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Ulkokasvatus 2011


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Somewhat accurate there oth :)
That was one of the left over plants that we (almost) had no spots for, started and planted a bit too late, with only a little bit of chicken crap to boost the grow, we were gonna ditch the spot she was in cause of bad performance in the 2010 season, but then i remembered it and planted some DRs and LR2s there anyways, this was the best and biggest plant of the spot, something like 6-7 grams total :D We smoked it all trimming other buds, so it was kool :) Nice colors and only one bud had mold on it. Maybe the purp-effect again? :artist:

Damn rough on the old lungs tho :wave:


Well-known member
Flmao ! :D oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, and I'm still laughing.

edit: chilled out meanwhile, but it was the "purp-effect" smileycon" that triggered it mostly and your story created a whole lot of unexplaneble assumptions in my head that started to create a life of its own. ;)

And I even haven't got the chance to toke up already today...

Well, anytime soon in this theatre.


Well-known member
I suppose BT knows his strains Gamezz, but it is not a Dieselryder that've got grown up under "usual" circumstances.

This is not how they usually look I mean to say, but this is also not a pheno type or so.

This baby has had real cold feet most of the time, while having to mature under verry humid and cold conditions.

It 'll make them tend to look like this.

Ps. Since you are from Belgium... I use to work with some online translater a lot in order to catch up with the guys here. > Finnish language just happens to be to "brilliant" for us to wrap our minds around, hehe :D


New member
i've read diesel ryder so :p.
i liked the colour of the red plant , never seen such a red one before.

and yea , i've put on auto translation with my browser


Well-known member
Ah, You younger ppl are so way ahead of me with those things.

Cool gamezz. :)

BT here is the one who's notorious for his artistic talents (and usually monstrous big plants), We maybe gonna see some more of his art in the future.

I'd still put my bet on the purples for some reason tho. >Red root, Red cabbage, (actually purple), purple salad, loads of purple wildflowers and veggies in this regio etc. There has to be a reason why peticular this colour was naturally proven to be the most succesfull under cold circumstances imo.

Wished there to be some "arctic botanist" around here on this site to clear me up, but I also don't have the "guts" (or mostly energy) to open a thread of my own on it.

In not all sections ppl are behaving as well as in the Finnish one I noticed. >Lots of know-it-alls around there and who actually don't happen to contribute a flying fuck at all goddamnit.

I can imagine how ppl there would go after someones intuition on something "out of the box" a little.
(I could quote a large number of intuitive thinking ppl that have initially seen their dreams beeing smashed into oblivion because of others beeing critical of their ideas.)

Hence, If I happen to have a valid point on this observation... well, it will show out in time I reckon. > I'm in no hurry to figure it all out on my own.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Gamezz, yes it's Diesel Ryder there. Every other DR was regular green, but this girl wanted to stand out and be a bit special :)


Well-known member
Great BT and you smoked it, duh. :D

Any seeds in thatone?

And thanks for clearing me up. I realy thought you had them all like that there due to cold.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Yea, there were 5 or 6 seeds on that one. Prolly fathered by LR2.. Not gonna use em tho.

Herbie, on tuolla vielä pari siemenplanttua kärsimässä, mutta ovat jo niin homeessa, ettei niistä varmaan mitään enää pelasta. :)

Terppoja Budapestistä! :blowbubbles:


Onkos kukaa tääl muuten testannu tehä pistoja noista tanskalaisista ja viedä sit kesän alussa ulos? Onnistuiskohan? Vähän houkuttais ajatus tuosta ku tuli niin isolla prosentilla urkkeja menneelle kesälle.


Active member
Tänään kävin viimeiset Pehkuruderit kaatamassa, näyttivät melko kärsineiltä mutta peratessani kukintoja hometta oli hyvin vähän. Aika kovat geenit tuntus piilevän tossa Pkr linjassa, korvaamatonta jalostusmateriaalia! :)

Mmjoo ei oo jaksanut paljon postaillu kun on riittäny trimmailuissa tuota työtä, muutenki tuntuu ettei jaksa sanaakaan ganjan kasvattelusta puhua juuri nyt, mutta kaippa sitä taas innostuu kun pitää pari kuukautta taukoa. :D

Kelpo ulkokausi kaikenkaikkiaan, aikamoisia määriä budia meni homeessa metsään ja trimmaaminen on ollu helvetillistä, mutta luonnettahan se vaan kasvattaa.

Heitän vielä muutamia fotoja syksyn varrelta kunhan jaksan, nyt vielä vähän trimmausta! ;)


Näinhän se menee :D

Välillä kasvatukset pursuu korvista ulos ja hetken kun on taas pysähtyneenä niin alkaa kihelmöimään. Vähänkun heroiini - not that i'd know. :p


Trimmatessa tuli manailtua pari kertaa ja nyt ei oikein jaksa innostaa...mutta odotas kun kevätaurinko rupee paistamaan niin viimestään sillon alkaa taas kiinnostamaan ja suunnittelu alkaa :D


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Mitä jos..

