded in your body, tracked 24/7, the first family had them put in a few weeks ago. Get ready sheeple, if you welcome the NWO and one world currency, next is one world government with all citizens chipped and controlled like lab rats, WAKE UP PEOPLE, this realty is disturbingly progressing around all of us


Listen to me jerky
I wasn't trying to rip on ya at all, I was blown away when I first saw the CC edition of monopoly and quote it and talk about it anytime someone mentions the money or game.

No offense taken at all. A cc monopoly doesn't sound like much fun at all. How are you supposed to distract people while you are play to "barrow" some money from them without their knowledge?? Pppfffttt credit cards.

I have on the other hand solved the problem for all of mankind. Take all of your money and put it in a envelope. Address said envelope to me and send it on it's way. Once I have received it I will issue you the top secret? Rizzo which is worth more than any current currency. I will be excepted anywhere on the planet. All for free too.

Now all I gotta fix is that word peace thing. . . . . Maybe after lunch.

Gypsy-Since you have so many currencies to deal with just throw in a bunch of seeds and I'll give you a big bonus.

Ps-I accept paypal as well :)


Devil's Advocate
Rizzo, that sounds like a good deal. If I send you the loot, will you change your avatar? It's terrifying! LOL


The Hopeful Protagonist
Totally unrelated post incoming:

I am related to the late great Frank Rizzo

End unrelated post:


Cork: Why are you wholly against a world currency without even considering the possible merits of one? There are many ways to implement this. I have the same fears as you, and probably more, about such a system, but I (and it seems GreenBastard does too) think there is a way to make it work. Maybe more than one.
Is it obvious that this is an important topic to me? LOL

because humans are inheritly evil, a single currency would catch the eye of some evil powerfull person, who will want to be the "owner" of that world currency.

cba a one man ruled world.


Devil's Advocate
Yikes. It's sad that you think that humans are inherently evil.
What leads you to believe that humans are inherently evil?
I have a feeling that I know where you got that idea...
Also, what do you mean by the person would claim to own it? That just doesn't compute over here.
"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies … If the American people ever allow the private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was the beginning of the end for The United States of America.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was the beginning of the end for The United States of America.

I agree, and it never would have happened if we didn't have a national bank to begin with.Thomas Jefferson (one of my favorite presidents, him and madison) was greatly opposed to it (was also opposed to the duopoly we call bi-partisanship, though that is another issue) having an independant entitty running our banks is ridiculous.