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Ultimate Stealth Grow With Northern Light!

So any suggestion on how long to vegg it??


if thats in a reg size PC case I would be veggin now. it'll stretch to double its size the first few weeks of flower. or should however with such small containers of dirt it may not go too wild.
so why dirt, why not hydro?
oh by the way, I think your PC case "room" is what everybody who lives in a small place should have. cheap with CFL and easily hidden. good way to have a bit of smoke that yuou dont pay exhorberant prices for.


I'm not an expert in micro-grows...but you try what seems to be right..

you copy the adress of the picture and in your reply you click "insert image" then paste the link... like that

If thats aluminum foil I would switch it for some mylar... Check out some reflective gift wrap next time you are at the store.
Are you using the 2600K bulbs on your whole grow? 6400K are best for veg. Also, if you haven't got it allready, you should have some kind of reflector. If you dont, half your watts are wasted :( Here is a link to a very easy one that will probably fit perfect on your bulbs, made from a beer can/soda can: http://www.weedguru.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=28027

The CFL light is should also be fairly close to the plants, it's strength decreases fast when you have too much distance to the canopy.


Thanks guys thats some great tips!
Yeah its a common computer size..
Just big enough, nothing more....
Well this is my first grow. I try to
keep it simple^^

The problem with mylar and switcing right now is thats its
rly hard to do pracitcly any work in there..
I´m gonna see if I can make a reflector
but we will see how it goes .9

Potty : Is it needed the wrap in with mylar?
The reflector thingy??

Thanks for rly great advice and tips!
Best Regards!
Well mylar is the best thing to use, I guess the aluminum reflects ok in its own too. Don't use alufoil at least, although it looks shiny it reflects poorly. Possibly it would work ok just to spraypaint it flat white until you get your hands on some mylar. Good luck :)


Ive grown Northern Lights before, she is a slow vegger and is squatty but she flowers pretty quick, its gonna triple in size so just think of that... Just my opinion. Good luck it looks kool! Thanks for posting your methods!:wave:


Tripple in size, maybe I should switch soon then xD

My plan is to let it grow up ~7-10cm and then let the top under the scrog.
And then switch to 12/12 :)

thanks for advice!

We´ll se what can be done, atm its very hard to do anything. Cuz the plant
is pretty much stuck in there. so is everything else :/
I think I have to wait until next run to do any changes :(
Hope it will do ok :)


Crotchety Cabaholic
When I grew NL, it nearly tripled in size after the flip.
Mine went 49 days after the flip under 170w of CFLs.


It looked a little dropy today. Dont know why?? Over/under watering??

I gave it 100%strengh nutrition including water, anyhow I also switched to 12/12


4days of flowering and its going vry good!
Bottom leafs dont look to good but thats kind
off usual, no?

Here you can se and overview of the plant and also
the buttom leafs I was talking about

The new tops:

Closeup on the top/s

:thank you: :wave:
Beautiful plant :) But shouldn't the scrog-net be higher up? So you can push the tops and buds outwards? Right now its not really doing anything?


its in the middle. Maybe it should..
But not.. im gonna use it to bend the plant down so the buttom
stuff get more light:) If your understand =)
will do it in a day or two, check in later! :)