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The Obama camp responds to MMJ

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cain23456 said:
you know what, you can't vote so it doesn't matter what you think. either vote or shut up.

I helped send BUSH over the top last time! LOL -

I'll tell you what, I will vote, and I also will certainly not shut up.

Obama is history, just wait until the debates. The community organizer is completely lost without prepared questions or a manuscript to follow, he's an idiot. Hopefully none of the questions are above his pay grade, LOL. Poor fellow........

:joint: :wave:


Domesticator of Cannabis
cain23456 said:
you don't know crap about palin. what we do know is that she abuses her power, she wanted to separte from the u.s., and her daughter got knocked up. how is the helping the cause? mccain is not the same mccain of old sorry. how is he helping the cause? mccain is for helping the sick. forget you or me wanting to smoke for our own reasons.
you know what, you can't vote so it doesn't matter what you think. either vote or shut up.

We're not here to discuss teenage pregnancies like when Obama's mom got knocked up. From what I've heard about Sarah, she's the ticket. Abusing power, like when she went after her own party or are you talking something unsubstantiated. Sarah sold that luxury jet, now that's change you can jingle. OK I'm voting now.
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cain, for once i agree with demonrats. joe biden was right. the white house is no place for on the job training. i even agree with hillary that you want someone who will be ready to answer that phone call at 3 am. attacking her family is foul. shes been bucking the good old boys for days. did you see the speech last night? more people watched it than obamas. there is only a 4 point gap in the polls which always leans left . usually dems are up by 10 to 12% at this point. obama put the last nail in his coffin by not picking hillary. i dont want a health care system like canada or europe. my friends mom had to wait 2 and 1/2 years for her hip replacement up there. increasing taxes is a bad idea, even for business owners. the more they get taxed, the less hiring they will do. your right, the economy is one of the big issues, but national security is above health care imo. personally i cant stand the communist news network(cnn), pmsnbc or alot of the other main stream, drive by media who have been in the tank for obama.the coverage is so biased. as far as legalization niether will do shit :beat-dead. so that wont dictate my vote. other issues will. obama will take your guns, then you cant do shit period. ps. obama is taking public finance now, after he said he wouldnt. even though mccain is far from perfect, we have a long history of his record we can look to. obama doesnt. btw, bush isnt running this election, and all politicians vote together 90% of the time. ie. honoring the new giants. :rasta: after i vote, ill blaze one up like big h3rb :rasta:


The truth is that this race hasn't even begun yet. Wait until the smears really start from both sides. Debates start late Sept. Biden will surely extort Palin's lack of foreign policy experience. Palin and McCain will surely spin this back and pin the inexperience on Obama. McCain will surely bring up his war experience countless times in the debates. Obama is going to have the environment on his side, which republicans seemed to have forgotten all about. "Drill baby Drill" lol. McCain and Obama will both have to convey their health care plans. McCain wants to give tax credits to help pay for health care. Obama wants universal health care. Both are good ideas but I dont know the details of either plan which is probably why they sound good lol. Both sides will definitely have their "talking points" fine tuned and ready to attack. Either way, I know we can all hope that our country can get off foreign oil whether it be from more drilling or renewable resources. We can all hope that our country gets these housing foreclosures under control and gives the housing market a good kickstart in the butt. And I KNOW we can all hope that the entire world becomes privy to the miracle plant that can end this cancer epidemic all over the world. mmmm Rick Simpson for president lol

*oh and yes, like h3rbtr3e and rightwingblazer I will be blazing a fatazz TommyChong J after I vote (maybe one before too if there is a long line)
"I gotta joint here Ive been saving for a special occasion" :joint:
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Palin is no saint or this huge reformer. she is just a tool to high light obama's lack of experience and what a good move it was. i wanted ridge myself but the pro lifers were not going to have it. Obama and Palin are like conjoined twins you cant talk about ones lack of experience without thinking of the other. brilliant!!! and i am a democrat. my party sucks at picking candidates. i really do not think they want Obama to win they would have a better chance to win more congressional and senate seats if McCain wins. if Palin was as great as republicans are trying to make her out to be you would have heard about her in the washington circuit a long time ago.


Eugene Oregon
Well that response is a thing they have on a list they copy and paste already for you to hear but then he gets elected, and he doesnt go through you watch.
And I have a bad feeling for a first black president..
Assassination could be an issue.


Domesticator of Cannabis
HerbGlaze said:
Well that response is a thing they have on a list they copy and paste already for you to hear but then he gets elected, and he doesnt go through you watch.
And I have a bad feeling for a first black president..
Assassination could be an issue.
They could never of protected both Hilly & Obama but this guy will bring out the best of the marines.


:bashhead: I cant believe anyone who is in the mj movement would even consider that "I would sell my soul to get elected" McCain. And Sarah Palin is so fucking scary its a joke. Does anyone really think america has been going in the right direction on any topic? Yeah lets keep trying until we are completely fucked! Lets hire another dumb guy for president. One who doesn't let all that thinking get in the way of his decisions. One who has an evil VP. Now lets make him senile and short tempered too!!! Yeah that is the ticket!!!

McCain would fuck all of us mmj users and Obama wouldn't bother us. What kind of choice is that? I could even see obama pushing for outright legalization in his second term. Try watching something other than fox news for once, or, god forbid read a book!

And if youre canadian, don't worry let the big kids handle this.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
TricksR4Kids said:
McCain would fuck all of us mmj users and Obama wouldn't bother us. What kind of choice is that? I could even see obama pushing for outright legalization in his second term. Try watching something other than fox news for once, or, god forbid read a book!

And if youre canadian, don't worry let the big kids handle this.