Laittais siemenlafkan pydeen, alkais nysväämään ulkopudisiiduja pohjolan halukkaille. Nimeksi tulis "Katala Paja", koska se kuullostaa kohtalaisen intialaiselta, ollen silti aika jekku ja kotimainen nimi..?:tiphat:

Rahhoo siis ei ole tarkoitus tehdä, mutta yhteistä asiaa edistääkseen niinkus. :ying:


No olishan tuo nyt ihan helvetin hyvä homma. Kotimaiselle "kaupalliselle" osaamiselle on varmasti kysyntää pitkin suomenmaata, ja veikkais et norskit ja svenskit osais kanssa arvostaa. :)

Siinä saattais saada tän skenessä rullaavan kuitukusetus -tyylisen toiminnan kitkettyä vähemmälle, kun jengi löytää ihan siemenpankin mistä sitä laatupapua saa.


Well-known member
Edit 1. My translator did not work so I understood things wrong a bit. but yeh, now the post is as it is.

Where would this seed bank be located BT ? cuzz that'd be the first question to cross my mind.
But sure, I'm all for it. I'd be the first in line to give my seeds to someone willing to distribute them EVENLY over our "northern" population.
Someone would have to raise his hand and say, Yup, that's me, sent me your seeds and ppl will just have to sent him a letter with an extra poststamp and some adress in it, and all will get a pre-calculated amount of seeds from our "seed depository" that's been devided by the number of clients per month or so.

Sure could work, but who'd be the one to raise his hand and remain trusteble?
I mean, I'd be trusteble enough to pull it off, but I 'd foresee a shitload of legal trouble heading my way if I realy were to do it.

What I notice in here is that ppl are affraid that their outdoor project will not turn out as was beeing hoped for.
Once you show them "the way" on "how it's done", ppl will become confident and be more motivated to "grow their own", But they need to have SEEN it first, before they believe it.
It's the "insecurity treshold" imo, and that is the one that seems to live real strong among Finn.
Ofcourse, for ppl living in Finland and who would like to grow their own, the most importend denominater to fail or succeed remains in most cases the genetics they got to work with.
Considering the rogue nature of our cops in here, I reckon it would be hard to get someone to take up the roll of "seed dispenser" in here, as my bet is on that the cops would be all over it.

Happily, good things also seem to happen "off-forum" a lot, ;) ;)

Edit 2: but did I understand that you would just plant some "trees" and tell em were they are standing?

Well, The telling em part I don't do, tho. (besides, they are real hard to find and grow on nearly unaccessible locations ) ;) ;)
Hmm, I first would need to leave there some GPS device or so then, but but... duh, nah.

To maintain and improve upon those spots is a lot of work too, and I would not have the peace of mind when working on my plots if there would be more then only one (me) who knows about their location.
But in essence yeh, that's how it goes > I put some "trees" in the forest, cut them out, put them in a bag near the roadside and tell someone in need the location of the bag.
Just as plain as simple as that, but the exact location of the growspots I would want to keep secret tho.
The drying and trimming they will have to do themselves, but to me there is no profit in it at all.
It's a bit like Little Red Riding Hood picking flowers to granma, hehe :D but then with a black ski-mask or... how's Zorro? duuuuuh, lol. :D

But If I were to sow a lot of seeds on a random spot like on the dyke along our river... Sure that would work somehow, but it's only that they will become overgrown by native plants and not provide more than a couple of gramms per plant that way.

What does happen tho, is that ppl share the location of their spot once they move to some other town, so the newbees can move in and take over the already worked patch of clearence.

One occasion I know off, ppl even sold off their spot instead of their weed :D, Yups, carrying soil and hiking for spots for some can be quite a BITCH to do yanno. lol. :)

Ah well, aparently ppl will find ways to get things done anyhows.

One thing I'd still like to say... In circles where I happen to move around, ppl happily are still HONEST, don't snitch and are easy going, but ok, that's not everywhere the case and also I had got to learn some lessons the hard way with some individuals in the past, but at least the "goodwill" is here aparently.

Still, Finnland imo is the land of great opportunity that way, cuzz stuff I am able to pull off in here would never be an option to do anywhere else or like in south. Just saying.

The Money Equation for most in South is of a far too crucial factor to remain honest, I noticed, whereas here in Finland I almost only happen to meet ppl that are doing it for ideological reasons, or maybe just:" common sense" or some" hidden compassion" showing out amongst modern young and midlife Finn especially.


Siemenlafka firma on hyvä idea :tiphat: Tosin kuka sitä sitten rupeaa vetämään ja minkälaista kiinnostusta se herättää esim virkavallassa?


Jotain kesän huomioita vois listata:

- Useimmat earlyt tykkää kun niitä lannoittaa runsaalla kädellä. Biobizzin taulukon määrät voi melkein tuplata varsinkin kukituksen loppuvaiheessa ja isojen kasvien kohdalla.

- Kusipullot kasvien välittömässä läheisyydessä tuntus toimivan aikasta hyvin, tosin silti muutamia oksia on lähtenyt parempiin suihin.

- Vkl on huonoa aikaa käydä spoteilla varsinkin loppukesästä kun marjastajat ym metsästäjät on liikenteessä. Omien kokemusten mukaan lauantai ehkä huonoin päivä.

- Uusi spotti ja uudet mullat toimii paremmin kun vanha spotti ja vähän lisättyä uutta multaa.

-maito/vesi seoksella suihkuttelu kannattaa alottaa jo kukituksen alussa ja lopettaa hyvissä ajoin kun rupee tuleen muutenkin vettä tarpeeksi taivaalta

- Lehtiä on hyvä ruveta napsimaan pikku hiljaa pois kun kukitus on loppupuolellaan paremman ilmankierron takia.

Varmaan paljon muutakin mutta nyt just ei tule mieleen...