Yes, I'm a proud Canadian & I'm very much anticipating the big show. Americans do know how to put one on. I hope you'll make him wear a rubber. Are you the one that bought Pelosi's book? "How to do little in eight easy weeks"

I wouldn't vote for Obama for all the tea in China. I find the press to be leaning toward Obama, so looks like you have the same choice as your media. The day I start agreeing with an Oprah endorsement please send out the marines. LoL
You not liking my choice means, well nothing kid. :asskick:
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^^ not that it matters but who didn't know Obama was muslim? He actually stated he was a muslim when the campaign first started but americans have a shitty memory so he got away with saying im a christian when he was being criticized for being a muslim.
Dude he was never a muslim, never said he was a muslim. Yeah he said he was and everyone just forgot? The reporters and such just don't remember? That is why McCain has any votes because most people believe some idiot who doesn't know shit but that doesn't stop him from opening his mouth.

It doesn't matter that everyone else is getting locked up until that everyone else is you getting steamrolled on some 7 year bullshit cause the DA wanted to make an example of someone that week. If you smoke u gotta vote, and there is only one candidate that might actually change some shit regarding mj and maybe not just mmj.
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CHANGE....................................... what you will have when Obama is done spending your money.

I am sorry but The dems consitently promote unconstitutional cradle to grave welfare that we have to pay for and constantly try to undermine personal security and freedom with firearm bans. at least Mccain isnt a neocon. Freedom is about personal accountability not government responsibility. A real true liberal like Benjamin Franklin believed in personal freedom these communists masquerading as liberals are having a feild day with touchy feely laws. when I lived in san fransisco I could not pack my gun around but since diane slimestine was an elitist democrat she could because she was above the law and law didnt apply to her because she could be acountable but i the simple person could not nancy pelosi and barbara noxious also from california share this same veiw. They are government there fore they can do what you can not.

If the democrats would get out of the left game and actualy do what people asked and actualy served with out constantly trying to abrogate the constitution maybe they would get some where. Obama is a puppet who,s string are pulled by the whores of the democratic part who spread there legs for big bucks lobby.

need i remind people This is a costitutional republic NOT A DEMOCRACY. DEMO CRACY = MAJORITY RULE so ten guys decide to rape one woman thats democracy. a constutional repblic protects the integrity of the woman no matter what the majority wishes to do or how the majority feels. I dont want a demcratic push for democracy no thanks I just want my constitutional republic back if we stuck with the constitution we wouldnt have mmj or marijuana concerns to begin with.
Btw you better start looking a Joe Biddens voting record before you sit convinced obama and bidden wont bother mmj users bidden IS PRO DRUG WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I challange you not to take that from me but to go look for yourself you go do the research and the fact speak for themselves on where Bidden sits with MMJ and prohibition he has long been a proponant for DEA funding and ant drug laws and increased penalties and enhancing penalties. You go look at the FACTS your self just the FACTS and either way the FACTS indicate your going to get ass rammed by bidden
RU FUCKING SERIOUS GW has DOUBLED our debt (5 trillion! but im sure your pea size brain can't comprehend that number). You know how much money he has spent of our (or borrowed). Do you make 5 million a year (and pay taxes on it)? Cause if you don't you got fucked so hard in the ass for the last 8 years. Now you are saying give me more!

Someone told you long ago that democrats spend all the money on "welfare" and are for raising taxes and you regurgetate that shit. George Bush and McCain have destroyed any freedoms you have then borrowed enough money from china to bankrupt our country then started a new cold war then gave all the revenues to their freinds and you are spewing some shit about welfare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude the welfare budget isn't one tenth of one percent of the money we have spent on torturing people and spying on our own citezens. Get a clue.

That is the problem with so many people in this country half of them are bound to be idiots with small penis's that think the worst thing in the world is to give a single mom a couple blocks of cheese but you don't mind giving rich people billion dollar tax breaks. Fuck you and your microscopic brain.

And biden doesn't have shit to do with shit unless something happens to obama.
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psssst bill clinton also borrowed money from china thats non partisan politics. Oh and btw I am not into emotional arguments facts just the facts. please sir look at biddens voting record. sir I can produce policy that backs my claim and voting records that indicate future plans to abrogate the constitution can you? and since you are obviously left shouldnt you be saying that I am "cognitivly challenged" and "reproductively challenged" because we wouldnt want to offend with hate speach. especialy since dems tried to pass a hate speach law that says if you feel threatened its a crime. oooo oooooo i feel threatened arrest that man. DEMOPCRACY DEMOCRACY I WANT DEMOCRACY ARREST THAT MAN!!!!!!!
well u were speaking about bidden and I don't disagree with you that he hasn't been friendly. to be honest I haven't even check. but, he says what most politicians who aspire to higher office say. 'lock em all up!' because most politicians don't have the balls to stick up for mj rights or "criminals" in general. now we have the first and maybe only president we will ever see who just might finaly end the prohibition. the day I have wanted to come since I took my first toke. and I actually hear people on here who are blowing this propoganda around. it just surprises the hell out of me.

yeah obama is a muslim, and radical, and is going to spend more money than bush,....it's all bullshit. he is black though, which i know is problem for a lot of republican types. i guess i'm not a cool aid drinker and didn't expect so many on here. i'm done with this post.

and canadian dude, no one besides a canadian even knows who ur prime minister or queen or whatever it is you have up there is without "the googles" so why u worrying about us. my state has double gdp of ur entire country. so you just keep ur mouth shut until we tell you to do something. k ehh? If McCain gets elected u guys better watch ur backs a bit, you might just be next! you do have some nice oil sands up there we would like to check into. so I wouldn't be so smart assed! :rant: :dueling: :spank:
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